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What's happened to NoBMoB?

Just logged on for the first time in a while and noticed the last post was three days ago. Seems like everyone has departed? I remember when this was a hive of activity. What's happened?
The funny thing is I was logging on to see if anyone was talking about the Convict. I was considering it for this year and then saw the entry fee was $150. Are these guys kidding themselves? No wonder these races are dying.
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If you haven't logged in for a while, would be good to know which sites you were going to instead?
Where do other people go? Facebook groups?
... but I also use Trailforks, Strava and OSM. I haven't done much in the way of group rides, but those I have done have generally been arranged through Nobmob. I follow Sydney MTB Riders, Bump and Grind, The Berm and a few track groups on FB, as well as race organisers etc.
I used to update trail conditions regularly when I rode tracks, but have basically given up as no other bugger is doing it!
... and probably that Rob, site owner, doesn't appear to be investing much time or funds into developing the site now that he's moved overseas.
I wonder if I should make him an offer...
Facebook, Strava, Trailforks and Garigal Gorillas for me.
I'm guessing lots of people have also migrated that way so there's less happening on NobMob. Less content equals less people visiting, meaning less people creatiing content..... etc.
I still check in from time to time... same as @Hasbeen Racing... was checking in to see if anyone was posting about Convict.
Well... it's an upward and downward spiral isn't it? NoBMoB is used less and less because... it's uses less and less.
Back in the day there were a small group of people who didn't mind how many others were here, they used the site to organise things in their small group and that was that. Week in and week out this went on so others came along and things grew. However, no-body really organises things anymore which leads to people not bothering to look.
It doesn't help that the freebie hosting isn't great, which leads to usability issues. Nor does it help that the software running this hasn't been updated for literally years. Without any support these things can't change and without making changes support dwindles.
Sooner or later the site will get archived off as a read-only copy to sit and gather dust somewhere. Unless it sees a comeback, but that seems unlikely.
Sorry I've been travelling for work and then riding around Bright so I haven't had a chance to respond.
@TimG, I'm not going anywhere instead, I don't have much time to read forums etc these days. I wasn't aware of the groups on FB, and probably not that interested in joining them, but it is interesting that everything seems to be drifting that way. Maybe there's your new hosting Rob. Sydney MTB Riders seem to have a Facebook site and a website built on the NoBMoB platform.
I completely understand what Rob is saying re the critical mass and have observed the rise and fall of other forums related to surfing. Seems like social media has killed off the forum too. It feels a bit sad that it's gone this way.
Hi guys,
I realise this thread is 2 weeks old but I don’t check NOBMOB too often anymore. I think the reason this site is in decline is that most people on the Northern beaches have moved on from the trails that this site focuses on. Give info on all the trails on the beaches not just the XC ones and maybe things would change.
yes first time for a long time here as well. As with everything facebook seems to be the leader in most things. Thats not to say it is any better. I found with all my car interests this has also happened. A lot of Facebook users in those groups are clowns and it doesnt really get controlled or moderated as well or as closely as with most blog sites. I also find it hard to do research on something on facebook. There is just the wrong kind of noise in those groups.
But that's where it has headed
I just rode in Thredbo last weekend....what a blast!!!!
will go again A++++++
I check in here from time to time, but mostly frequent Instagram, groups on Facebook and the still running Rotorburn forums, although the latter is certainly dwindling also.
I don't come here as much as i use to. It also seemed to get less people around the same time marathon racing started slowing down.
For me it became very XC focused which for me isn’t the Northern Beaches. FB groups was where the discussion of AM/Enduro/Freeride/DJ/DH was happening.
I could post here and maybe not even get a response or get immediate help and discussion elsewhere.
Especially in advocacy, once a post here would generate 1000 reads in 24hrs and offers to help. Now it has hardly been worth posting up and there is little context as the issues are being raised elsewhere.
It is also too easily trolled by the haters. FB through groups, closed or secret groups has provided a better platform to discuss issues and strategy.
Looking at the stats though, it’s still being visited but people aren’t engaging. Posts now only seem to get 1 comment per 200-300 reads.
I'm back again , I don't ride much as I moved out of the area and I have said before social rides used to happen a fair bit but now it's all about racing but that's dwindling because of the cost involved too.Gone are the days of big group social rides we used to have and helping out the beginners and showing them the trails and how to ride the correct lines , my weekends are on the boogieboard with my sons while bikes are collecting dust we might do the occasional night ride around Newcastle foreshore going on dusk . It all comes down to cost ...petrol , race fees , nutrition and drinks it all adds up and I have stopped marshalling for the same reason .
Facebook can bite me. Nobmob is still my go to for info on the local trails.
And yes hawkeye, you should make an offer to Rob to take it over and drag it into at least this millennium.
First time i've looked in quite a while
I moved away from the beaches and all the peeps I used to know are no longer here
(except I did see Brain here)
Bit of a shame really
It was a lot of fun back in the day - maybe it still is, just different
A few peeps started taking themselves a bit seriously
But for me the real killer was the 'unauthorised' trail bullshit
All the arguing and carry on about the site being monitored and not able to have an honest rant lol
I met some of the best people through NoBMoB though and I have lots of good memories
Hey Andy, yes I'm still here and still on the Northern Beaches and riding heaps. I hope you're going well and still getting out on the trails up in the mountains. For me, NoBMoB is where it all started.
Here is my first NoBMoB ride and that was a real hoot. I had a great OTB on that ride and there have been many more since
Wow, 10+ years ago! I think that was also one of my first big group rides; I remember it well.
I check-in every month or so to see if there's anything happening, but alas it's mostly crickets and tumbleweed.
Since having kids, trying to organise any riding with other people is almost impossible and that was the main reason I used to visit the site. I imagine a lot of others are/were in the same boat.
PM if up for any night rides after 8pm or during the day on weekdays (between client meetings)