You are hereForums / General Discussion / Lost + Found / Roubaix thief North Sydney caught on video surveillance.
Roubaix thief North Sydney caught on video surveillance.

The thief looks late twenties, fit as a bike rider, black tee-shirt, blue jeans, khaki cap, small backpack which probably includes side cutters and small bolt cutter. He also has my dark blue helmet with black sun shade and with helmet mounted light which is a little unusual. Video shows him very casually walking in and riding out, a pro, with I am sure many of our bikes under his belt. The Police also now have the pictures. Please call CrimeStoppers if you recognise him.
[Mod. moved to Lost + Found]
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can't see a real lot unfortunately they are going to have to start making those security cameras a bit better. Its pretty pointless. mind you his cap is in the right place.