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social night cruise *NOW WED*

Wednesday, 30 April, 2008 - 19:20 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
2 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry:
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest Meeting Point:
Terrey Hills Tavern (2 Aumuna Rd, Terrey Hills)
Note: now moved to Wednesday night by popular demand.
Anyone interested in a SOCIAL CRUISY ride at Terrey Hills on Tuesday Wednesday night? Just a nice ride, no ‘roid boys invited unless they will ride slow – I imagine there are people out there who aren’t going to Dirtworks? And us of who are still have days to clean our bikes...
Plus I have a work function Wednesday night and touch Thursday night...
Rainfall (last week):
Who's in?
Bernd, christine, Buck, Paul, daves, Bruce, LikeAGlove, Damien, Noel, Hans, Morgan (11 riders)

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if it where on Thursday
I'm up for a very slow ride, so touch wood I'll be there.
Will call if I can't get there
Tuesday morning - now out sorry guys and gal, head cold is back......again
It will be a slow ride anyway for you guys as the perimeter track is VERY wet and muddy (went there last Sunday) and it won't dry out in 2 days
Hmmmm.... if the weather stays as is (ie. dry) I might be up for Thursday at the shops and quick Duck Hole/Centre. Maybe.
I'd love to come and meet you guys, but can only do Wednesday this week.
What a shame - at least I retain my status as nobmob's longest lurker...
i have changed my work thing so can do wednesday if that is better for the small masses...
let me know though so i can tell george - YES! he is making an appearance!
If its Wenesday I will come along.
I'll be there Wednesday for sure if its changed - but whatever suits everyone...
Gives the track another day to dry out a bit more as well.
... a maybe.....
I have lights!!!!!!!
At this stage I can make either Tuesday or Wednesday, so I'll go with the crowd.
anything to encourage someone to stop being such a major lurker!
Bernd is this ok for you too?
and Paul.. we already knew that about you!!!
be ok, just have to ask the boss!!!
Ok I will put my bike back together and charge some batteries.
Any updates on the condition of the Terrey Hills tracks? Is it still a mudbath - given it has not been raining there for the last few days according to ?
Or as Kenny Rogers said: I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in...
Rgds, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
Ah... erm... those graphs change every hour. Someone will come along in a couple of weeks and wonder what we are talking about!
Hi Rob
Living in the moment! Looks good if you have 5 days without rain...
Updated it now to the live link.... (very impressive BTW)
Suggestion - how about some anchor tags with a top level nav to take you to the track du jour? This could make this a much more used feature
Rgds Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
So we have a few people heading out to terry hills tonight, COOL I have put myself down looking forward to meeting a few members
Just like to reiterate how cool the alpha weather page is.. Nice work Rob
Well, we could show the last smaller one week graph as I insert above (for this ride only). I mean, we could have this appear automatically on each ride post but maybe it's too much info?
Is power!
If it's not too much to add in?
Actually it would be good, think of all the chat about the dam being wet/closed.
Yes it may crowd the screen but simply having the info on the ride screen will make people so much more aware, of trying not to ride the tracks in wet conditions and doing unnecessary damage.
From a web user perspective having the weather pages one click away can really hide this info from a web user. I know that is sounds weird but people will not see if its one click away aka Lozz
But I've only been a member for 35 weeks though
I say add it!
and I say when you post a ride up... it automatically come up with the profile!! Saves you Rob having to post it up in the thread each time!
ie, when creating a ride, you can select from the profiles... even if its not exact, you can get a rough estimate of the planned ride..
its wet....or questionably so.
In those less frequent times you could go that extra click when deciding on the ride....... then refer to the link in the post?
I dont mind either way, just adding to the debate.
Forgot to ask what the ride is like that is planned for tonight? We have only been riding a little bit so our fitness level is not exactly great. Just dont want to get left behind
Guessing you will be riding the perimeter & long tracks?
I might be able to make it depending what time I finish work.
All you need to know is it's dirt cupcake! Can you handle it?
What is this thing called dirt you talk of?
we are doing perimeter long trail on dirt/sand etc!
for the newbies and lurkers, don't worry we stop and wait - any excuse for a chat... anyway this is a fun social ride
very exciting if both cupcake and george come along!
may even warrant a photo!
See ya at the Tavern Car park with bells* on (i mean lights).
We have agreed not to go toooo fast eh!?!
I'll bring camera for photo of Buck and my matching X0's together.
*how does she do that strike-through font?
Like this you mean?< strike > < /strike >
without the spaces
..everyone, this was a gr8t night ride.
now I have to clean my bike must shine on Sunnnnnday!!!!
I agree thanks guys & gal I had a great time and it was really nice to meet you all. Looking forward to the next ride, time to go shopping for some better lights!
Thanks for organising a great ride last night - it was a blast!
See you on the next one...
Rgds Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
Great ride, nice pace and excellent conditions. thx for organising