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Yet another new member.

Hi to all!
Have only been riding for approx 6 months am pretty much hooked. I ride a hardtail as I started mainly riding on the road for a few hours on the weekend trying to get fitter but then went off road once or twice and got really hooked. I try to get out every weekend just for 1-2 hours and have riden Terry Hills long track, the track that starts at Wyatt ave and winds down to the creek crossing(first face plant!)and Manly Dam twice (2 nervous rides).
I just wanted to know which social rides are for people starting out ie: reasonable pace, learning etc rather than flat out all the way.
Thanks for any feedback.
PS: Great site.
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Yeah - nice stuff this off road riding, eh?
Just keep an eye on the calendar for stuff posted as social. At the moment these seem to be cropping up at night (night riding is great - whole new perspective to the trails) and end in the pub by a strange twist of fate!
A few of us are preparing for a race (Mogo, The Doctor, etc.) so might be going a bit hard on a few rides but there's plenty of other stuff going on. Just come along to the social stuff and meet some folks and suss out who rides at a pace that suits you.
you could post a social ride and we can come along with you!!!
the social ones of us that is!!!
Generally rides that are flagged as 'Social' are that and the ppl that try to speed it up will end up coping an earful or breaking away from the group.
Same goes for training rides - depending on who's riding, the pace is/should be quicker and breaks are few or none.
As Rob said, the more rides you do, the better you will be able to match your skills &/or fitness to riders that are on that particular ride.
Welcome Jason.
You will find literally dozens of people here that would ride socially with a group. To start off, Terrey Hills, The Oaks (Blue Mountains), and Ourimbah (nr Gosford) all sound like great rides for you to get stuck into on a social ride. Although there are lots of other places. There are plenty of riders that would join in for those rides. See the "rides" tab at the top that will list descriptions of what you can expect at those trails. That's what I did.
As Rob said, some of the roid boys are "training" (I use that word loosely) for a race that is on in a month. So their weekend rides will be fairly fast paced. Last count there was 45 of us going down there to race. But there should be a number of other rides each weekend (at least one per day) for you to join in on. And don't be scared of just coming along to a ride. You have to start somewhere with the group - everyone did!
So, all we need to work on now is your technical riding skills... and you will be broadening your riding horizons very nicely!!
we always wait! we have certain spots on the tracks for 're-grouping' so you will never be left on your own - and if you happen to be slower than the rest someone will always ride with you - lots of nice people like that!!
because it's supposed to be FUN
and ask for advice if you need it - they are great at helping - I should know, I was appalling when I joined and they didn't expect to see me come back..poor things becuase i just won't go away now!!!
Thanks everyone for the feedback and advice. I'm going to get a bit fitter first and look forward to joining my first ride.
PS; can anyone recommend reasonably priced lights for night riding that would suit a beginner, some of these are priced more than my whole bike and I really want to try a night ride.
It will be hard to get a decent light rig happening for anything less than a couple of hundred. Unless you are willing to make your kit yourself from individually purchased components (did you enjoy your school metalwork classes??). My Ayups cost me $450. But it's up to you. My suggestion to a noob would be to wait and ride your daylight weekend warrior stuff first and spend your money on more important bike stuff (for general use) instead of splashing out on night lights. But that's just my opinion.
Thanks, I'll do more research first, have already bought an array of upgrades that I'm sure are completely uneccessary!