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Lost lense- Snives Sniggle/Muppet Show

Morning all-
i know its a slim chance- but if someone happens across a lost clear (photochromic) lense somewhere on the snives sniggle/mupet show between the nursery entrance and the forest way exit. I imagine it'll be on one of the sections with branches at eye level.
It was lost this morning(23/10/14)
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Picked up a Rudy Project lenses just before the show grounds, coming up from the wild flower garden. It's not clear though.... Will take a photo if it sounds like it could be the one
fingers crossed- i'm not sure if the lost lense has it on there- but the remaining lens has some white text on the top side of the lens- "Impactx Photo Multilaser Clear". i'll send you a PM so you have my email if that's cool.
Thanks for the message also!