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Wylde at risk of being Bulldozed!!! M12 Motorway

The Australian and NSW governments are proposing to build a new motorway as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan (WSIP)
I contacted the Parklands last week asking what is the likelihood the m12 will affect Wylde but have yet to receive a response.
Blurb from Study Area PDF
The proposal is for an east-west motorway of about 14km between the M7 Motorway and The Northern Road which would provide increased road capacity and reduce congestion and travel times in the future. It would also improve the movement of freight in and through western Sydney and is expected to serve the South West Growth Centre and the Broader Western Sydney Employment Area (BWSEA). We are in the early planning stage for the new motorway and we know the importance of involving the community in its development. We want to engage early with the community and our stakeholders to gather feedback which will be considered in our decision making and help with planning and design.
We have provided a map of the study area for the proposed motorway and will be holding information sessions, to help explain our proposal and provide us with feedback.
The Dead line for comments and feedback is the 14th of August. So let them know how important it is to preserve Wylde Mtb Trails and the Western Sydney Parklands.
Email: [email protected]
Mail: The M12 Motorway
Roads and Maritime Services
PO Box 973 Parramatta NSW 2124
There will be 6 community consultation days for the Western Sydney Infrastructure plan (WSIP). The WSIP includes the Widening or the Northern Rd, Bringelly Rd, M12 planning and various other smaller projects.
Wednesday 22 July, 4pm – 8pm
Penrith Anglican College
338-356 Wentworth Road, Orchard Hills
Saturday 25 July, 12pm – 3pm
Bringelly Community Centre
5 Greendale Road, Bringelly
Wednesday 29 July, 3pm – 7pm
Holy Family Primary School
Lot 32 Willowdene Avenue, Luddenham
Saturday 1 August, 11am – 2pm
Glenmore Park Youth and Community Centre
Luttrell Street (off Town Terrace), Glenmore Park
Thursday 6 August, 3pm – 7pm
Kemps Creek Public School
100 Cross Street, Kemps Creek
Saturday 8 August, 12pm – 3pm
Holy Family Primary School
Lot 32 Willowdene Avenue, Luddenham
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After a month of waiting, the Parklnds finally responded to my email asking what the chances are of loosing Wylde. They have no answer, barely know anything about it and suggest we relay our feedback to RMS by the 14th. I've already done this but hope everyone else can take a moment to email asap. The Consultation period is almost over.
[email protected]
"Thank you for your interest in the Wylde MTB Trail and the wider Western Sydney Parklands . At this stage I understand that RMS is consulting with the community re the M12 Motorway. Consultation closes on the 14 August 2015 and we suggest if you have any feedback that you provide this via the M12 Motorway project page. The Western Sydney Parklands Trust will of course be speaking to RMS re the impact on the Parklands."
Last chance to provide feedback on the M12 Study area.