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Manly Dam This Weekend - Open?

Hey guys,
how likely is it from your experience that they will close the Dam this weekend due to all the rain/storms happening? Just trying to figure out if I need to look for alternatives to ride.
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The forecast is not looking good
it depends a lot on how much rain we get today and tomorrow, the rangers usually make the call last thing friday and update their website as well as putting out the closed signs.
here's the link to the Warringah Council website:
Also worth noting that there is a Trail Run at the Dam on Sunday:
Not sure how that impacts the bike trail... Maybe trickier to park, or unwitting spectators wandering about?
They look to be only running the eastern side of the Dam. You could maybe ride the Dam from King to the end of the Golf Course Sniggle and then cut across to Serrata, but I did notice on the map they are running across in Bantry Bay also.
The last two times I have seen them they run up possum the whole way and also cutting across the pipeline and up feeder.
Not going to ride it on Sunday then anyway. Possibly heading up in the National Park. Will still trying to ride it tomorrow though if it stays open. Has anyone ridden it in the past few days and had the rain had any impacts so far?
I just rode it & finished before the storm arrived. It was surprisingly very dry. A few small puddles just after Seaforth Bowlo and also between that golf course rock lookout and the rock garden up to the Trig Track. Very minor so your tyres get wet but that's it. No damage to the track IMO.
Note - that was before the big storm which has just hit - I'm at Nth Balgowlah and there's hail and heavy rain. If the storm passed quickly it will be fine for tomorrow.
the website says its openso how reliable is this? Just came home and dont know how hard the storm hit. Its supposed to rain more but oh well I guess I just see tomorrow. I'm just so desperate to ride at the moment, its not funny.
So whats your guys take for this weekend? It did rain a lot but it also windy and that may have helped to dry the trails. As long as it stays reasonably dry today will the trails be rideable, what do you think?
Going by the nature strip test out the front of my place, I reckon it's probably a bit too damp right at the moment.
But if the wind stays consistent and there is only very light drizzle such as we had earlier in the week you should be good for Saturday.
Thanks for doing the testing mate
Looks like the sun should be out all afternoon and if thats the case and they leave the Dam open, I'll give it a try early tomorrow morning.
Council has declared the dam open.
Of course I would be happier if my $#%^ wheel I ordered would hurry up and arrive!
Since the modifications, it draining better.
Maybe they could modify my nature strip then. Squishy this morning.
My nature strip is fine
Yeah, but I've got the special Dam Trail Condition Remote Sensing Nature Strip(TM)