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Manly Dam night ride

Buck's picture

By Buck - Posted on 12 May 2008

Wednesday, 14 May, 2008 - 19:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Manly Dam

As discussed in last week's ride, let's do Manly Dam as a change.

As you will all have seen we can only do the main Manly loop now as Bantry Bay is now closed. If one lap is too short then you can always do a second loop lights permitting.

There's no pub nearby here so bring a beer or two for the whinge session about trail closures after the ride Eye-wink

Who's in?
Rob, pikey, christine, Buck, Paul, daves, Gary, Volker, steveb, Brian, Hans, LadyToast, trailburner (13 riders)
Rob pikey christine Buck Paul daves Gary Volker steveb Brian Hans LadyToast trailburner
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Brian's picture

Looks like I need to take the plunge and invest in some lights Smiling

nate's picture

I was just logging on to post a dam night ride for wednesday, thanks for saving me the trouble! see ya there.

Paul's picture

I meeting a couple of mates at 6.30pm for an early lap and will catch you up for the 7.30pm lap. Don't wait for me if I'm running late.

LadyToast's picture

12 riders hooning around in the dark. There is SO going to be an accident Smiling

Brian's picture

Well, this is my first night ride so I am going to be padding up for sure.

Paul's picture

There wont be any accidents because the officially allowed speed for night rides is only 6kph and we all must peg cardboard to our forks so the noise will alert small fury animals and all those night time bushwalkers.

LadyToast's picture

Can we make motorbike noises too?

Stuart M's picture

parked rangers vehicles to move out of the way when you unexpectedly come around a corner

christine's picture

iffy now... will try to make it but have a work thing looming...

Stuart M's picture

I thought you worked with antiques, didn't realise you were involved in textile manufacture

Little-Ditty's picture

Hah!! Laughing out loud

pikey's picture

The longer you take to do your job the more the antiques are worth so the more you ride the more money you make, I think!

Greg the Blond Sticking out tongue

nate's picture

not going to make this ride.....have fun!

camster's picture

I'm going to be stuck at the office for while longer - hope you all have a great time. Grumble, grumble.

daves's picture

For the ride guys. Good to briefly meet everyone. A shame I had to dash immediately afterwards - I would have liked to hang around for a bit - catch you next time.

Hans's picture

Hi Rob et al

Thx for organising the MD night ride - and thanks to Volker for lending me his awesome lights after my current borrowed-ones kept failing on the sniggle.

I've ordered some Ay-ups - they should be here for the next ride!

Rgds, Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

Brian's picture

Had an awesome time last night. This was the first time I had been riding at night and as you can see from my heart rate below, I think I was a little excited. Rob, thank you for loaning me a set of lights, looks like my next project is sourcing a set of my own.

trailburner's picture

Really enjoyed the ride last night. Nice and fast with plenty of breaks in between to catch my breath again. Thanks also for the wheel on the blast down the hill. I don't think I have been down there that fast, let alone in the dark. It might have been even a touch over the 15km/h mark Smiling

Buck's picture

Thank you all for coming. I fulfilled Dylan's prediction for crashes by falling off once coming up to the 19th hole and almost causing a pile up going down to the golf course!

I had fun, we'll have to do that more often for our night rides.

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