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Where to ride this weekend?

Looking for somewhere to ride in the Northern basin for a final Convict training ride. Am I kidding myself or could Cascades / Terry Hills be ridable?
Any other suggestions.
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If you can make it to Taree they have a race there on Sunday.
ahein is planning to chase me around Akuna Bay and West Head on his hardtail. I'll be on the roadie.
You're welcome to join us.
I took a last minute decision and booked a cheap flight to Melb to race the Gloden Triangle Epic (100km) in Bendigo.
Its dry and dusty down there (remember that?!?!).
Entries are available on the day.
Otherwise, if you stayed on the Womerah side of the range, the Convict trails would be drained pretty well by now.
Hawkeye, West Head is closed
There goes my plan out the window. What exactly is closed? Is the road to Akuna bay and then up the hill to the entry to the NP closed as well? Could just do that back and forth for a couple of times and then ride home to get some kilometres in the legs.
If the whole NP is closed, are there any recommendations on where to do a decent road ride without having to encounter too many bogans in cars disapproving of the idea of being self propelled.
For bikes as well?
Only West Head road is closed according to the website.
Akuna Bay is open. West Head gates are closed with tape across them.
You could try the GNR, however, from experience it'll still be wet and boggy in spots and I imagine there'll be plenty of trees down across the track if the wind was anywhere near as bad as it was on the coast.
PS: Just contacted NPWS Gosford, they advise damage assessment is yet to be conducted so use the GNR at your own risk, however, they expect to find multiple downed trees across the track along its entire length.
Akuna Bay laps then.
If you are just in need of getting some km's in as I am, I'd recommend doing the m7 bike path out n back which im planning to do this afternoon. For me il start at prestons ride out to Blacktown and return, 60kms, a few decent hills as no traffic lights or cars to worry about. Im doing it as part of my Convict training also.
What about riding the heads - North, Middle, Bradleys and then cross the bridge to do south head. If you're still wanting more, carry on to Lapa. Plenty of climbing and not too many lights (apart from the city section).
Ho many km roughly?
Buller Enduro is on this weekend, nice and dry with hero soft dirt ....
Rydal Sheep Station fiddyK