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Ranger Danger!

This is the rather tongue in cheek section dedicated to news and events we hear from local rangers. We were going to call this section, "News from the Rangers", but when the suggestion, "Ranger Danger!" was floated as a lighter hearted description the particular rangers there at the time grinned in agreement - so here it is.
If you are a council, park or forests ranger then feel free to contact us to have your news posted on this page.
We're hoping that this will become an informal way for authorities to liaise with the mountain biking community. Hopefully this will make their job of maintaining the varied lands we ride on that much easier. Easier life for rangers equals happy rangers, equals rangers more willing to help riders, hopefully equals better trail access and maintenance.
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Have been off from riding for a while and was somewhat surprised to see NO BIKES signs have appeared at a number of locations within Garigal.
Although I was not surprised at the sign on the single track through the middle of Garrigal (this was always going to happen sooner or later), I was surprised to see signs over at Oxford Falls.
Reading through variouse forums I see that Moab and Moon rock have been slated to be closed for some time, but there is no comment (that I can find) on the closure of the XC CCT at Oxford Falls... (No bike sign now at the start of the cct, just past the WRCC gates).
Although the PoM would indicate that ALL single track is now off limits.
In terms of submissions to re-open some areas, in addition to the general benefits of riding and planned management of trails, could there also be some weight given to 'traditional use' of an area ?
I have lived and played in this area for over 30 years (growing up in Belrose, now living in Pymble) and being able to ride the same trails with my kids, as I did and explored at their age, is a real buzz.
As a kid, 30 years ago, Garrigal was a mess. An open area of no-rules usage. Oxford falls seemed to fair a little better, and Red Hill ... well that's another story.
Fast forward 30years, and Garrigal seems well managed and provides excellent cycling on trails. Single track possibilities (ala Manly Dam) also seem viable. Oxford falls ?
Much building and construction off and on, but the XC CCT has stayed pretty much the same for the whole time ! (Definitly needs some help at it's low point) but on the whole seems to defy age ?!? (Red Hill? Let's not talk about that here ...)
How do we best get our beloved single track back ?
Wit Cieslik
check out
for starters and a little bit of recent history.
and welcome to the best bike site around!