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St Ives Trails Under Threat?
Just read this in the North Shore Times - anybody know if this will affect any of the trails in the area?
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I've passed this thru to someone who may have further info. Will advise when I know more.
One can hope that the land would extend from the back end of the pistol club towards duffys forest rifle range. Such a shame to lose what would be a decent amount of all our single track.
Just go faster, duck and weave and avoid rapid fire Wednesday nights
If shooters and fishers have political party, then we need a Bikers and Hikers Party... or Bikes and Dikes could have more balls...
No need to worry, as Mr Borsak said:
"National park land was “not there just to be locked up” but to be used"
Mmmm surely I'm not the only one who sees something wrong with that statement?
No, it's very wrong. National Park status is supposed to be the highest level of environmental protection that the State Government can confer upon land - and yet they can merely rescind it a the whim of some lobbying by a minor self-interested political party.
The justification by allocating some other land to NPWS at the opposite end of Sydney is simply robbing Peter to pay Paul.
... so I don't have a great problem with it being put to other uses. The bigger issue is the back room deal that sees land use change without the usual community consultation that would be required if anybody else was going to have access to the land. Would have been great to have the opportunity to maybe run the argument that mtb riders support the expansion of the shooting range IF the mtb tracks (both the original horse trail and Epiphany) were accorded some official status.
I don't really like riding past gun fire, but there's not much sign that the single track network is going to expand any time soon, so any opportunity to lock in stuff that we've got would have been good.
... for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of the party."
that the mini bike club at the showground have lost their lease. They are being kicked out with the trails to be rehabilitated back to bush. The RC club currently located in the middle of the entry drive to the showground is then going to be moved over to the top section of the old mini wheels club so that they can utilise the existing buildings as club house etc.
Does Manly Warringah still hold short course races over there?
Yeah I believe the mini bike club lost their lease because they brought contaminated soil (unintentionally probably) into the National Park.
MWCC hold their short course races over on the tracks around HART now.
I thought it was funny someone thinks National Park land shouldn't be locked out but then that's exactly what they are going to do with it.
Just needs to amend its name to road cyclists party
Given that's where the majority ride and where cycling in Australia (ie including outside Sydney) has its biggest and most entrenchwd cultural and legislative problems, it's not surprising. Actually you could divide it further and call it the transportation cyclists party.
There is nevertheless some effort being made and if you want more then join up and be heard.
The Shooters and Fishers are more powerful by being one group. They're not split into pistols and rifles, clay target, fly fishers, beach fishers, inshore boat fishers etc. They'd get nowhere broken up like that.
Right at the moment though, that's exactly how *we* look. Lots of little subgroups, some treating it as a competitive for-profit business (looking at you BNV) and often taking cheap shots at each other for short term gain (looking at you SCA).
Litle wonder we are so easily marginalised for political advantage, and targeted by clickbait tabloid media.
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
Lach, how did you find out the land in question is an old tip site? I haven't been able to find anywhere that shows a map of the land they're talking about. Again, this shows an arrogant lack of community consultation in this matter.
... you can tell. At the very least it was a spoil dump, but I'm guessing tip. There used to be a lot - Nth Turra Golf course, Golden Jubilee Oval, the area at the top of Quarry Track. Took a while before this sort of thing became the issue it would be today.