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Scott 24 - End of an era

Went down to CBR and did the Scott 24 - just socially. The numbers were down.
My first ever race was Scott 24hr back in 2007 and the size of the event back then was massive. This year it was tiny with most riders appeared to be doing 6 + 6 because the night laps were very lonely.
From 2007 onwards we did Scott 24 every year for a while but have not done it in two or three years so it was quite unexpected to find it so small.
Last couple of Mont's we've done seemed to have had good numbers though, Maybe 24hr events has lost it's appeal or it's only the Scott event that's fallen out of fashion?
They also announced it was the last year they run it which for me feels a bit like and end of era given it was the event that got me sucked in to MTB racing.
Seems like it'll be 6+6 from now on losing the dubious enjoyment of getting ready at 3am and waiting in transition area getting gradually more and more hypothermic whilst cursing fellow team mate for not getting in on time.
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I've never done the Scott but have done a couple of Mont's and RT24's in teams and one solo 6x6.
I was following the results in the Scott because I knew a few people riding and it seems that solo categories were in the majority. More people seem to be taking on the challenge of the 24 solo. 6x6 is a good option for many that can't get the training in for a full 24hr. The 3am laps when its freezing cold are pretty hard in a team and I can only imagine the loneliness of the solos at that time.
The RT 24 earlier this year was very quiet but I recon the Awaba 24 in Feb will sell out with a 350 rider cap - nothing compared to the 3000 at a big Mont though.
I honestly think people don't see value for money in racing for the most part - close to $200 in rego, nothing in the rego bags anymore and a podium only gets you a bottle of stans or a cheap pump.
With a young family, my racing per year is our local club races and 4hr series, maybe 1 or 2 7hrs in teams, a 12hr in a team, a 24 in a team possibly every 2nd year and the odd CTMBC race. I've been more concentrating on working out interesting rides that incorporate something with the family at one end - there's plenty of cool trails out there to explore.
I must admit "novelty" of getting up at 4am in a freezing sou'wester coming off the snowfields at the 2012 Mont almost did me in, but decent lights, warmer conditions and improved fitness the following year made it a lot more fun.
The 5+ hour drive home the following day (including stopping for naps) is less than ideal though.
I'd be keen on the RT24, but the timing is poor with work commitments and I'm not so keen on thrashing myself in 40+ temps. If they shifted to a cooler time of year it would remove both those deal-breakers.
Jesus, 24hrs of Awaba, you'd die of boredom as a solo rider if it was just the normal loop.
as solo rider must be torture. I admire the toughness and the determination of the ones who do it but not for me. I prefer the 4 hr solo format. Short enough to go as hard as fitness and technique allow but long enough to make the finish a relief. The enjoyment seems to quickly die out around that 4hr mark.
This year at the scott it was up to the observatory then down via the luge and a short detour on parts of what used to be called the blue lap where there were two loops. Doing that for 24hrs is very hard core.
I did the Scott in 2010 and 2011, and the Mont in 2012 and 2013 - probably when both events were at their absolute peak.
The novelty wore off for me that's for sure - and to try and keep a team together - no chance.
I did the Scott 10, 11, 12 . Mont 11, 12 14 with a few other ones in between
Loved the 24 hr team concept
Although I would agree getting up at 3 am is no easy task, especially when its cold and or your partner has had a few flats & is running late. For me The most memorable laps are the Night laps.
I loved the social aspect of the 6 team & camping out with other teams. One major issue with the Scott was always the space you had to accommodate 8- 10K people when it was at its height. The Mont Has so much more space to camp.
I also found the big sponsors pretty awesome at the Scott. One of them rebuilt my fork just before the race. Under warranty LOL
Mont was far more casual but for me the track was far more exciting at Stromlo.
I'm over racing now. I loved it at the time.
for years and years! It was unreal, we used to have loads of teams travel down and it was so social and fun! But I agree, the smaller camping areas changed the dynamics and the novelty of being so bloody cold in the middle of the night wore off towards the end...
We stopped going the year they locked us all in and said no one could leave before 2 or whatever stupid time it was. It's a long drive home late, when you are tired from being up all night. ( I still adore that bloke who turned up with the saw and cut the gate open!).
For me the highlights of the 24hr races are the night laps, I adore night riding.
The Mont is always more relaxed but even that isn't so tempting now. We haven't done a 24hr for a few years. I kind of thought I'd have a come back at some stage...
So many fabulous memories from the 24hrs.
Yeah, that was fun. Catching up with folks you hadn't seen for ages, banter and stupid dad jokes as we stand around someone's electric powered jet engine trying to stay warm.
I missed the 2014 for some reason... ah, that's right a stupid training ride crash scratching my oversized nose at exactly the wrong moment. I haven't been back since, despite buying a new bike to help me keep Hans in his place, and a new helmet lamp and bar lamp battery.
Trying to get the band back together now that we're all a bit older just hasn't happened, and the younger guys I've been riding with have young kids and getting a leave pass to get away for a whole weekend has been harder than justifying N+1
Was our mission this year. First one we did was 2007 as a team of 6. This year we wanted to put the same team back together but ended up as a team of 4 but two had not kept it up since 2007 so it was pretty much two of us doing all the riding so that was good value for money.
Most I know seem to have turned into roadies that very rarely get out on their ageing fleet of yesteryear MTB tech and can't ride technical single track for shiz.. holly dropper post batman.. that's me!
I used to really really really look forward to the Mont 24, never did the Scott (as I was turned off by the talk of being held hostage). But I am 100% sure that I'd still be doing the Mont if I could get the band back together, did think of joining as a ring in on a random team but I'm becoming too much of a grumpy old roadie to bother with that.
@obmal, what's changed?
You were a grumpy old mtber too
I remember being told off for riding Kowalski's Beer Garden too slow early one morning: "You ride Manly Dam, what's wrong with yer?! :P"
A grumpy old farts team sounds like a great idea. I'm up for a bit of heckling the younger riders if you are.