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Enduro Track

It's been ages since I've ridden the the Enduro loop[1] so, being a beaut morning I decided to skive off work and go for a ride. I couldn't be bother contending with the coldness of the creek so opted to ride up the road[2] rather than the short cut up waterworks gully. This was fairly boring, I didn't even have any truck try and squish me as I plodded up Scenic Hill.
Finally I got the the Zig Zag car park and headed on to the dirt of Newnes Forest Rd. A bit more pedaling brought me to a bit of single track that I thought was a short cut to the start of the run down to the MotoX track...
I was wrong. After a quick blast down what was at first a very rutted track but then turned into pleasant ST I reached a point looking down into a steep gully where I realised that I had turned too early and had started down the end of the return loop... Buggar.[3]
Back up I went and continued around until the turn off I knew better.
Well, I thought I knew it better but as a found myself zipping down a fresh graded fire trail instead of single track I started to doubt my recollections completely. Still some perfectly sculpted water bars were offering fun so I kept going and before long I came to a drilling rig[4]. The single track continued in behind the rig and so did I.
The ST down to the Moto X track, while sporting some BFO ruts[5] and a few mud puddles, was as fun as ever and too soon dumped me at the Moto X track.
At least the compound was a lot tidier than last time I ventured through.
The track around the back of the compound was rough and rocky on the down bits as usual but the flatter sections were very sandy, almost too sandy to ride through and with the swamp looking very wet I decided to wuss and take the longer route, back out to the main road.
I either missed the turn of for the ST behind the sand quarries or it now sports a big "Revegetation: keep off" sign so I followed the Power line road up to the start of the next lot of ST.
The ST that runs back towards Lithgow sort of parallel to the Glow Worm Tunnel rd was fun as always. With more BFO ruts but more berms aswell.
Coming down the drift saw me on the brakes more than I would have liked. The first big left hander had a new surface of marbles and then coming around into the big straight the contrasts bewteen light and shade, combined with my eyes bouncing around my head made it impossible to see anything clearly and after I hit the first unseen pothole I decided to slow down a bit... Only maxing out at a disappointing 70km/hr.
A pleasant ride back through town and a gentle spin up to home.
Very nice indeed
Thanks for listening
[1]Infact, I think last time I did the loop from the Zig Zag turn off was on my first list ride
[3]Not literally, as that would hurt
[4]Boring a services hole for Clarence colliery
[5]Tim, I know they are popular with the dirt squirters but BFO industries should really stop supplying these
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