You are hereCalendar / Social Night Ride Terrey Hills [Perim. + Long Trail]

Social Night Ride Terrey Hills [Perim. + Long Trail]

Hans's picture

By Hans - Posted on 03 August 2008

Wednesday, 6 August, 2008 - 19:15

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2.2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Terry Hills Tavern, eastern carpark, Aumuna Rd, Terrey Hills, NSW 2084

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Social night ride - Perimeter & Long trail [Everyone welcome - suitable for newbies, too!]

Come along and stretch your legs!

Naturally we'll have a cleansing ale at the Tavern afterwards.

See you on Wednesday...

Rgds, Hans

Who's in?
pikey, Stuart M, christine, Buck, Paul, Nic, Harry, Damien, lozza6, Hans, spart, ADRIAN B, jdb (13 riders)
pikey Stuart M christine Buck Paul Nic Harry Damien lozza6 Hans spart ADRIAN B jdb
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
Bernd's picture

.. but do not wait for me!
I'll be there at 7pm if I make it!

christine's picture

At least if Paul is riding he knows the meaning of SOCIAL!!!

Stuart M's picture

Just have to find which box all my lights and riding gear have been packed into. I can be the token newbie as well, haven't ridden for over 5 weeks now

Paul's picture

Christine, 12 months ago we had this "roid" girl riding with us who pushed the pace and led us home on 16-17 kph night rides - I wonder what happened to her?

While I'm still coming on the "social" ride I've just noticed that Rob has posted a 7.45 roid boy ride for Long and Perimeter, aiming to complete it in a little over an hour - this can only means he wants to chase us down and pass us. A part of me doesn't want them catching us so hopefully we can get a good social pace going and with minimal stops give the roids a run for their money.

I also noticed the roids are also starting from the TH shops - they are cribbing every bit to make the catch.

christine's picture

too that Rob (who must have worked out how to post rides recently) has put out a challenge - shall i see if i can find that 'roid girl somewhere? she must have been hibernating...
my main concern is if Shaun suddenly decides to return to night riding...

ar_junkie's picture

"Night Riding" you speak of? Shocked

Rob's picture

Shaun - this ride is on the dirt... on the dirt and in the dark... how scary would that be?! Eye-wink

Buck's picture

Taking the soft social option.

I'll make sure to wear shorts over knicks this time Christine Sticking out tongue

christine's picture

i have charged up the phone for evidence!!

Paul's picture

Ben was out for a sneaky training session on Sunday riding all around Terrey Hills proudly displaying his Spandex in the day light hours, scaring children and small fury animals.

He was with Tien who I believe is trying to turn him to the dark side.

Buck's picture

Ah once again I'll use the dirty shorts excuse Smiling

Buck Ooops

Photo evidence this time!

Paul's picture

Dirty shorts - I can't see any mud, so either you didn't clench hard enough or you have a roadie adversion to soil.

Dirty shorts doesn't explain the freshly shaved legs?

Buck's picture

Nah hair's still all can have a closer look for yourself on Wednesday night Paul Laughing out loud

ar_junkie's picture

Have rooms at the Tavern?

Beany's picture

I have been tempted to come out for a long time and it sounds like this ride is one not to miss. I may even join in the post-ride fun.

I have been training with my posse riding laps at FF Park without serious incident (I did hit the grass sideways on one corner due to a errant rollerblader), so please be gentle and patient with me.

Hans's picture

Spring is rides are on!

Apparently Cannondale's new owners have just released a new model - to finally shed it's "road racer only" brand image!

(For MTB'ers who love to chat while on the trail!) Eye-wink

See you all Wednesday eve at the Tavern!

Rgds Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

Buzz's picture

It was explained to me that this is Cannondales answer to reducing the cost of their lifetime frame guarantee and the continual recalls they are having.

How's this for lateral thinking - rather than make their bikes more reliable they now add 6 seats, 6 cranks, 6 of everything so when one fails you just change position. It's only when all 6 have failed do they replace the bike (up here of thinking).

Go Big or Go Home

LikeAGlove's picture

I'm missing the night rides big time! hope I can get back on the bike soon hope you guys are all doing well and enjoy the ride!

Stuart M's picture

attending this ride bring along some chain lube for me to bludge, prefferably a wet lube not a wax.

Tight arse I know but I have several bottles of the stuff already but I can't find the box it was packed into and I don't feel like buying more at over the counter prices when I already have it.

Thanks in advance


Harry I will have your gloves if you are riding, if not I can give them to Pikey if he is there

Hans's picture

no worries Stuart

I'll bring the lubemobile...

Got some of the green Finishline stuff - for wet conditions.

Never use it much...hopefully we won't need it and the weather gods are friendly...

Rgds Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

Bernd's picture with:
"prefferably a wet lube not a wax."
"Tight arse"
does not sound good!!!!

Hans's picture

From an oldie but goldie...

Top Reasons to Date a NobMobber!

1) We know that everything needs to be properly lubricated before it can be used to its full potential.

2) That bulge isn’t just the chamois.

3) Balls of steel.

4) We can go for hours and hours even when it hurts.

5) We know how to take it easy.

6) We know not to go real hard right from the beggining.

7) Smoother legs than you.

Cool Skin tight lycra is real easy to take off.

9) Can you say perfectly sculpted legs?

10) Better power-to-weight ratio than a small car.

11) We don’t need booths to get our amazing tan…lines.

12) Perfect ass.

13) Diamond cut calves.

14) Incredible thigh definition.

15) Who else can perform for over 5 hours a day for 20 consecutive days?

16) When it gets hard, we find a rhythym and pound away.

17) We go hard and push until it gets even harder.

18) Some days we feel the need to attack, explore, and adventure.

19) Even when we’re about to explode, we can always hang on a little bit longer.

20) We always have water bottles and snacks laying around for those those times when it gets real long.

Rgds Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

Gary's picture

Hurt my back yesterday, so have to pull out of this one, enjoy the ride/beer.

Harry's picture

Stuart, I am planning to be there

Stuart M's picture

but I just found some.


See you all there tonight.

Hopefully these threatening clouds go away. Do you think it will be too wet? (que Christine)

Nic's picture


Buck's picture

Nice ride all. Now off to the bike shop to get a rim and disc straightened! Oh stem was also knocked out of whack but I can fix that much myself.

ar_junkie's picture

Did you stack?
Practising your DH/Free ride skills at night is not such a good idea Buck... Eye-wink

Hans's picture

Thanks to all for joining another great social night ride! Great turnout - especially for a cool August night...

Very eventful...! Thrills and spills: Stacks, Turramurra stalkers on the single track, mechanicals, blow-ins, eerie video takes, more stacks....all delivered at a cracking pace...and followed by beers and chat at the tavern...

We started off expecting 12 and ended up with 18! (incl. Bruce and Rob catching up at the THT)

Even the weather gods played along noice - it didn't start raining until we all got back to the Tavern....

Great turnout! .... 16 + 2 Nobmobbers on August Nightride
It's getting busy at the lookout!

How many NobMobbers does it take to....
How many NobMobbers does it take to do....

Repairs - leave no man behind....
...some trackside repairs (Motto: We leave no man behind...)

See you all on the next night ride! Eye-wink

Rgds Hans


Happiness is a warm shock.

Buck's picture

I wish I could say that's how it happened Junkie. However it was due mostly to Tien's great cutting off skills. We were sprinting up a hill and Tien didn't like me on his left so he decided to cut me off....sending us both into the vegetation with him and his bike landing on top of my front wheel Sad

I obviously did not learn my lesson as it happened once again going back to the Tavern.......and once again it was Tien Laughing out loud Stuart also has to take part blame for that 2nd one!

Stuart M's picture

What tha?

How can I be blamed for that, I didn't run into anyone. I just ran out of juice going up a hill and came to a dead stop mid trail Eye-wink

tienster's picture

and the second collision was Stuart's doing, i just happened to be there.


Harry's picture

That's 5 stacks on one night ride at Terry Hills - must be a record (yes Greg counted yours too)

Buck's picture

Nearly forgot about Greg's! That was a perfect demonstration of how to execute the horizontal trackstand clipped in. Right in front of a dozen people in the carpark haha Laughing out loud

Little-Ditty's picture

What is happening with your people?? Sticking out tongue

christine's picture

soo funny - Tien and Buck were really loud with their stacks - for the record, i didn't crash into anyone.. not even the newbies (any of you coming back?!) AND Rob must have forgotten to do his washing too because HE was riding in just LYCRA SHORTS - nothing over the top of them at all....

ar_junkie's picture

The process is now under way... soon he will join us on the Bianchi and reach it's full potential!

Paul's picture

Rob is metamorphising into a scummer.
Besides displaying his beans and frank, he wouldn't stop to chat (on both times we saw him) and he appeared to be trying his hardest to drop Bruce.

I believe the transition is nearly complete.

pikey's picture

....we are doing it wrong. is the order not 4 beers then we ride?

Harry, you bitch Eye-wink that wasn't a stack, I was just resting!

Yes the ROB the "roadroidroller" is well on the way to a life of bitumen.


Liam, do your lights still work?

Salad is what food eats Smiling

Rob's picture

Eh? I wasn't trying to drop cupcake... for some reason he always wanted to ride behind. Think it's all that scumming he has been doing.

Remember kids: Scumming kills MTB skills! So just say "NO!"

jdb's picture

I had a great time, which included a few stacks :$ Clip-ins are now adjusted so that I can get my feet out.

Thanks Stuart for keeping me company at the back of the pack

Looking forward to the next ride

Buck's picture

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