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jenson order

Did someone not long ago mention about placing an order from jensons usa?
Can order together if anyone is interested to save on shipping costs?
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Hi Scott
I'm also keen to join in a Jenson group order - let me know if / when you want to place.
The more the merrier ....the US/AUD exchange looks good, too....soon we have parity!
Thx, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
do you ever have to pay customs with jensons orders ? Or is it very random.
Customs limit is $1K AUD, anything under that is duty free. Be careful though as their currency conversion tables are a bit old!
Purchase Value Before Freight etc. (Customs value) = Cval
Customs duty (Duty) = 5% of Cval
International transport and insurance or postage = T&I
Value of the Taxable Importation (VoTI) = Cval+Duty+T&I
Goods and Services Tax (GST) = 10% of VoTI
Total payable to Customs = (Duty + GST)
I find they don't always enforce the fees as soon as your goods exceed the $1000 mark, but don't bank on it as you could end up with a little surprise...