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An amazing response tonight at Warringah Council

I'm a former employee of the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles and I just want to draw a few comparisons from my experiences at Council meetings.
- Despite having a database of many tens of thousands of people the Sea Eagles never got a turn out to a Council meeting like that, even when the future of Brookvale Oval was looking very shaky.
- I can also say with a high degree of confidence that councillors never received so many emails and letters from Sea Eagles fans as they did from the MTB Community.
- For intents and purposes it is a unanimously supported project.
These are massive achievements!
Thanks to everyone who spoke tonight the message got through loud and clear and thanks to those who helped galvanise the support.
Best of luck to the guys taking this project to the next phase. If there is ever anything I can do to help please don't hesitate to ask.
Aaron Markie
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I sent an email in response to the support of this proposed Trail, I sent it to all the Contacts listed, I had replies from 6 of them, as you said Aaron its the support of all that have an interest in the sport, whether it be beginner to advanced, its amazing that it received such attendance, and hope that it means something into the future, great work Aaron, and to all that sent emails in support.
Darren@Dee Why
That's awesome news.
Great that everyone got behind this and added weight to the matter.
Does anyone know if the minutes will be made public?
You can actually watch the live stream on replay !!
It doesn't look like the VOD is ready yet but the link is there at the bottom for the 27-May so I guess it will be available sometime in the future.
I have another view.
Support from the mtb community was excellent.
Nevertheless, I thought Mayor Regan performed a fine display of turd polishing, to borrow a friend's phrase.
Basically he said "we're not having anything to do with it, go approach State govt yourselves". It is very easy for the Councillors to be enthusiastically "behind" something when they're not providing any resources.
Put the fine words to one side and look closely at what they actually DO. In this case, it is nothing.
It unfolded like this: Mayor Regan tabled a resolution to put the onus back on the State government, with no Council involvement.
Fortunately we had some excellent support from three Councillors in particular, being Wayne Gobert, Jose Menano-Pires and Vincent de Luca.
Councillor Menano-Pires' motion to obtain a report no later than October on ways to facilitate the park including revenue models, governance structures and a cost/benefit analysis was defeated on faction lines, opposition being led by Mayor Regan.
Vincent de Luca then proposed an amendment to the Mayor's resolution to provide 3 Councillors to participate in a working party to provide guidance and assistance to the stakeholders (MWCC/MWMTB, Trail Care, another party I can't remember and a local enviroment group that spoke in our favour) to lobby State government to provide a license to operate the site as a trail park, which was passed unanimously.
Besides these councillors I'd also like to express gratitude to Conny Harris from that group (sorry, name of which escapes me) for speaking in favour of the facility.
Thanks also to everybody who spoke. All were great but highlights for me were David Fox and mtb journalist Kath Bicknell, an impressive young lady.
The bottom line is, we're on our own, with a little bit of coaching assistance.
I understand a meeting is now in progress about incorporating so we have a vehicle through which we can approach government. Will advise more when I hear it.
Take your views on board Hawkeye and fair summary I expect. Sorry Winco and I couldn't be there this time to stir up the meeting but sounds like the support was strong. We hope the way is at least cleared for others to take effective action, even if the council are not going to act directly to achieve results like we saw at Old Man's Valley.
Well done for keeping the faith, all of you who have worked for this. Still don't understand why the motos get off scot-free and we all have to fight so hard for a healthy and quiet pastime!!
So what is the next step forward now? Who and how is it happening and how do we get involved?
So what is the next step forward now? Who and how is it happening and how do we get involved?
We need to start a group/association whatever you want to call it, that can basically plan and run the facility.
Personally I think the council has made the right decision, but only if we can set up a trust, get the 3.4 million from the state put in that trust with very little strings attached other than, spend it on the creation and sustaining of this facility according to majority vote in the association. Basically we'd be creating out own council, but just with the people who care.
We'd also need a lease then from the state for the land. Shouldn't be too hard, not like they going to be able to do much with that land anyway to get money.
Then we just build these tracks slowly with volunteer help. That means volunteers to develop bike path plans etc. We can fund some of the more advanced stuff with our 3.4mil, but the general building of the track should be done by volunteers. If we have a strong community as I believe we do, then with 400 odd hands participating during weekends, I can't see it taking too long to get the tracks built. Not to mention the enjoyment of riding what you helped build and the respect you will have for the site after its built.
Lets be honest, egypt was putting up pyramids with their bare hands due to sheer numbers and a bit of strategic planning. We are taking about a tiny bike park in comparison, and we have 3.4 million to supply our material needs, and some of our advanced strategic planning (if we couldnt accrue passionate enough MTBers in those fields).
Am I missing something? i'm sure there must be some council regulations and laws we have to meet, but surely the council is not going to get in our way to much if they just made us go through the state. So if we do it now and do it quick why the heck can't we get this going?
I like what you are saying.
We're working on it right now and lining up meetings with State Government.
If people are keen to help please send me a message or email at [email protected]
What would be great if you could let us know if you are motivated to help build and maintain trails, help run an organisation or anything else. Perhaps a quick bio of skills, qualification, experience or excessive enthusiasm.