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I did not get

an sms and rocked up to this after a 5am start and 3 hour drive from Sydney. Why not send both an SMS and email to be sure when cancelling the day before? Not overly impressed.
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What was their response?
Try a 4am start, arrive in the driving rain. Get to where your campsite is. Only to find sheet water running an inch deep over all of it. Spend 2 hours with mates erecting first a 3x3 shelter, then a large tent. All in the non stop rain. Watch on as 4x4s were getting bogged and cutting up the main access trail. All along thinking, this weekend is going to be a very very long one....
Then get the tap on the shoulder from one of the organisers telling you that they've decided to "postpone" the event....
Now spend another hour pulling down what you have just erected.... And so on.
This wasn't me, it was my team mate. I was nice and dry arranging a motel for the night as we decided - why not stay and play at stromlo?
That was a good call. The mont teams' call will be the subject of some conjecture. But at least they made the call. Early.
We obviously left early. Earlier than most. But spare a thought for the group of guys that DROVE from PERTH!!! 4000kms! Full car, bikes on roof, 3 nights accom on the way over. They arrived into Canberra just in time to get the text message....
They stayed and played stromlo too. I hope you made the most of the situation too. We had an awesome time with plan B.
Now for the interesting bit.... When will it be rescheduled too?
as well as an SMS would have been prudent.
Met one guy who flown in from Melbourne and he was not so happy either.
My plan B was a coffee and Bungendoe and then go back and do laps of the dam on a quite pleasant sydney afternoon.
Staffe, what would you be saying now if they canned the race on the Thursday on the back of a weather forecast had that forecast been wrong?
I too drove the 3hrs to Canberra to arrive only to be told that they canned it 5 minutes earlier. All good by me, they made the call early, more than 24hrs before race start, kept there FB and website updated with progress along the way, including notice of the temporary closure of the campsite. I have to ask what were your team mates doing that they didn't pass on any of those messages to you? Mine were updating me with messages and calls every time something changed.
My Plan B ended up being a weekend in Jindy staying at a mates house, which was even wetter than Canberra ended up being.
No complaints from me at all about either the timing of or their ultimate decision. Yes it would have been nice to have found out before I spent $120 in petrol (to and from Canberra) and over $30 in tolls but it's not their fault I left so early.
Our first plan b was jindi! Second plan b was husky! I think we ended up with the best final plan b..... Stromlo!!!!
Yours was the best option from a riding point of view but i had a great weekend catching up with a good mate and his family and drinking his homebrew.
very long and courteous. As it turned out I had not stored my mobile phone number with the registration.
Will be interesting to see what happens next.