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Oxford Falls downhill companion?

Thought id give Oxford falls downhill a go the other afternoon and, although very rusty and wary over most of the coarse, thoroughly enjoyed it. Only problem being the lack of lift up again ,which basically meant i only managed two runs before tiring!
So just mondering if anybody would be intersted in meeting once a week, preferably on an afternoon (im a tradie so can be there for 4ish) for some runs and we can use my ute with atleast three bike potential for an uplift. As i say i am no sam hill by any means, but enjoyed it all the same.
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I'd be keen to come out regularly. But probably couldn't make it every weekend due to some other commitments.
Thanks for the reply, Yes same as me for weekends, but best for me would be to meet in the week after work. i can be there for just after four so still fit in some runs.which will improve as the evenings get lighter. And the place was pretty much empty.
I saw some other guys doing car uplift with two of them , they were just driving up in one car to collect the other persons car after each run. Definatley quicker than riding up!
Let me know when you can make it, would still be on for a weekend if it suits you better. Just be nice to go with somebody else..... none of my friends seem interested!
I'd be keen to come out regularly, I've been riding Manly Dam in the afternoons due to it being close by. I haven't ridden Oxford Falls yet, would be good if someone could show me around.
id be keen for the odd midweeker, tradey myself, would prob be about 4ish till i could get there too.. weekends out for me...
Ok thats good news, either of you available this week? wednesday or thurs? Its good going in the week, the place is all but one to see how slow i am!
Hey Matt,
Both days are fine for me. Did you want to head out Wednesday? If the weather was like today should be good. Haven't ridden Oxford falls yet so hope that isn't a problem.
this week no good for me, and after having just discovered kentlyn, i dont thnk ill be going back to oxford again lol..nah maybe in a week or so, ill have to check my schedule and get back to you.
Kentlyn? ..tell me more! is this newcastle way? Only really familiar with local trails, so interested to hear of more.
need to get back out there
where is daylight savings when you need it
I ride oxford falls DH track and have the same problem.
I would be keen to hook up for a ride mid week and do some shuttling.
Is anyone still keen.
oh crap forgot this thread lol, late notice but a couple of us will be hitting oxford tomorrow morning for most of the day exploring etc (monday).. welcome to come, numbers on my profile if you can get yourself there i have room for 1-2 max for shuttles..
Hi mate
we normally meet up there every Fri arvo (3-4pm)and do push runs after work
what bike you riding so we can look out for you if you are there?