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Knapsack Build Day - XC and DH
The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
Lovers walk Firetrail Gate, get onto Barnet St and head north uphill, the gate and parking is just past the 'S' bend.
All are welcome!!!
Start at 8:00am at this stage at the start of Lover's Walk.
Plan of works: Still working this out with BMCC.
Blue Mountains City Council have hired Adrian from Synergy to lead the Maintenance days.
Trail maintenance will only run for 4hrs. To get the most out of it, please arrive early and be ready to start.
Bring Shovels, Picks and Rakes. Remember to clean any soil off at home as we don't want any soil brought in from home. A good scrub with a wash down of Metho (70%) diluted with water (30%) is highly recommended to minimise the risk of spreading plant and soil born deceases and or introducing weeds.
Bring plenty of water and snacks to get you through.
Please wear full covered shoes. Preferably boots.
long sleeved shirt and trousers is recommended.
Gloves, hat and sunscreen are also recommended.
Council and Synergy need to know in advance the number of Volunteers that will be coming. With a bigger turn out means Council and Synergy will hire more staff for the day which also means we can get more done.
If too many people are turning up unannounced it is possible volunteers may be turned away. We do not want this to happen so please register if you are coming.
Please click the link to say you will be coming or send an email to [email protected]
Some details may be subject to change. Please check for updates.
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Keen to hear what sections we are tackling
What would be your preferred bits to work on? There are so many.
Signage, still the biggest complaint I hear.
Yeah very true. Will mention to council again, as they have the bollards in but none of the arrows. It would really help wear in the "line" to make it more obvious too.
However it does keep my Strava time for the loop artificially high though, as it is near impossible for someone to work out the "proper" loop.
Its Next Saturday do we know what area we are going to be working on?
Hi, please add me to the chain gang