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Manly Dam double step

I was really disappointed to see someone has jammed a rock into the double to smooth it out. This is one of those technical features you really have to work at (and buying a bigger wheel size helps) so jamming a rock in there is just the worst kind of dumbing down the trail.
[Mod. moved to Northern Beaches]
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It seems that the trend is growing. There is clearly a type of rider that insists that all parts of a trail should be able to be ridden by anyone and easily. Sessioning is too hard and there is probably a strava time at stake as well.
I personally enjoy the challenges of difficult sections of trail. I would think we all would or we wouldn't be riding mountain bikes.
Must be a recent addition in the last 7 days. As a geriatric technophobe, I am wedded to 26 inch wheels, and get up that double step fine (if I'm not puffing too much, which I usually am).
Leave it alone people!! This is not an improvement. Further, if Oldandslow and I can get up it on a 26 inch tandem, then the addition is also clearly not needed.
Respect that it's been the way it has for a long time (though granted it was originally a different approach and step up) and don't touch it. The addition of some 'B lines' is bad enough on some dead simple sections. Practice until you can do it!!! It's called mountain biking.
Sheesh. Old man rant over. For now.
Ditto all that's been said above from Hasbeen Racing, davo29er & SpokeyDokey
I've *never* made it up the double step.
It is the only part of the trail where I always dismount.
One day I'll have the confidence to give it a go but ain't gonna change the track to suit me. It is what it is and it annoys me that people change the trail to make it easier when its not a safety issue. It's up to us to learn to ride it and I've blocked off proto-B lines before they got fully established. - I need to have something to aim for.
hope you removed the rock.
cause obviously I'm missing where this is. A gap jump on a climb? Can't find a strava filter for "obstacles" …
towards the end of the Golf Course wiggle, after moon Rock. You come to a section of rock which looks like a plateau. It has kind of 2 places you go up. It was dumbed down about 6 months ago when they did some serious track work.
you then continue along the track & you go on the wooden planks uphill.
At the top of the hill is a rock or 2 rocks and it has always been challenging getting up both. but that part has been smothed out by placing a rock strategically to make it easier.
You can still choose to go up the massive rock on the right though. Ive seen it done but I have never been successful. Cause by that heart is usually jumping out of my mouth.
Surely this is a bit of a non issue - just move the rock?
There also used to be a hollow before this step, at the end of the boards which meant picking your front wheel up otherwise you'd be over the bars going uphill! Is this still there? I've not ridden at the Dam for ages.
The hollow has gone. It went with the official track works. Agree with Hawkeye - the double up is a mental challenge which really adds to the Dam. I never made it when it was the hollow (had a few good stacks though). I can make it about every 2nd or 3rd go and it's all in the head (promise myself not to touch the brakes and just have a crack is my method and once committed it is surprisingly do-able). I haven't ridden there since all the rain (feels like ages) but for mine it's a simple mater of just removing the rock. Is there any problem with just removing the rock (may be a dumb question but I know how it's a very hot topic when tracks are changed).
In this case, removing the rock would be smartening up the track.
About 50m before the double step......on uphill rocky technical section, there are a few lines on the left to test your ability.
Double step is a bugger. One of the only things I cant do at the dam - crunched some XTR chainrings and a testicle enough times to admit defeat. Always found the bottom of the ladder leading to the double step was a nice way to stack too if you hit it at an angle. But as they said don't blame the track
This thread inspired me to overthink the double step yesterday
i rode the dam yesterday & can confirm ALL rocks have been removed from the double step.
thanks trail fairies
Getting up it is all about keeping your body momentum going whilst your bike is hung up. Plus good leg strength and spinning at low cadence. Since I switched to an oval chainring I've always gotten up it.
If people have placed objects to dumb down the track I gladly hop off my bike and remove them!
i probably don't remember it because it had been dumbed down hey?
The same bullshit was done to Gahnia. There was a rock behind a tight corner (going uphill towards the end) that could catch you off guard which is now covered with dirt. Anyone but me noticed that bullshit? I hate these things happening.
Yep, I noticed that too. Wasn't until I'd ridden over it that I thought....that was easier.
It could have been put there by trail maintenance guys........
Cheers, Daisy