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Kinross - a hidden gem

I rocked up an hour late this morning due to a need to reschedule an appointment with the real estate agent, but that turned out well.
I arrived about the same time as a bunch of guys from Parkes who know their way around.
So while I didn't quite get the kilometres in I was hoping for (only 17) I had a great time following the wheels of some guys who knew their way around instead of having to fluff around with a map and a compass.
I have to say... how good is this place? Lots of climbing to test the legs and heart rate, followed by some crazy fun bermy descents. In particular the trail heading back the the carpark known as "North Shore" is a real highlight. I rode it three times. Stay off the brakes and lean into the berms.
The only improvement i could suggest would be taking a lead from Awaba and colour-coding loops with signs.
Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen as the trails are due to be logged sometime soon.
On the upside, the same crew has been busy out at Mt Canobolas.
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Get your self and a couple of mates to the final of the chocy foot single track mind series on the 19 oct.
Its the last event of the year, and always a good one to finish off the year.
The course is awesome at race pace - you can only imagine how fast you can hit that last downhill section.
Ride it with a group of mates for even more fun.
The SXC Racing boys will be there in full force !
Yeah, come to the STM
Glad you enjoyed the tracks.
This video will help you re-live the 'north shore'
After all that's said about trail erosion/sharing, logging that area should be a crime.
Might be worth a letter to the local Council. Those trails would bring more dollars to the local economy than logging for sure.
Council has nothing to do with it. The forest is owned by the Forestry corporation and they are in the business of selling wood.
They have always been extremely pleasant to deal with as one of the few land managers who have always supported mountain biking (Lidsdale was approved in the early 90s) but if we start demanding they not log "our" trails then I think that would change fairly quickly and we'd find our selves on the outer. Even the renown trails in NZ are subject to the logging cycle. Think of it as a chance to start few and improve.
That wasn't a well thought out comment.
I get that these places are effectively wood farms and a long way removed from what you'd call natural forest.
It just strikes me as bizarre that mountain bike tourism brings more to the local economies than logging, both in soft benefits as well as hard currency, and has done in places like Rotorua and 7stanes for some time, is without doubt more sustainable, yet the authorities still wipe it all away with bulldozers to keep the sawmillers happy.
Dysfunctional much?
Logging is a win, win, win.
They get their timber which employs the loggers, gives us stuff to build with, lets arty folk have something to tinker with and journo's something to print on.
Trail builders get a fresh slate every couple of years which keeps them employed and lets them improve or modify trails to suit whatever the latest wheel size fad maybe (just quietly I hear 20" will be making a big comeback at Sea Otter next year)
Best of all we get trails to ride that get refreshed every couple of years so we can look the CFO in the eye and honestly say, No Honey, I haven't ridden these trails yet, it's important I go this time.
Lol, yep I can go with that
Variety keeps things interesting and there's nothing like trailbuilding for cross-training, eh?