You are hereForums / NoBMoB News / Port to Port giveaway - And the winner is...
Port to Port giveaway - And the winner is...

Big Congratulations to...
Answer your PM for details of how to utilise the prize. Well done, and good luck!
To the rest of the entrants, sorry about that, but remember, you can still enter online the regular way here:
P.S Looking forward to at least one race report and some happy snaps
P.P.S. For the nerds... here's how it happened...
mysql> select u.uid, from (select distinct uid from comments where nid = 55222) a, users u where a.uid = u.uid order by rand() limit 1;
| uid | name |
| 15776 | hank |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
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Well done you lucky person!
lets hope he has been training!
Congrats Hank!