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Wiseman's Ferry epic ride

Morgan's picture

By Morgan - Posted on 06 June 2008

Sunday, 22 June, 2008 - 08:30

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

8 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Great Northern Road
Meeting Point: 

Car park in the reserve by the ferry wharf.


Ooooooooooooh, Matron, slap the gloves on and grab the vaseline - this one's gunna hurt!

I did this 100k ride solo at the end of summer and it was a bit of an epic - seeing as I thought it was only 80k's, I ran out of water, and there was a flood on the road at St Albans which forced me to push through 1km of waist deep water. However, it was an awesome day and I'm going to do it again because a0 it was fun and b) it'll be a good indicator of how much more training I need to do for the Angry Doctor.

Starting at the ferry, this ride goes up the Western Commission Track to its junction at the Old(Great?) North(ern) Road (ONR)-yes, you miss out all the fun stuff but you'll need the energy later. Turn right and basically follow the ONR all the way until it hits Mogo Creek Road. By now it's 60k's in, but the next 20 is downhill on gravel to St Albans and the final 20 back to the ferry is on bitumen.

This ride offers some technical bits in the middle section of the ONR, with baby's head rocks, deep sand, felled trees and rock drops, but the ride is an endurance challenge rather than technical. It's just on 100km's and it's doable in under 8 hours without going hard - the only real climb is the Western Commission Track - after that it's undulating ridge and a long downhill followed by a bit more undulating stuff on gravel & tarmac.

Note that I did this ride when I was less fit and it was the first long trot I'd done in a few years; it took me 6.5 hours,which I know sounds fast for a 100k ride, but the last 40k's only takes 2-2.5 hours. I plan to do this one at a slightly more measured pace and make a day out of it (although I don't plan on taking lights!). You need to be reasonably fit - if you've done 50km's in 3 hours before and could still walk afterwards, you'll finish this.

If anyone wants a good challenge and a bit of an adventure close to home (once past Clare's Bridge you're on your own for a long time) here's your opportunity!

Who's in?
lozza6, donal, Morgan, Alysum
lozza6 donal Morgan Alysum
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Morgan Wisman's ride-photos up. A great day was had by all yesterday. Weather was absolutely fabulous, if a bit 'taters in the morning. The sun shone, there were dry bits to ride on past most of the puddles, I took enough food and drink, and the babelfish worked well to...

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lozza6's picture

Tempted by this one Morgan, sounds like a great ride but I've never done a 100km ride before... Wouldn't want to hold up the group.

Will stay on the fence for now...


ar_junkie's picture

There is the 8hr @ Killi, see here.

Alysum's picture

cheers morgan I was looking for a guide to do the GNR for the first time Smiling


donal's picture

not sure i am 'wise" as havent done anything more than 40k for months but myself and Phil Mathewson are keen to join in if you'll have us Cheers

Alysum's picture

is this still going ahead ? Smiling we haven't heard anything from you since the double booking notice for that day.


Morgan's picture

I don't know what the double booking note meant because I haven't double booked anything-I wasn't going to do the Killingworth race. We're still on and we'll be ready to go on the next ferry after 8.30 on Sunday.

I'll get up early Sunday if the weather looks iffy and post a note here by 6.30am if it's OFF. If you can't check the website then, give me a call after 7 on 0422 000 558. (Note to Indian mobile phone salesmen - not you please, I get enough of your calls on my home phone you #*&^ers). Erosion isn't a problem on most of the track so I will go unless it's absolutely pelting down.

Guys, if we get to 35-40k's in and feel that not all of us will manage the 100 (er in current state myself included!), we can turn around and come back down via the technical bit of the GNR and Shepherd's Gully, which will make for about 80 anyway. MTB'ing isn't about being knackered to the point of misery. Well, not on social rides anyway.

Adios muchachos!

lozza6's picture

I am really keen on this one, but don't want to hold you guys up.

I did the dirtworks in 2:55 including the 15min stop for the chopper.... What do you reckon Morgan?


Alysum's picture

stop worrying and come with us !
I haven't done anything longer than the Andos + Oaks (60+kms in 3h30 mostly downhill I know...) but I'm confident I can put on 80/100kms Smiling and like Morgan suggested, if we get too tired we can do the 80kms one Smiling

Morgan> thanks for the update, so meeting point is at the eastern ferry car park ?

Morgan's picture

I normally park up in the first (grassy) parking bay area after you turn into the reserve. For anyone who hasn't been there, (and assuming you're coming from the south), head through Wiseman's Ferry village down towards the ferries, and 50 metres or so before you get to the ferry take the left hand turn into a reserve. Park up before you get to the toilets and we'll find each other.

Er, that is we'll find each other in the car park, not in the toilets.

Lozza - you'll manage. We're not racing....

Donal, you're welcome too.....

donal's picture

yep, me and phil mathewson both will come and play, cheers

lozza6's picture

you're on Smiling I love this track!


Morgan's picture

Just to clarify-we're gunna get to the ridge via the Western Commission Track, which is the big hill a lot of people normally come down. We won't be going up the big white convict road (near the ferry) or doing the 10k's technical rock section (the 'fun' bit).

Unless, of course, we turn back after 40k's.

lozza6's picture

Am cool to ride whatever you wish, I love the trails around there Smiling

Will see you at the carpark


Morgan's picture

You lucky riders, please remember to bring lots of food and water (3++ litres) as there is none for at least 50k's.. Stuff that extra bottle in yer sack or bolt on that rusty bidon (and bring an elastic band to keep the bottle in if you don't already know that trick).

lozza6's picture

Thanks for the reminder Morgan.. I have a bad habit of just going around with the 2L in my camelbak.. but yeah, on this ride will have to bring a considerable amount more!!


Alysum's picture

thanks for a great ride guys, great effort, probably the best ride I've ever done so far Smiling Love the GNR !!


Rob's picture

Wow... from what I read the plan was to miss the 'fun stuff' (Western/GNR junction to bottom of Shepherds Gully). Did you miss that? If so Tom, you think today was good, wait 'til you ride the bit I'm talking about! 'Fun stuff' indeed! Smiling

lozza6's picture

but even the way we did go, there were still some pretty fun parts Smiling

Kinda glad it wasn't ALL technical for my first 100km ride, but overall I felt it was quite successful. Made it to the end without dying off too much...

4 up and go's and a box of shapes and some chocolate seemed to keep me going. Then on the drive home, I finished the block and had a second box of shapes Sticking out tongue

3800 Calories according to my on board....

A bit stiff today and the cold commute to work wasn't that pleasant. Thank god I got my arm warmers from T7!

Thanks for organising a fantastic ride Morgan! Had a blast!

Big up for Alysum who totally smashed the 100 like a veteran! Amazing stuff for his first long ride!

Next time Rob, you can organise a 100km GNR ride with ALL the fun bits! Laughing out loud I'd definitely be in!


donal's picture

I echo Lozza's comments - well done Morgan. Great day, great weather, out in true wilderness for much of the time..enough tricky stuff to keep us least till we got to the last 20k of bitumen. I am afraid I slowed the group up but given that I hadnt done much more than 40k since january, was happy that I didnt cramp much, kept the little legs going and it was over an hour faster than the last time I did a 100k. a tiring but beautiful day out....gotta lurv the wholemeal honey sandwiches...

Also, awesome work by Morgan in getting home the last 60k having had a big burst and a large rip in his back tyre....rubber patches, recycling of a bit of ripped tyre, use of a GU foil and hey presto...a useable tyre

lozza6's picture

You'll have to put the photos up morgan!

The sidewall tear was about 3 cm I think!

2 patches, 2 pieces of cut tube folded over twice and a goo packet were placed on the inside to help cover the sidewall... then 2 more patches on the top...

went for about 10km nicely before starting to bulge.. and then 3 zip ties around held it in nicely and the last 50km were flawless Laughing out loud

Alysum's picture

should I bring a spare tire with me at the Angry Dr ? Laughing out loud

Looking forward for the photos too Smiling

Rob> sure anytime I'd be up for some more fun !


Rob's picture

Sounds good... really makes you think how far away we go without assistance and need to be able to think on our... erm... wheels! Eye-wink

Here's how Brian's sidewall was fixed on a rider earlier in the year. Wrapped the old tube around (before inflating) which held well:

Sidewall Repair #2

lozza6's picture

anything to get you home!!!

we were 35km in I think...

so it was either 35 back or 65 forwards...

fix turned out good enough for the 65 Smiling

matho's picture

Take a spare tyre by all means Tom, but you're not gonna take it on the ride are you? Once you start you just make repairs as you go - like Morgan did. It's unusual to rip a sidewall as big as Morgan did. That was weird and very unlucky. Personally I use Stans - have done for 4 years - to avoid pinch flats - works for me. But I still take a tube or 2 as a backup. The reason for the BIG explosion when Morgan's tyre went (I think) was because he had 40+psi in the tube so when it punctured the tube blew out big time making the sidewall rip really big. Maybe his sidewall was pretty thin as well. With Stans you run lower pressure (32 front, 34 back or similar) so you wouldn't get big blow outs like that.

The ride was excellent. The rock/technical sections were the best. I haven't ridden a lot since Alice Springs a month ago. It scares me how much endurance I lose by not riding constantly. 100km is def not the same as 50km - you have to call on deeper physical resources.

lozza6's picture

Phil, you've got to update your profile! Smiling

to "10 kg ibis"

Sticking out tongue

Very nice bike.


matho's picture

Profile now updated. Very happy with the Mojo. I was more "careful" than usual on the rocky sections yesterday. Climbs surprisingly well on a 130mm front fork - wheel doesn't come up/keeps line very well - but not quite as good as the Flux (which is awesome). I didn't bottom out the rear shock as much as I do on the Flux - which is surprising coz I think the rear shock on the Mojo was a bit soft... So a better descender - smoother - can take more exciting lines. Pedals don't hit rocks as much either (170mm crank vs 175mm crank - bot bracket height is same for both I think.

Brian's picture

My repair using the tube worked a treat considering the damage it had here

The issue I have now being tubeless, is I need to carry an extra tube to carry out this repair.

Morgan's picture

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Hans's picture

For that tyre - you need bicycle repair man !

Rgds Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

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