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Ourimbah - Sat 26th

Little-Ditty's picture

By Little-Ditty - Posted on 15 July 2008

Saturday, 26 July, 2008 - 09:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

4 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest


Thank you to all those riders that participated in my little poll the other day. We have half of the respondents requesting an Ourimbah ride on Saturday 26th... so Ourimbah it is!! Laughing out loud

I intended to do a mix of XC and downhill riding - in no particular order. I will be testing out another new steed (well, an upgraded one at least) - so a track that has great technical riding is where I want to be.

The pace will be easy, so any riders that are not massively fast can still come and enjoy this ride. This is not a training day or anything. I would still rate these trails as best suited to an intermediate skilled rider though. But up to you.

Hoping to see you all there. Yahoo!!

0438 885 410

Who's in?
Buck, evan, Little-Ditty, Bruce, Gary
Buck evan Little-Ditty Bruce Gary
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Gary's picture

Can anyone pick me up on the way through, my wife needs the car Sat morning.

christine's picture

...but you know that since we just discussed it!
I thought i would post it to make the boys look mean!!! Smiling

christine's picture

...sorry - have to work
am sure one of the boys will swing past...

GeordieAndy's picture

I'm trying to convince myself to do this although not sure what time I need to leave Manly. If not too early I could do it and swing by and give you a lift.

Buck's picture

Don't worry guys. I spoke to Gary on last night's ride and it's all sorted.

Noel's picture

Will confirm as we get closer (and after I count my credits up).

Hopefully things get drier too.

Buck's picture

At the risk of Christine calling us girls again......what's the verdict on this ride given the weather Liam?

ar_junkie's picture

Just say that you're concerned about the well-being of the track, she can't fault you for that... Eye-wink

Gilbo's picture

Hey Liam,

sorry I cant make it. which is a shame, am super keen (rain mud or shine) to hit ourimbah again. Be sure to get some good photos of the new and improved Norco in action.

Little-Ditty's picture

Sorry to hear you can't make it Lee. Sad It will be a shame to not have you down for one of our old stomping grounds! Next time. I am borrowing some wheels for this ride, as my ones on order are not ready. Dang!

The rain has only been a few mm here or there at Ourimbah so far. The trail actually improves when it rains a bit. It gets more hardpacked and reduces all the dust. I am still keen to go - assuming the weather does not get any worse. Saturday is to be similar to today. If it was somehow belting down tomorrow morning, I may bin this ride, but that's unlikely. Check the website tomorrow morning. Cheers.

Harry's picture

I'll make a call in the am based on the rain (of course for track reasons)

GeordieAndy's picture

Next time Liam!

Little-Ditty's picture

Weather seems to be holding up. Forecast is actually decent. So I am going. See you there. Smiling

Harry's picture

looks like great weather for riding but I'm out out - have fun!

Buck's picture

Lots of fun guys. The track was very nice despite a little rain.

Doing the DH track for the first time was lots of fun too. Not quite the right bike for it but still was good....some elbow and knee pads sure did help too!

Little-Ditty's picture

It was a welcome sight to see the rain hold off all day. Not a cloud in the sky with only the odd puddle on the XC course. No puddles to speak of on the DH course. And Buck, you have made the first teetering steps into technical Nirvana. See you on the other side soon!! Smiling

For those that weren't there, the trail was in excellent condition today. Plenty of hardpacked and tacky trails. Almost like a racetrack. Absolutely perfect conditions.

Also, there were a few places taped off, like we read about a couple of weeks ago. Some we already knew about, like the Graveyard. But also new ones, like the first big drop in section of the XC trail. That has a big mud bog at the bottom of it, so its quite dangerous due to the high speed.

Anyone want to post the embarrassing moments of the day?

Buck's picture

Well I can testify about numerous embarrassing moments for myself. This includes hugging multiple trees. Why is it that I always choose the non-padded trees!? Gary was much more successful at choosing the nice padded trees to get intimate with Smiling

Another good one was me falling off the back of my bike after a dropoff. Went for a slide on my ass while my bike continued on into the bushes. Only pride damaged there.

Also worthy of a mention is Liam showing some leg. He managed to tear the whole side of his pants after falling off his bike after the log drop at the end of the DH track. Probably trying his best to impress the girls there with his aqua undies Laughing out loud

Well thats a few to get you started Liam. Once again great day out. Need a bigger squishier bike and more skills!

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