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I think I'm jinxed...

You may have to sign a disclaimer if come along as I seem to be bringing bad luck to every ride I attend recently. Went for a spin with Matt_P today at Red Hill and he ended up in casualty with a rather large pedal induced hole in his shin. So bring your body armour and a first aid kit. Either that or leave me in the car park where my 'black cat' / 'walking under ladder' qualities can do no harm...
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What on earth happened?
Casualty list thus far:
JH - Broken helmet with severe whiplash. 2 weeks off bike.
Matt P - Nasty hole in leg outcome not known yet.
Paul J - 2 Broken bones and possibly 6 weeks off bike.
I think there may well be some darker forces at work here so attend this ride at youre own peril.
Spoke to Matt this morning who was just coming round from a general anesthetic after some kind of reconstructive surgery to his leg. I think the nurse must have just upped his morphine dose as he was talking about going out for another blast at the weekend. To fill you in on what happened, we were almost at the end of a technical downhill when he popped a jump off a 2ft rock drop. At this point his foot came out of the SPD and then during the awkward landing either the pedal or the rebound adjuster on the top of the fork tried to eat his shin. It did a good job of it as well as it made me want to pass out let alone Matt. All respect to him though, after making a makeshift bandage he pretty much rode all the way back to the car. I'm still not clear as to exactly what the surgery was for but I'll keep you posted.
Hey sonic, I went for a ride with markterai at cascades + wildflower garden today - all going well until I stacked going about 1kmh. Fell clipped-in onto left wrist on rock...may have something broken in there, will know tomorrow...
you weren't around there were you?
for once. I'm cured!
Maybe you broke the curse as well as your wrist.
Good luck with the x-rays professor.
Just got back from a thrilling stint at Mona Vale Hospital. Hopefully I can get myselfa decent bit of kip without listening to three other people entering into a chainsawing competition.
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how it happened, I just recall thinking as I started to try and stay upright "this isnt too bad, this isn't too bad, this isn'...ooooh, that stung (looks down at shin), ooh thats not good"
Basically a very clear view of my tibia about 6 inches above my ankle and some mankey looking flesh. Sonicmook very kindly cut off a bit of his t-shirt to make a temporary dressing until we got back to the cars, then led me to the hospital...............and a 7 and a half hour wait to be seen.
Was sent home, to come back on Sunday for a bit of surgery. The doctor described it as a badly ragged laceration (OOOH, SOUNDS TOUGH) that might need a skin graft depending on how much crappy skin and flesh needs to be cut away. Thankfully that wasn't necessary.
So its a couple of weeks avoiding any leg exercise, then hopefully I should be right to get back in the saddle (after a quick purcase of body armour).
Sadly it looks like I'll miss the photography session at Red Hill
Oh and yes, I do have a photo of the wound on my phone, I just need to work out how to post it up (have already e-mailed it myself at work so will try to figure our son enough).
A big thanks to Steve (Sonicmook) for helping me out. Beers coming your way (along with your wrist guard / temporary compression bandage).
Right, I'm off to take some powerful drugs............