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New MTB'er

Hello all,
Just wanting to say hi and introduce myself. Been following this forum since Christmas and signed up today. Came back to cycling about 6 months ago after being off the bike for 10 years. The old road bike isn't as comfortable anymore so have been looking to give mtb ago and get away from the cars. So I did the specialized test day at OMV (thanks to spotting the post on here), what an introduction to mtb
Since then I have tested 5 bikes and eventually purchased a Trek Fuel 29er. It was a close call between the camber and fuel but the fuel won out on price as it was on sale. I have now done a few road rides on it and today hit Mount Annan for its first taste of dirt and must say I'm very happy with the bike. However my fitness needs some work, I can't believe how tough it is compared to the road. I had visions of doing a 50km race later in the year but based on today's effort I don't think I will be ready in time.
So hopefully I will see some of you guys and gals out on the trails.
Thanks for reading
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(Boom tish
You've chosen really well for a first bike.
Fitness will come the more you ride, and as you pick up little bits and pieces about nutrition on and off the bike. Just gradually increase your volume and allow yourself to recover as needed and you'll be fine.
Welcome to this awesome sport that is mountain biking. Agree with Hawkeye once you've got used to riding trails and more regularly you'll fitness will naturally develop. Regarding 50km events being too far you could try some club races when ready that generally are between 10-30km long depending on the grade you want to race in. Clubs I know are central coast mountain bike club (Ourimbah) Hunter mountain biking club (Awaba and Singleton) and Western Sydney (Yellomundee).
Look out for rides posted on NobMob and join in to meet like minded people. Happy riding
Hi Tom,
A warm welcome to mtb riding. You'll find we are all a friendly lot on the trail and on the blogs.
You're correct about how tough mtb can be. I've often heard it said that 1km mtb is about equal to 5km on the road. MTB is akin to circuit training - pedal hard, brake, turn, coast, pedal again, etc. But is does get easier with technique, practice and fitness (wish I had a bit of these three!).
If you want to try a club race, check out Western Sydney MTB Club ( and on FB). Our next race is at Yellomundee RP on Sunday 18 May. You pick the division you feel is suitable. D Div does 2x6km laps, and takes 40-60mins. That's where I race. The A Div guys do 5x6km laps in about 90mins.
Ray Rice
[email protected]
You took the bike out on a hard track for the first outing it is not a technical track it is a body draining track which helps you get fit quicker good luck and enjoy the bike , put up a post if you like ppl to join you its how we all started on here ..
Thanks for the welcome.
I totally missed the club racing thing, I thought it was just the major races. Club racing sounds like a good way to get started. So do A grade and D grade share the track at the same time? I will work up my skills and fitness and look into some clubs.
Hi again Tom,
Yes - club racing is a great low pressure way to get an intro to racing, and one of the best ways of improving your skills. At WSMTB all the senior divs (A to D) and U15s share the same track of about 6km. We vary the track a bit depending on what areas need a rest.
The Divs start with A Men, then progress through the order with about 1 minute between starts. This means (for me!) that the A Men are just starting to lap me (in D Div) on their 3rd lap when I'm into my second lap. They do about 2 laps to my one, but I am twice their age!
Overtaking is no issue, there are plenty of opportunities for faster riders - and in club racing there is no aggro.
From your area it would take about 45mins to get to Yellomundee via M2, M7, Richmond Rd, The Driftway, and then Springwood Rd. Hope to see you out there soon.
Forgot to mention that Club racing is quite cheap! At WSMTB we charge a race fee of $15 if you are a MTBA member (ie from any MTBA affiliated club!), and $20 for a non MTBA member. If you are a non MTBA member you also need a Day Licence ($20) for insurance purposes.
And it only takes up a morning, not a full day or weekend.
Casual, nice track with a bit of everything (except massive drops), kids racing (why this kids racing isn't packed every month beats me). Plus I personally would welcome a slower D grade rider
I might join you at the next race in D grade if Ray will let me and I promise him I wont get in the top 3
That would be top 3 by maximum time of course? I'd be happy not to be there.