Hello everyone. So i might have a chance to take my bike to tasmania over june july. Whats the riding like at this time and ill be in hobart so where abouts is there to ride around hobart?
Tassie is small, perhaps you have time to get to the North. This place is a work in progress but looks epic (built by World Trail, a la Mt Buller). I can't wait to get there.
... but have heard good reports about Glenorchy MTB park on the side of Mt Wellington and the North / South track (I think) which runs from the Mt Wellington Rd across to Glenorchy. Plenty of bike paths in Hobart as well for just getting around....
If you do go to Hobart take a big stick to keep the hipsters away, they seem to roam free down there. I have no riding tips but a restaurant called Ball & Chain is amazing, I've never eaten at a place cooks up monster steaks/pork bellies and has a salad bar that I want to hit up twice, actually I have never been to a salad bar twice, that place was awesome!
Probably better off getting food advice then mountain biking. Unfortunately the two don't go hand in hand.
Ive heard the food there is incredible and a hipster settlement.
Thanks for the tips. I think i might have to go back in summer with the mtb, im just not sure with winter being as cold as it is over there coupled with the amount of rain they get.
Submitted by rmgrimes79 on Tue, 21/04/2015 - 20:29.
I did a tour of Tasi about 5 years back ... average ride between 40 - 90 kms from town to town .... average climb was 1000m+ .... and one day we did 2000m in 50km ish!
The dirt is super sticky and great riding down there ... only got to go to the mtb bike park on mt wellington but had a ball .... maybe it was as i had been touring for a month and was the first time on dirt but i would go back in a heart beat
As for cold, well first day there was 13C and raining ... next day was fine and 23C ... also snowed on us up at Craddle mountain ... o and we were there from 4th Feb too 4th March!!!
I've never been there but I know Mt Wellington attracts people (roadies and mtbers)
Tassie is small, perhaps you have time to get to the North. This place is a work in progress but looks epic (built by World Trail, a la Mt Buller). I can't wait to get there.
Yep, blue derby looks crazy, just dont no how its going to work with access to a car and whatnot also with the weather.
... but have heard good reports about Glenorchy MTB park on the side of Mt Wellington and the North / South track (I think) which runs from the Mt Wellington Rd across to Glenorchy. Plenty of bike paths in Hobart as well for just getting around....
There's plenty of riding to be had in and around Hobart:
Mount Wellington http://www.greaterhobarttrails.com.au/track/nort...
Glenorchy MTB Park http://www.greaterhobarttrails.com.au/track/glen...
Clarence MTB Park http://www.tassietrails.org/routesandtrails/moun...
Meehan Ranges http://www.tassietrails.org/routesandtrails/moun...
Make sure you take plenty of warm clothing, it's bloody cold down there, esp at the top of Mount Wellington.
North-south track starting half way up mt Wellington is the shiz. The rock wall landscaping in some spots would be great in my garden.
There are other tracks around hobart but I haven't ridden them. I think there's a Flow video or two.
Yeah flow did a video on blue derby which was great.
How hard is it too find your way around the trails?
If you do go to Hobart take a big stick to keep the hipsters away, they seem to roam free down there. I have no riding tips but a restaurant called Ball & Chain is amazing, I've never eaten at a place cooks up monster steaks/pork bellies and has a salad bar that I want to hit up twice, actually I have never been to a salad bar twice, that place was awesome!
Probably better off getting food advice then mountain biking. Unfortunately the two don't go hand in hand.
Ive heard the food there is incredible and a hipster settlement.
Thanks for the tips. I think i might have to go back in summer with the mtb, im just not sure with winter being as cold as it is over there coupled with the amount of rain they get.
I did a tour of Tasi about 5 years back ... average ride between 40 - 90 kms from town to town .... average climb was 1000m+ .... and one day we did 2000m in 50km ish!
The dirt is super sticky and great riding down there ... only got to go to the mtb bike park on mt wellington but had a ball .... maybe it was as i had been touring for a month and was the first time on dirt
but i would go back in a heart beat
As for cold, well first day there was 13C and raining ... next day was fine and 23C ... also snowed on us up at Craddle mountain ... o and we were there from 4th Feb too 4th March!!!