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Ideas for overnighter please

Looking for any tips for overnight ride with pub stay, ideally long loop to get away from it all, but not too far outta Sydney - eg blue mts, central coast, sth highlands.
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You could try Wisemans Ferry or St Albans. There's plenty of places to ride and stay out there.
While not really in the spirit of the dirty 200 (you really should pack a tent), check out the 200 option for the dirty 600, you could stay in Cessnock before hitting the back end of the course back to Morisset, bailout routes for the lazy would be overnight in Wollombi.
Alternate route would be Lithgow to Mittagong, overnight @wombeyean caves cabins, although its not really a pub so you'd probably have to pack in your own beer(s)..
How far do you plan on riding per day?
You could do some big loops in the mountains starting and finishing at a central point each day and still seeing some awesome scenery.
Suggestion above for LtoM and staying at Wombeyan is OK but Wombeyan is 2/3rds the total distance (around 140oddkm point) and after the climb up from the river it is tar to Mitagong - an easy day 2 really (70oddkm). I did it in one hit on my 29er dually carrying everything in a day pack and not stopping for any supplies (the 215km is not for the faint hearted though, I was carrying 6L water and all food and tools/spares).
I plan on sorting some routes around Turon gates and the Bridle track for future days. There are also some cool trips around upper colo. Snowies is also on my long list........
LtoM in a day fully loaded is a great effort, I'm thinking about giving that a shot on a CX bike in one sitting this September or early October.
Should I mention I caught the midnight express out of Springwood and started riding from Lithgow before 2am as well? Dodging wombats under lights dropping into Jenolan at 45km/hr at 4am was scary!
Thanks all. Think I'll train to Blackheath, Megalong to 6 foot track, jenolan, and on to wombeyan caves
Nice choice, be sure to let us know how it goes.
Keep us posted if you are looking fro company on one of those back country rides.
Albeit not to keen on starting at 2 in the morning !