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CRC update

Very unhappy.
After a few days delay because another item went out of stock, it seems the order has been held up further.
After numerous emails as to why my order kept showing 'processing', I received an email tonight 'The FSA FR-200 STEM 90mm (37001) that you ordered is not available. Would you like to amend the order or simply cancel the item from the order to enable us to ship the rest of the parts?'
This is 1 week after I placed the order and I need the drivetrain gear for Canberra.
I have replied with a 'very displeased' email, especially when they take the money beforehand.
Their phone is constantly engaged so I couldn't even ring them to ask.
Sorry everybody- we'll be lucky to see this before the end of the week.
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Andy, shit happens.
What drivetrain gear do you need?
I had the same problem with crc a month or so back, something went out of stock after I had placed an order with them, it took half a dozen emails and four phonecalls to get it sorted, and then they sent the wrong thing anyway.
They were really frustrating to deal with you never got to deal with the same person twice and they never replied to any of the emails.
..... with the customer services. I have had similar problems where I have tried calling up to 10 times a day and its always engaged or gives a message saying their lines are busy and you must call back later. I also sent about 4 e-mails relating to an order and none of them have been replied to (over 2 weeks later). I think the Jenson boys are a better bet on the customer services side (assuming similar pricing).
This same problem has also occurred to me on my most recent order. Pretty much just as you described, my order was constantly processing and when I inquired via email I was informed that one item was out of stock and this was after I'd been charged.
That item was cancelled and I was promised all was good. A week or so later still no delivery so I looked to find that it was still processing. So I inquire to be told that other items went out of stock. I went birko. Wouldn't one expect that the rest of the order would be set aside from the beginning especially since I'd already paid. The phone was constantly engaged so after many to and fro emails I'm now promised that the remaining items are on the way for free postage even though the total has now dropped considerably below the free postage spend amount. And during all this I received no communication to explain anything. If it wasn't for me chasing it up nothing would get done.
I've used CRC for many years and have never had a problem like this. I reckon they must be experiencing staffing problems and there factory worker automatons don't have the initiative to get things done logically.
While our dollar is up I'm buying parts online like crazy so then I have parts in stock because when the dollar drops it will drop like a stone and all these great prices will be lost.
I don't see bike shops or distributors and importers handing back the savings based on the favourable exchange. Curious, eh?
I'll always use CRC as they have some of the best prices around. On my next order I'll be hassling them immediately upon ordering to ensure this stuff up does not re occur. Emails such as 'Do not charge my card until all items are boxed and ready to ship' and 'If any of my ordered items is out of stock then inform me immediately and before my card is charged...'
maybe the way to go.
....the link to this forum, so if by some chance there is someone reading the e-mails then hopefully they will realise that while the prices are great they need to beef up their customer services.
I'm not sure importers are getting much benefit out of the favourable exchange rate. In a lot of cases stock they have on hand now was paid for 6 months ago. For stock they're buying now the improved exchange rate is only providing some insulation against price rises due to increase cost of raw materials - which in some cases has been quite staggering
I bought a frame from them last year and was really happy with the service I received. Exchanged 10 to 15 emails before I settled on the frame I wanted. They fitted the headset FOC, "raced and faced" BB housing FOC, shipped FOC even though the box is similar in size to that of a complete bike which they charge delivery on. The guy I was dealing with physically had two different frames taken from the factory to their office so he could check dimensions for me as they had different figures to the manufacturers website. All in all very happy with the service. Maybe this was because they didn't yet have my money and wanted to get their hands on it or maybe it is, as has been mentioned, a staffing problem.
As for the dollar, don't worry it'll be over $1US by the end of the year despite Ruddbots best efforts
Over $US1! Really? Why is this? And how do you know? Are you in that financial realm?
I'm glad you got good product and service. Ultimately web based retailers do want to provide a good thing. I'm also fond of Beyond Bikes and SpeedGoat and one of these days I'll buy a Marin frame from Adrenaline Bikes. Because I simply must have a Marin...
It's because the US are in debt to the rest of the world to the tune of $9.3 Trillion (with a capital tee!), and growing by $1.5 Billion every day.
Partly because of this, and partly because of internal debt the US central bank is printing more USD and increasing the money supply at a silly rate. If you look at the fundamentals the US is a bankrupt country. People who invest in US government bonds are actually guaranteed to loose money because inflation (even their 'cooked' inflation figure) is higher than the rate of return of said bonds.
Sadly the reserve bank here are also printing AUD, but not at the same rate and therefore AUD is becoming worth more in comparison.
However, the AUD is in demand as we have something 'real' to export to the world in the form of commodities and therefore other countries have to buy AUD in order to pay for those, this makes AUD stronger in comparison to a lot of major currencies (it's actually the highest it's been against the GBP in 10 years of that being of interest to me).
Erm... not that I'm an expert or anything, you might want to check this logic! I thought we'd be at parity 6 months ago, damn the RBA and their money printing!
See folks, we can now come here for financial news and current affairs...
For the rest of us it means great online bargains from abroad. The irony is that I would prefer to spend my cash right here at home but I couldn't help feeling daft for forking out the massive difference in price.
So everyone, as our dollar strengthens and those online prices decrease stock up on consumables so when something wears out one only needs to reach for it,fit and keep on riding.
Well i'm a very happy customer of CRC (custom wheelset, in Jan).
Shame that it seems a few have been given below par service as i thought they were actually fairly credible in the service department.
Hope its resolved as soon as possible.
my Intense 5.5 ~ my NS Suburban
I am swapping a cassette with Leo so I am having him send the swap express post so I can have it on bike before weekend. I'll just get a cheapy chain to tide me over. Chainrings and other stuff can wait. So thanks anyhoo, but I put my contingency plan into action.
It's just a bit disappointing after all the good reports I have heard, and thought I left well enough time to get the stuff. I'm thinking twice about using them again. Anyway, see how it goes. I will see if they answer my email or make a comment about the link sent.
I understand their profit will be cut somewhat by the reasons above and the free delivery. But I'm sure they're making a profit and should take this seriously.
Hey Starship, can you take the link to your Intense bike of the website, please. I saw the build on Farkin, and now every time I see it I drool all over the keyboard.
Don't be too discouraged Andy Bloot. Even the best operations foul up. I have been using CRC since 2003 and this is the first time I've had any problems. I'd say they have a staffing issue or even worse... a new computer system.
Besides, they are Irish!
I e-mailed all the CRC addresses with the title "Anti-CRC Website" and the link to this page, and explained my problem and said it showed shocking customer service. They ALL got back to me as soon as they opened and are sorting me out. Contact [email protected] and/or [email protected]
This is part of the reply I received which explains a fair bit of the problem, but not why they responded straight away to this, but not to any of my other e-mails. I guess an inflamatory headline in the subject field (even if not true) can get things moving.
One of the more honest customer care replies I've seen. Credit to them for that and explaining this might be a glitch in the system.