You are hereCalendar / Queen's birthday long weekend (7th - 9th of June) MTB bash in Canberra.

Queen's birthday long weekend (7th - 9th of June) MTB bash in Canberra.

tienster's picture

By tienster - Posted on 09 May 2008

Saturday, 7 June, 2008 - 10:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Stromlo Forest Park

Saturday, 7th of June:
Start at 10 am: Stromlo a whole day. (drive down from Sydney this morning).
Sunday, 8th of June:
Start at 9 am: Majura a whole day.
Monday, 9th of June:
Start at 8 am: Sparrow until mid day then drive back to Sydney.

Changes can be made to suit the majority's interest.


2 nights (saturday and sunday nights):

Steve 01
davis_jnr (Sammy)

1 night (saturday night):


1 night (Sunday night):



Who's in?
craigs, Stuart M, Bernd, christine, tienster, davis_jnr, Buck, evan, Little-Ditty, GAZZA, Bruce, ar_junkie, Steve 01, Andy Bloot, Damien, raving_hippo, Deano, Gonz (18 riders)
craigs Stuart M Bernd christine tienster davis_jnr Buck evan Little-Ditty GAZZA Bruce ar_junkie Steve 01 Andy Bloot Damien raving_hippo Deano Gonz
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davis_jnr Day 1 Canberra June 2008 So the weekend begins and not too soon, as the thought of last years trip is still lingering in the back of my mind…..could it be as good as last year…. We head out on the road at about 7ish and the traffic is non existent which is great, as Liam...

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
evan's picture

Tien, I'd flip the days with Majura and Sparrow. Majura is heaps better.

Damien's picture

Will decide which day Sunday or Monday maybe both a bit closer to the weekend.

Little-Ditty's picture

I will decide closer to the day, but I will do 1 or 2 days of this.

Gary's picture

I'll most likely come down for one day and night.

Tanya's picture

Hey guys,
have been riding a roadie for a while now, haven't done the mtbike for ages but it was fun last time so thought I'd throw my hat in. What are the accom plans?

tienster's picture

some will be there for 2 nights, some will be for one night, so just have a show of hands which nights you want to stay so we can book appropriately.


evan's picture

Hiya Doc,

It will only be the Sat night for me. Gotta be back in Sydney for Monday.


Gary's picture

Plan to drive down for Saturday night, ride all day Sunday and head back that evening.

Deano's picture

Id be up for this one, though id probably ride majura on the sunday & sparrow on the monday.
what are the accommadation plans is there a link to check them out. & will everyone be arriving sat morning or driving down the night before


If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

ar_junkie's picture

We were looking at the Carotel (unless I missed a thread/post for somewhere else). See map for location.
Don't think anything has been booked yet.

tienster's picture

Spoken to Carotel people, here are the options

One large bungalow: 12 people, $260 a night (peak rates, long weekend) - no cooking facility (ie. no stove), but toaster and microwave.

One large family cabin: 10 people, $250 a night, with cooking facility.

We will split the cost evenly between the all the stayers regardless of how many night/s you stay or split the cost depending on how many night/s you stay.

So what do you guys reckon?

Will need to book the room by this afternoon.


lorrie's picture

Can you put me down for the 1st night only? I recommend putting us in as many small rooms as possible if the dirtworks room was anything to judge!


Rob's picture

Yo! I'm in for Saturday night only (Sat/Sun ride). Am sure there will be others in this boat that you can spread and not have that wasted space one evening.

tienster's picture

only the bungalows left, either the 12 people bungalow ($260 a night, one double 5 bunks) or the 10 people bungalow ($250, 5 bunks).

so it makes little sense to book 2 different bungalows for 2 nights (moving and so on).

let me know what you think.


PS: nearly all booked out so we need to book this pm.

PPS: Lorrie, we won't be racing, but i can appreciate your points, but will have earplugs handy this time.

ar_junkie's picture

Book me in for 2 nights, but if not many ppl i.e. less than 10 opt in for the 2nd night then I will make a plan elsewhere so to keep the overall cost (for everybody) down.

Bruce's picture

Hi Tien, you can book me in for two nights as well, I am not fussed about what room we get either.

Little-Ditty's picture

Hi Tien,

What the hey. Can you put me down for 2 nights please? Thanks mate! Laughing out loud

tienster's picture

2 nights (saturday and sunday nights):


1 night (saturday night):


Anyone else needing accommodation? Steve 01, raving_hippo, Tanya, Deano?


lorrie's picture

Sunday night for me please

lozza6's picture

I have a wedding on the Saturday night... Sad

Are all the 1 nighters doing Sunday night? I might be in for a Sunday and Monday ride then....

Saturday will be Majura right?

tienster's picture

2 nights (saturday and sunday nights):


1 night (saturday night):


1 night (Sunday night):


So 8 people stay Saturday night and 7 people stay Sunday night. Will see is any cheaper this way or just book the 10 people bungalow.

Anyone else needing accommodation? Steve 01, raving_hippo, Tanya, Deano?


Deano's picture

you can count ME & Raving hippo in


If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

christine's picture

i would like to come down for one night only... naturally, being me, the most social night!! Saturday?
not to worry if there isn't any room, i am happy to go camping with my horse instead!!

MEEEE Smiling

raving_hippo's picture

Yep me and Deano will be in for 2 nights.

Andy Bloot's picture

I'll be coming down. Most likely for the sat, sat night and leave after the ride Sunday. I have a big comfy car to sleep in so will probably not need accomodation. Just in the carpark of wherever you're staying I guess. Will probably put in for accom. anyway just to be safe and somewhere to leave my bike.

tienster's picture

I have already booked a large family cabin for 10 people for 2 nights.

Will ring them tomorrow to change to something bigger if possible (max 12 people per room).


Steve 01's picture

for two nights thanks Tien,should be great fun

tienster's picture

Called Carotel people yesterday, there is nothing left (even 1-9 person/s) other than 10 people Family room, and they won't have any additional guest in any of the room.

Should we get another 10 people Family cabin for Saturday night, and split the cost evenly, ie. $31/night (those stay 2 nights pay twice those stay 1 night), so we have room to put bikes inside?

Please let me know what you guys think? but i think we really need to book the other room soon to keep every one in the same place.


2 nights (saturday and sunday nights):

Steve 01
davis_jnr (Sammy)

1 night (saturday night):


1 night (Sunday night):


tienster's picture

There is nothing left other than the 10 persons Family cabin, so i booked 2 rooms (10 persons each) for saturday night and 1 room (10 persons each) for sunday night.

All confirmed for every one on the list above, total cost is $730, that works out $30 each per night.

I am excited already.....


PS: there is still room for people staying on saturday night if any one is interested.

ar_junkie's picture

Thanks Tien, it should be a doozy!

Time to start pulling out the winter gear (if you haven't done so already!)
T7 has a great deal on warmers...
Liam - they have your size and colour Eye-wink

Bruce's picture

Thanks for getting the accoodation sorted.
see ya down there.

Gary's picture

Thanks for putting the effort in to organise all this.

Paul's picture

Guys, I might see you down there as I'm contemplating a day trip on Sunday to reach Sparrow Hill by 9.00am and drive home afterwards.

Let me know if there is any change of venue.

raving_hippo's picture

Thanks for sorting the accommodation!

so is the plan still the same or are we swapping Sparrow and Majura days around?

My vote would be to swap as Majura is more worthy of a full day and sparrow is good to do on the way home as you are already 20+ minutes nrth of Canbaerra.....

That been said I will go with the majority!

Deano's picture

cheers for sorting out the accommodation tienster

so we have 2 units does that mean we room for more riders as i might know someone else who'd like to come along too


If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

Tanya's picture

Hey, sorry I wasn't around for the booking accommodation question. I'm going to be in Perth for the week previous now and don't think I can get back and down to Canberra in time. Have fun everyone.

tienster's picture


There is still room for Saturday night, but not Sunday night.

Everyone is welcome.


Gonz's picture

Hey Tien,
Please put me down for sat night.

Little-Ditty's picture

Warmers? Are you crazy? It's only going to be, like, zero degrees. Smiling Crack out the sunscreen!

christine's picture

Tien!! You are a legend!! I will remember to bring lots of chocolate for the hot chocolates hey!!!

MEEE Smiling

GAZZA's picture

i think i need to confront my demons and re-visit " the jump of doom"!!!!

Bruce's picture

you will be right!

christine's picture

isn't allowed to JUMP it... just visit and look!

Andy Bloot's picture

Um, at -1 degrees, I think I will take the 10 to a room option over the car

Deano's picture

So is any one up for a few night laps sat or sun night

If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

ar_junkie's picture

It will be weather dependant... Cool

christine's picture

can we really? that would be just such fun!
in case anyone doesn't already know ' i just LOVE night riding!"

MEEE Smiling

Paul's picture

Lets picture this there are a bunch of Nob's who have just had a great day riding Mt Stromlo and another bunch of Nob's who have just spent 4 hours driving to Canberra.
The time is 6.00pm and the temperature is in single figures and dropping fast.

Do they
a) Go and find some hot food and alcohol.
b) Quickly eat some food so they can go and ride when it's 2 degress.
c) Drink some alcohol while they decide on where to get some food and more alcohol.
d) Open the alcohol they had already bought and order in take away.
e) Continue drinking the already open alcohol and let some else worry about food.

Maybe we should have a poll?

Deano's picture

Hot alcohol! what every takes your fancy

If your not out there doing it,
Someone else is

Bernd's picture can have :
"Glühwein" which is hot!!!
"Gluehwein, or Glow Wine. These spiced wines are especially delicious when you have a bit of a chill, as, in addition to their delicious flavors, they will give you a feeling of warmth (a glow) from the tip of your nose to the tip of your toes (pardon, but it is true)."
well done, Paul, I have some "hot alcohol", too!!!

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