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Menai Trail Build/Maintenance

ChopStiR's picture

By ChopStiR - Posted on 06 May 2014

NB: Originally posted elsewhere on the Global Riders Network and appears via syndication.
Saturday, 10 May, 2014 - 07:45

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Menai (Lucas Heights)
Meeting Point: 

The meeting point is Little Forest Rd, Lucas Heights. If driving south /south east on Illawara road, pass ANSTO on your left then look for Little Forest Rd and signs to the tip on your right, about 200m after ANSTO.

Follow the road around to the right until you come to the locked gates. Most likely there will be a number of cars there plus Kev (local council rep in a white ute - see him with or about your liability form.


Thought I'd get this up in the calendar although I'm uncertain on a lot of the details so anyone in the know please assist by commenting below.

Build days are held monthly on the second Saturday 0745 to 1200

For the most up to date information, check in on the roturburn thread here

As a once off you will need to download the forms from the first post on the rotorburn thread and Mail, Fax or Scan and email to:

Bushcare Unit
Sutherland Shire Council
Locked Bag 17 Sutherland 1499 Australia
Tel: 02 9524 5672
Fax: 02 9526 6610
[email protected]

You will also be required to complete an online induction. Full details including web address can be found in the forms.

This does not take too long and saves a lot of hassles on the day.

Bring your tools and wear appropriate PPE.

If intending on attending, please email [email protected]

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I meant to add that yesterday but became sidetracked.

The meeting point is Little Forest Rd, Lucas Heights. If driving south /south east on Illawara road, pass ANSTO on your left then look for LF Rd and signs to the tip on your right, about 200m after ANSTO.

Follow the road around to the right until you come to the locked gates. Most likely there will be a number of cars there plus Kev (local council rep in a white ute - see him with or about your liability form.

Meeting time is 07.45.



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