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Oaks Up And Back

Damien's picture

By Damien - Posted on 20 April 2008

Friday, 25 April, 2008 - 07:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
The Oaks

This ride is the Oaks up and back it is a training ride for the dirtworks so will be at a moderate to fast pace similar to todays ride at Terry Hills and the Andersons Oaks adventure a few weeks ago.

There are no trains involved with this ride as we leave Gleenbrook and head up the Oaks under our own power to the top gate at Woodford. Here we turn around and head back to Glenbrook with a possible detour out the Pisgah trail before blasting down the single track.

Who's in?
Rob, craigs, tienster, Paul, lorrie, leximack, leopafe, Carlgroover, Gary, Damien, lozza6, Supagav (12 riders)
Rob craigs tienster Paul lorrie leximack leopafe Carlgroover Gary Damien lozza6 Supagav
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lorrie's picture

sounds good. I did this ride yesterday and it was soo weeeetttt!

lozza6's picture

I have a wedding to go to at 3:30 though..

We should be back way before then though hey.


leximack's picture

having not riden my mountain bike since early february i better dust off the cobwebs and make sure it still functions before the 100km of dirtworks.
See you all there


Damien's picture

You will be back way before 3.30

lozza6's picture

I want at least a little bit of recovery before i start hitting the cans at the wedding Sticking out tongue

May put Ditty's Saturday morning ride in jeapordy though.. We'll see.... Will still try to make both Smiling


Rob's picture

LOL... I was about to tell you not to go riding on the morning you have to attend a wedding.

But then I thought about that advice and as I recall, last time I went to a wedding, as a best man... hmmmm... went for a cheeky lap of the dam earlier in the day. Laughing out loud

lozza6's picture

I'm not best man, so I can probably get away with it Sticking out tongue

Should be a good ride.


Little-Ditty's picture

Anyone interested in meeting this crew at Woodford and riding down only? Any takers?

Carlgroover's picture

me at Woodford real early, I'm thinking of doing it 4 ways for more k's, lights needed.

lozza6's picture

you NUTTER!! Laughing out loud

Paul's picture

Can John or any of the other locals give us an update on the track condition, my bike is having a pre-DW service and I would hate to undo all the good work.

Carlgroover's picture

Hills really were my friends on Sunday, did all my passing on them, so better do some more for the DW100.

Bernd's picture

... tuneing up the Race Rig!!!!!

Carlgroover's picture

The Oaks due to it's steep sandy nature drains well, so I would think if it rains Thursday the wear and tear would only be slightly more than normal, it's never muddy.

Damien's picture

I have ridden it when its wet and was fine like John said its not muddy and does drain well I will be there rain hail or shine.

Caro's picture

I like your idea.
Let me know...

(It's me your flatmate... Puzzled Shocked )

lozza6's picture

Smiling Cool, so we'll meet you at the top?

Or.. you could ride UP with us.. and then catch the train back? Laughing out loud


lorrie's picture

about riding up... long story ... but i underestimated the effect of a ride up on a hot day and I took a fair few people up the oaks trail we did St helena's and rode back down and i only think they have just started talking to me now...

Little-Ditty's picture

Yep, that's the one. That day was a killer. I really learnt the lesson of dehydration that day. Although I would not expect the same issues on Friday. You will more than likely need to figure out a way to prevent hyperthermia.

Well housemate, is that a yes? Sticking out tongue

Cheers all.

lorrie's picture

may prevent hyperthermia??? Eye-wink

(sorry i couldn't resist Ditty)

Damien's picture

Riding up the Oaks will keep you warm.

Caro's picture

I guess so.. Smiling
Maybe I'll even get to talk to you!? I could even give you a lift!!! Sticking out tongue
Who would NOT want to ride in that weather anyway?

Does anybody have a good guess at around what time you'll get to the top, so we can meet you?

Damien's picture

It takes about about 1 hour and 45/50 minutes from the bottom to the top at Woodford so we would be there around about 9.20am.

leximack's picture

park at glenbrook and get the 8.23am train, gets to Woodford at 8.54am.
Cruise down to trail start and we should be fairly close by

Caro's picture


mtbasn.alex's picture

I'm up for the extra-early start carlgrover meet you nice and early for the ride down Laughing out loud

Carlgroover's picture

Not grover, what sort of person would ever call themselves carlgrover Eye-wink
Anyhoo that's great Alex, should we do it the soft way down the highway to start? That would be 6:45am leave my place.
Cheers John.

mtbasn.alex's picture

we will take the road so we can we have done 20km - Road and 50km - MTB

Carlgroover's picture

27km for you and 21km for me on road, then 56km up and back on the Oaks then after the bakery pig out we get to ride home.

craigs's picture

I am doing this ride, and I know you all will be too....see you there 7:30

Damien's picture

This ride is on rain hail or shine see you all at 7.30am.

Carlgroover's picture

will be there, It's not raining at Woodford now, but have had rain today.

Carlgroover's picture

Great, no more rain through the night at Woodford, but it is cool and overcast.
see you soon.

Rob's picture

More fun than you can shake a stick at!

Smashed the helipad to gate challenge with Damien and Alex (erm... OK, by 9 seconds, 35 seconds better than my PB). Sniggle was again awesome at a good pace and even the climb out wasn't so bad.

Loving The Oaks lately! Laughing out loud

Stuart M's picture

although I must admit I was expecting to get caught before we got to the sniggle.

So my ride time was 3.56 and I didn't do the side excursion. I dip my hat to the train. Top effort guys

Caro's picture

for the great ride Stu, Paul and Lozza!
Had the best time! don't remember the Oaks being so much fun? Laughing out loud
Very pleased (surprised) making it through ALL te single track without a single dab, even the little uphill bit!! (thank you so much Paul!!) Glad we missed the snake the Lozza had to stop for!? Shocked
Was great to meet the rest at the bakery, looks like you all are MORE than ready for DW, have fun!!
Happy days and today even the sun is shining!!
Magic Smiling

Damien's picture

Great ride thanks to everyone that came along see you all at the dirtworks.

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