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Angry Doctor Accomodation Plan

OK, so we've tried to do the best by all that asked (way back when this was organised) here's where I've allotted people. If you don't like it, please don't come to me, just find someone willing to swap with you.
At the Beach, check in is 2pm, dunno about Mogo central.
Anyhow, at the central we have all the 100Km riders:
Matt P
Steve 01
At the beach we have 50s, plus Pikey & Heckler:
Andy Bloot
Those staying at the beach have a free for all - decide amongst yourselves who is in what cabin, I don't want to know!
We have three gumnut cottages here:
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just a 7am start hampering that.. and also the fact that we somehow have to traverse 100km in what will be in all reality a 9 grind
Thats assuming I can finish!
Wouldn't it be easier to keep those travelling together, at the same place.
As then someone would have to coordinate ppl in groups instead of 'singles'...
Rob - what theme is the bedding as Cuppas wants to bring the right coloured pillow?
... pillow & Spider Man goes with any colour
Ah, Ev... if only you knew the trauma of it all.
Like I said, if you don't like the arrangements, find someone to switch with. Over and out!
This is my first NoBMoB overnighter and I am just wondering, do I need to take something for dinner or are we getting something down there.
Well - I'm not sure what anyone is doing, but the group is large so I suggest a few splits in order to make things manageable.
Matt & Paul J will be doing the Prologue Sat apparently - anyone else giving that a shot?
Think most of the rest of the gang will be arriving between 3-5pm on Sat. Hopefully it will be a beautiful day and we can chill around the rego area and meet there. Good a place as any?
FWIW I'll be taking my own food for Sat night so am happy to lounge around the cabin and shoot the breeze. Just take a load of phone numbers and be prepared for chaos and ad-hoc plans!
anyone pulls out, let me know! Staying with the crowd sounds so much more fun than sleeping in the car
See you all there this weekend!
Hey guys, it's Tony here. Same thing, I got in the last minute. I don't mind camping anywhere, but if someone pulls out, I like to get in for social reasons. See you all there! .... T .
If you're camping, camp at Broulee Beach - it's where the cabins are:
Sounds like it was a nightmare to organise and you are already looking forward to the next time

Can't wait for the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!
3 more sleeps!!!
what the deal with beddings? we bring our own pillow and sleeping bag?
If you're energetic and going to be there early you might bring your trials bike down for Saturday. Macbeth from CBD will be doing a trials demo from 1.30 ish and the stuff will be rideable afterwards.
I'm seriously considering taking the trials bike down rather than doing the prologue
Unfortunately I wont be getting down there until around 4pm..
also with Robs car carrying 4, I doubt he'd have room for a 5th bike!
Still, I don't mind bringing it if fits
Rob? hehe
Mostly bad for me
. Went trialsin tonight and:
My good news - Managed to surge to rear wheel about a foot higher than I'd previously managed
, super stoked, however in the process of a subsequent back-hop...
My bad news - Fucked my left ankle falling awkwardly, aaarghhh&%$#&$#^%!!!, felt something snap and thought I'd fractured or sprained something.
Went to the hospital and managed to walk there and swelling not too noticeable, so clearly not as bad as at first it felt, no break, just a minor sprain. I'm still icing and elevating and it's pretty goddamn sore to walk on. I reckon it'll be touch and go for any riding at all on Sunday. So:
Other peoples good news - I'll be doing the 50 if anything, so I'll step down to the beach and somebody else can have my spot at Mogo.
I'm giving Paul Jordan a lift down so I'll still be there even if I can't ride, I might just be relaxing on a beach
Got up this morning and walking is an issue. I'm now officially out so can some kind soul PLEASE offer a lift for Paul Jordan (username pjordan - see here, travelling with lady and bike) from Newtown as I'm incapable of driving
That also means there's a 100k entry and accommodation going, and at this stage I can't be fecked to ask for any money, I assume there's a list of hopefuls for the accommodation and first come for the entry.
That's a bummer about the ankle not to mention your first MTB weekend in while...
Hope it heals up soon!
bent over yesterday at work and my old friends lower 4 and lower 5 did their twist around trick! ( my back slips out about 5 times a year ) went for accupuncture and massage yesterday to no avail and am just about to walk into the chiro for a good old click back into place. I know the guy yesterday thought i was mental when i asked him if it would be right in time for a 100km mtb race at the weekend but im so used to it clicking in and out that it doesn't seem like an issue anymore. It is a painfull one this time though and im bent over double. Ive been told that a few leg stretches after six hours in the saddle doesn't really do the job! I think yoga is the key in the future? Anyway, just walking in to see the chiro so will give an update later. Fingers crossed!
My 100k's been snapped up already!
Good luck Gazza!
Good luck Gazza...take it easy! As Confucius said: Health = Wealth
If you are fit to ride at all - consider doing the 50k's.
I've just been through a whole series of MRI's and CAT scans to identify the cause for a pinched nerve at L4/L5 - which bugged me since the beginning of the year.
Found a neurologist with a cycling background ...and he gave me some good tips, incl. changing the stock saddle to a more suitable one. To early to say if it makes a difference, but I'll be taking it easy on the 50 k's to preserve my spine.
Warning: Graphic images below:
Rgds Hans
May all your lines be the right ones...
I won't be going now. Off to see the osteo at 4.20 for a niggling problem that refuses to go away so I guess there is a room going.
Gazza, is this back thing contagious?
Sorry to hear the news Gazza and Matt.
Major bummer considering the sweet track we are going to ride.
...must be a problem to a lot of us.
I had the same and had the MRI as well,
I went to a Sport's Physio and the special exercises she gave me where fantastic and worked well... (Stuart do not comment!!!)
Never had a problem since....
you mean!
also Sammy and many more!
well I have a serious disc bulge between L4/L5 for 5 years (apparently incurable) but it doesn't stop me from riding
even though it gets painful after a couple of hours riding...
Though it's probably because of that that I've recently had knee problems so I'm going to have to start thinking about some things such as:
My physio suggested that I should take my bike to a place where they film and analyse your riding position then adjust the seat, seatpost, pedals, stem etc.. to a better position. I also read an article about it in May's AMB I think so I might do that one day - what do you think ? I'm unsure because I think their primary job is to research for the best way to put energy into the pedals rather than make it comfortable ?
Gazza, that's shitty news and really bad timing.
I put it down to all that road riding you have been doing. It's unnatural for someone to sit in one position, back arched over, with legs cranking for hours on end. I also expected that someone of your delicate physical condition and age should have known better.
Didn't you just move back in with Cathy? Could the back problems be the result of a sudden increase in physical exertion...
associated with moving all your gear to the new place?
Get well dude.
I'm going to go for an exploratory ride on Sunday afternoon, give me a call if you are interested.
This might be helpful: Stretching for Mountain bikers
Have a look here:
Rgds Hans
There are two paths you can go by but in the long run........
written for YOU!!!!!
I might print out a few copies for you or you could go to Yoga with Bernd?
So sorry to hear about all the injuries Matt, Gazza, Sam and everybody else who (maybe) can't come! I hope you are better soon!
So for the rest of us: nobody is allowed to ride their bike before the start on Sunday!!!
(no not even on the road
Mmmm, stretching. I have never been completely sold on the idea that you need to stretch your muscles. Maybe lightly is fine. But you hear all sorts of stories about people that do themselves a muscular injury from stretching too much. I normally have a preference of lightly warming up first. Then muscles can get more blood flow into them before you really commence hard exercise. Plus I also think some people are naturally more flexible than others. How else do you explain the Chinese gym squad?
If you want to feel better before and after a ride then learn to stretch (properly everyday) you will increase the strength, endurance and control of the muscles you have you will reduce injuries and generally feel a lot better for it day to day. Its good for you regardless of wether or not you are in to physical activities.
Hi All,
Hope someone staying at the beach can help me. My lift down is staying at Old Mogo but I'm staying at the Beach, so I was wondering if someone can give me a lift in the morning to the race.
Evan, I've got a spare seat in the commondoor and a trailer for your bike.
Thanks John.
Are you only doing the 50 ?
I'm doing the 100, but since you asked the question I guess the start times are different.
Didn't Matt drop out opening up a spot in Mogo?
Can that be used or has it already been snapped up?
I'm at the beach as well and will be heading over for the 50 if that's more convenient than John's offer.
John, thanks for the offer but if I can sleep for another couple of hours I might go for that option.
Harry, that's a big yes Thanks
Cheers guys
....I thought a man that has done the amount of training that you have would ride to the start of the race
Salad is what food eats
I'm out too

This means the 2 who are doing the 100K and staying at Broulee could probably stay at Mogo with Matt and myself out?
Enjoy the weekend and please take lot of photos
Training..... you've got the wrong bloke.
No where near enough time on bikes, so I'm glad I'm only doing the 50k race.
can have my spot if they need it for accommodation - i am not riding and Bart, who was going to take my spot isn't going down either now...
and as for Ev.. i doubt he can remember what its like to ride his bike.. hey!!!
Whats going on??
I am likely to arrive around midday for lunch in town. Might go for a swim too, if bravery is up to it. Will check in at two if not before.
See you all there.
hope you all have a great ride and everyone gets through ok
please can you fact, ALL OF YOU!!!! text me so i know how it and you went?
sooo jealous!
So.... have those staying at Broulee worked out the plan for key collection amongst themselves?
.. thats the easy part. Who is in which cabin to decide who does what?
I can collect one set of keys at least.
Keep in contact with regard to arrival times so I know to be back at camp.
Craig Jem Pikey and Heckler will be in a hut.
Greg has confirmed and is traveling with Heckler so seems like 1 hut is all sorted.
Craig will get key and meet others around 2pm ish.
Liam and I will be leaving at around 11 and will be in touch over the phone with the other 50's. Shouldn't be too hard to organise keys and stuff
but she'll be right mate...
(apart from the fact that half the people I know have dropped out and given their accommodation to somebody else, so I am not quite sure who'll be there after all