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Garmin 810 help needed

Hey guys,
I have just bought a Garmin 810 because I have the inbuilt navigation skills of a beached whale .
Can anyone point me in the right direction to be able to add MTB trails around NSW and SA that i can add to the Garmin. What websites are good for adding these files ?
Does it actually work ?
Should i just find friends out there ?
Any assistance will be appreciated
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First thing to do is use garmin connect, make a profile and search for what u want
u could always use strava if u want ...
You can go onto Strava and find someone else's ride on the tracks you are wanting to explore. Then download the GPX file of their ride and drag it into the 'new files' folder on your Garmin when connected to the computer. On the next start up of your Garmin the ride should be transferred into the courses folder on your Garmin. Sometimes the GPX won't convert into a course which means you will need to download TCX file instead and repeat the process.
I used this site to download openstreet map files and put them on my 810. It has every trail marked on that I've ridden so far.
They're not loops though, just trails. If you want to follow a loop or trsil that's been done by someone else, you'll need to get a copy of their gpx trace and upload that to your 810.
Have a look on DCRainmaker website for all the hints and tips you could need on the 810.
I will have a look at this stuff tomorrow
And see how i go .