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*postponed* Ride Week '08, aka "The Professors Mystical Mud Adventure" - 11 to 15 Aug

*broken scaphoid = no ride week*
(big frowny face)
So I had a clipped-in stack yesterday, confirmed broken wrist today...AAARGH
Not sure how long I'll be off the bike, but it'll be a few weeks least my boss is letting me postpone my leave!
I'll leave the 3 rides I'd arranged in the calendar, in case people who signed up still wat to go. - keep your eyes open for ride week pt2, sept/oct...
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oooh a midweeker!
Let's do kanangra boyd national park, or canberra! How about bateman's bay? We could spend 3 days there. The 6 foot track would be good too, if you aren't interested in batemans or canberra.
hmm... Do you want to do the 6 foot track on the 12th? we could go there early in teh morning, do a car shuffle, and if we have energy ride narrowneck too!
should have put in the original post, wife will be O/S so I have to drop off & pick up child at daycare each day (nth sydney), so unfortunately can't go too far afield.
Could realisticly do something about 2hrs from Sydney (leave at 7:30am & get back by 5:30pm - gives me about 6hrs riding time).
Could 6ft/narrowneck be an option then? I've only done Oaks in the mountains...keen to try new tracks!!
the 6 foot would be possible in that time. Probably not narrowneck as well
I've always wanted to do the 6 foot track too has some info, though I have no idea what he is talking about insofar as the areas which we are allowed to ride. He seems to have old updates and new updates on the same page. Further the place names only make sense to someone familiar with the area. eg. he first says that you can't ride across the swing bridge or on the singletrack, but then says "This ride offers a bit of everything - steep gnarly downhill firetrail, huge climbs, flat out downhills, waterbars, beautiful singletrack, creek crossings and a suspension bridge."
Nonethless, I'm sure we'll work it out - I'll just grab a track from motionbased and we can follow that!
Ok then - looks like either 6ft or narrowneck would be possible, but not both.
Yeah those comments are a bit confusing, it looks like originally you could ride the singletrack but now it's been closed off - damn! If you can work out where it starts & ends I'm happy to give it a go!
Do you have a day in mind? Let's get a ride into the calendar!
I'm thinking my other ride days will include the previously mentioned "Dam Day" and an Anderson+Oaks day...
oooooo that sounds fun i would love to hook up and try some new stuff or old whatever is going after 6 weeks off the bike im keeen as mustard and my schedule is fairly flexi and buy then i should be back to match fitness
Great! How about that tuesday? If you can leave at 7:30, let's meet at katoomba at 9:30. We can then park one car at jenolan, and leave one car at megalong, ride from megalong to jenolan then have the option of either riding back to megalong or driving back to megalong.
6 foot track route :
Awesome - I'll put 6ft track in for Tues 12th! I'll put it in the calendar - the more the merrier I figure, transport would probably be the only requirement...
We'll sort out more details in the coming weeks...
is that ride never been there would love to come if ok with you guys ,let me know ,cheers
The professor has pointed out that the 6 foot track with associated car shufffling may be too much to fit in 6 hours. Can anyone who has done this track shed light on the situation?
Cheers, Dave
leon, you are welcome to come along. However, whilst we will be riding a track in teh blue mountains that day, it may not end up being the 6 foot track.
Drive down to megalong Valley and start at Old Ford. Ride down the 6 Foot Track and up the other side till you've almost had enough, then turn around and go back home. This will get in the best bits of the ride.
From the Black Range car park and back via the Lowther fire trail
count me in then,let me know what you guys have in mind for transport and numbers /options of shuttles etc
Thanks Alchemist and Flynny
It looks like one of those shorter versions might be the go! Less driving and more riding is a winner!
Yeah thanks peoples, I'm looking fwd to hitting some new trails!