You are hereCalendar / NIGHT RIDE: The (NEW) Manly Dam
NIGHT RIDE: The (NEW) Manly Dam

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
King Street (near corner with Arana Street), Manly Vale. You know - outside Manly Hydraulics Lab.
By popular request: Thursday NIGHT RIDE: THE (NEW) MANLY DAM
Check out the new (faster?) night.
Social Pace - everyone welcome ( long as you have good lights...and you have ridden there there will be ride leaders guiding through the new bits).
Come along and GET FIT FOR SPRING: 1 lap for the social set, 2 or more for faster riders...
We'll form 2 groups on Thursday night:
a) Team 'ROID
Start time: 19:20
With 5 mins head start. Goal: Try to do 2 laps of standard loop and lap us / catch up with us at the car park for Bernd's (or your own) brewsky and social chat. Ride leader: [TBC]
b) Team SOCIAL
Start time: 19:25
Goal: 1 lap, with stops at the trickier bits, allowing approx. 1 - 1.5 hrs for the lap.
Guides will go ahead and point out (with lights) the new (and old) tricky bits that could send you over the bars. Regular re-group at scenic spots. Ride leader: Bernd (TBC)
Safety first: This is a large group, please keep 2-3 mtrs distance to the next rider and apply proper trail etiquette when overtaking. Otherwise the fun could turn into unneccessary (and expensive) carnage...
Public Relations: As Pikey pointed out...this event will look like a mighty, "very visible" rally - and might upset the local please as usual - please keep the noise down and be on best behaviour on road and MHL car park. Thank you.
See you on Thursday!
Rgds Hans

Were you there and have a story to tell?
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... don't forget ur Brewskie!!!!!
I am putting my bike in for service on Thursday night!!!
Time to try my new LED's out!!
Well, I changed the service to get the bike back on Wed night
I now will walk to KOM with 2 bikes tomorrow morning before 8am.. drop it in for service..
and then ride to work.
Then on Wed I'll ride from work straight to KOM by 6pm and collect my bike.. and walk home with 2 bikes from there
That means I'll have a bike for Thursday night! hurah!
See you all there!
Should have my bike back from service by Thursday, ready for another crash on Manly Dam like last weekend...or not!
I probably will not be able to get there by 7:15
Just start without me and I'll do my best to catch up.
looks like the wildlife wont be getting much sleep this thursday night, should be a good ride lots of riders so far. cheers adrian
20 night riders so far...(and counting) ...unreal...
This ride looks to be getting bigger than Ben Hur...
We better notify Sydney airport traffic control planes don't get mislead by all the high-powered lights on the MD ridge!
It is shaping up to be like a NobMob Megavalanche at Manly Dam...imagine the downhill bits:
Rgds Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
of the roid boys on your list they could probably lap the rest of the riders and get round twice...i take it this will be a very social ride hey!!!
that has to be a record for manly dam night ride...
how many can we get? the more we do the slower the ride is!
Great numbers.
Hans are you planning just the standard loop or will there be scope for deviations?
This is going to be hilarious!
Buck and I are thinking of maybe a 2nd lap, but that really depends on how long the first one takes
with a group like this, we will be lucky to be back by 10!!! haha
I will be doing an early lap first starting about 6.15pm or there abouts and will then join in with the social lap.
probably be better off doing a lap first rather than second!
i am really hoping we don't do just the usual lap because i am not a fan of the firetrail...
this may be the longest lap ever...should be a hoot!
wonder if we will lose anyone... lucky Paul or Damien aren't in charge... lol
"1 lap for the social set, 2 or more for faster riders... "
I'm reading this as a big social event, two rides starting at the same time, same place and ending at a similar time. Those that want to get in the K's are doing 2 laps and those that want to play / are not that fit or fast are doing one lap at a social pace.
Hans is that what you intended?
Being social and all!
It is customary to chat over a beer in the carpark afterwards.
This isn't a social ride it’s a public Raleigh, who’s bringing the permit!
Salad is what food eats
... yes more Bier, I have a little bit of Homebrew left!
20 or so people for a night ride at the Dam??? oh s&*#
Rob, you can not miss this one!!
Damien.. I dunno if thats possible....
unless i take the duallie to work and ride straight to the Dam... but then there is the issue of getting home! haha
umm nah, I'll be there at 7:15
I wonder if roid boys COULD do 2 laps in the time of 1 social lap?
Snip - now in main post.
Put me down for Team Social
. See you tomorrow.
... to sure about:
"Ride leader: Bernd (TBC)"
Let's see what happens....., Damien, I'm a maybe for 6-15pm, too, but do not wait for me!
thats a lot! Does it mean each of you spent around $400 to get good lights? I must get one soon so I can join you unless someone has a spare one
$400.00 is a good starting point.
Or just get the best
A heap of different designs to choose from and you can spend the $250 + saving on other bling
That or other unnecessary toys
Alysum, if you want to borrow some lights, contact me and you can borrow my Ayups. I have a set that puts 2 lights on your haldlebars and 2 on your head. The problem is I will need them back by the weekend. But up to you. I live in Cremorne so it is not too far from you.
(Please note, you would need 20 minutes extra time to set them up before you ride.)
I'm in subject to there being no last minute emergencies at work... should be fun. I did the golf course singletrack at night for the first time last weekend. If I can make it, it will be my first nobmob ride. Hope you don't mind my being in lycra.
I will be joining you for my first night ride
And my first ride with my new Time Atac pedals I just put on tonight, bring on the avalanche!!! 
Manly Dam should be lit up like a Xmas tree tonight. Should be fun.
Just been talking with Mick off-line about tonight, we will be coming along for the social ride and there is a slim chance I will be causing us to be a tad late. Will do my best to get there in time though.
See you tonight!
So I don't ride near you on your first night ride with new clips! I did this combination once and did not enjoy it. It's hard enough riding in the dark (but good fun) without learning new techniques for pedals. I also did the Dam the wrong way also so I was asking for it.
I'm sure you'll be far more adept than I was though
What a night ride. Great to see so many people out tonight.
New section is interesting.....big ditches!
Can't wait for the videos from Stuart and the photos from Hans. Thanks for organising Hans.
Top ride great to see so many keen to get out for a night ride. Six and a half hours for a ride to Manly with two laps a bit of a chat and then ride home guessing about 65kms all up tonight with 1/3 of that around the dam.
Thanks to Hans for organising.
Thanks to all for coming...a great turnout ...28+ riders (plus some blow-ins)...!
A very enjoyable stint and (almost) accident-free ride around the "new" dam...thanks to the ride leaders that helped pointing out the new and old "tricky bits".
This was followed by plenty of social post-ride chatting ...and ample tasting of Bernd's famous home brew...
[Some good suggestions were also made for next time, incl. moving the meeting point up to the (larger) carpark to move (any) potential noise away from residents...and Adrian suggesting to have pizza delivered to feed the hungry crowd...(!)]
Some teaser shots below...more to come when Tony and Stuart finished editing their photos and high-tech video clips.
Full Gallery is here:
The gathering...

Bernd's beer-van ...serving his popular home-brew... [post-ride]
![Bernd's beer-van ...serving his popular home-brew... [post-ride] Bernd's beer-van ...serving his popular home-brew... [post-ride]](
Bernd's beer-van was a popular hang-out spot... [post-ride]
![Bernd's beer-van was a popular hang-out spot... [post-ride] Bernd's beer-van was a popular hang-out spot... [post-ride]](
What is in this brew?...[post-ride]
![What is in this brew?...[post-ride] What is in this brew?...[post-ride]](
NobMob speed dating....

See you on the next ride!
Rgds Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
A quick preliminary would confirm what I suspected but what I think many will be surprised at.....I need more light.
I also need a way to keep the lights pointing forward and not flipping up when caught by low branches, and maybe some faster to follow down hill.
Anyway there is some footage and I will post it up in a little while, read weeks here people,.
The one positive is I seem to be able to keep the person in front in centre of shot without too many glances down but more importantly than that I have video evidence of me keeping up with SupaGav, undisputable roid boy now. Ok it was on the sniggle that was a little congested but we don't need to tell anyone that do we?
New leds will be available late October, I can feel another couple of light builds coming soon, maybe 4 x triple MC-E, mmmmmm, anyone know where I can get a portable geni that will fit in a pack?
a fun ride thank you everybody and I LOVE Adrians pizza idea!
I think thats by far our largest night ride yes?
I wanted to say i think it's great that some of the 'roid boys are good enought to actually ride at a social pace and move about the pack from front to back - especially the ones who rode near me - you know who you are - thank you, it's really nice to see you!!!!
just fun fun fun
Some more artistic, athmospheric (and revealing) photos by our pro-photographer Tony (aka Checkmate) have been added to the gallery:
Have tripod, will travel!
Full gallery:
Rgds Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.