Hey Goatman - I love your bike. It was my dream bike a couple of year ago. I ride the Elite and its light and does everything i need it to do. Have fun!!
hope your totoms hold up, we have a customer who bought totoms from t7 are they are stuff already cant be repair in aus cause no proof of purchase, are they solo are or 2 step?
Submitted by Andy Bloot on Tue, 02/09/2008 - 21:22.
I've returned faulty goods to Torp 7 and got a refund no problem.
Even after I had used the goods for a while.
I would be surprised if the same didn't apply to forks.
And re the fork repair- are Rock Shox anal like Marzocchi and won't repair forks bought anywhere except from a shop.
Anyway, I don't want to open the old can of worms.
Tell him to take a photo and write T7 an email.
If he's a good customer, they will pay for the return as well as in my case.
Torp 7 provide a 12 month warranty on all their stuff, forks included. I did my research and the they are Solo Airs as you wouldn't touch the others with a barge pole. It is the 2 step and coils that have all the issues.
I got this to replace my Glory for gnarly stuff, surprising thing is that it pedals up hills almost as good as my 06 Reign!!!
Just realised Adrian B is a retailer, well mate I wouldn't be able to afford to ride if I had to buy parts off shops!!
And don't start the usual line about LBSs going out of business because of OS online stores. My local shop, BA are so busy they can't move half the time.
At $899 for a $1700 fork I can afford some repairs even if they do blow a seal.
PS I have proof of purchase as Torp provide receipts for everything, so thats just BS.
i never said anything about going out of business cause of online stores i love it when people buy the wrong thing for there bikes.\
and i have never seen totom solo air on t7 for $899.00 always $1259.00 you can get 09 totom solo air in our stores for $1200 with full warranty good score if they are th real deal.
What you mean buy the comment 'wrong thing for their bike', but do some research and you will find many SX Trails with Solo Airs on em. A mate of mine has one also. Guys use em on Reign Xs as well.
You are right the Solo airs are usually $1259, except occasionally when they have their 48 hour sales on forks. That is the second time I have seen em for that and this time I didn't miss out!
our cutomer was told he would get a t7 store credit and would not refund him in $$$ and yes t7 do give warranty but its not a fully covered by rockshox.
its all upto the consumer about buying online but as soon as somthing goes wrong most take there bike to a shop and think the shop will drop everything to help. just my 2psi
Submitted by jedijunglesnow on Wed, 03/09/2008 - 10:15.
Valid points Adrian, but can I just say, without turning this into a to buy online or not thread ( although it seems those that came before me have already done that), if I had never gone bought anything online, and had only ever bought complete bikes in my lbs and simply dropped it off to be serviced regularly without ever turning a spanner, I would not know 100th of what I know today about bikes.
Researching and building are part of the online parts buying experience, and that experience has tought me more about bikes and their parts than anything else ever could. Just my 2psi
Cool the beans hot rods... I don't think Adrian actually suggested that those forks are the wrong thing, just that some people (myself included) sometimes buy the wrong things for their bikes online. I love the way some people jump to the wrong conclusion at the whiff of a slur...
IMHO we should all put a bit of effort in to supporting the LBS, whoever they are, if they deserve it, before immediately going online, there are deals out there and if you get to know a good shop then deals, mates rates and discounts come your way. It's not a one way street and supporting our LBS's pays off in the long run. For instance Adrian stocks a lot of trials gear you can't find anywhere else locally, which warrants a bit of support.
BTW - Nice bike, this years version of that frame was at the world cup round on display and looks pretty cool too, except for the brand...
This guy has been having a dig from the word go, so don't expect to get no reaction. The original post was about my new rig, not some wankfest about buying Totems online, warranty, etc, etc.
I have spent over ten grand at my LBS in the last few years so I'm not saying don't support em. And I agree that if you can get a part at your LBS for close to the online price that's the best option, but some things such as derailers, forks, tyres, etc are just sooo much cheaper online.
i was just letting you know to keep an eye on the forks, thats all as we see alot of dodgy stuff form the net like serial numbers grinded off, i know the totoms are good as i use em my self. that was all hope you rip it up on the new bike.
The only digs or whinges I can see on this thread are from everybody but Adrian, who is the only one who seems not to be going OTT, just stating facts or sharing experience.
And btw I would buy as much stuff online as most. I just thought it might be nice to be civil...
Submitted by jedijunglesnow on Wed, 03/09/2008 - 14:04.
I'll go one step further and grind the serial number off of my own forks in exchange for some free gear from Adrian! And he can even forget about a receipt!
Stick to the facts - no-one suggested T7 don't give receipts, only that you can't get RS repaired in Aust cause you didn't buy them in Australia - that may or may not be true but is definitely not what you're alleging above.
And I'm sure there are a fair few arses selling knocked off gear on e-bay and I know of people who've been burned.
Basically I am annoyed that a thread about a new bike has been hijacked by someone with an obvious commercial angle, because they themselves have an online store - that ironically undercuts local bike shop prices!!
And Matt I think the term 'proof of purchase' is also known as a receipt. Are you sponsored by em mate.
... before LBS's start whingeing about folks buying on line, perhaps they should be whingeing to their wholesalers about why their trade prices are so uncompetitive. Perhaps they should be buying (from wholesalers) offshore themselves - say, Singapore.
Generally for drivetrain, lights, brake hardware, seatposts bars and seats I can save roughly 45% of Oz prices post paid buying offshore retail compared to local retail. 20% more expensive here I could (maybe) cop, but at 90% more expensive than offshore retail there's something wrong. I accept that LBS's need to make a decent markup stay in business and be justly rewarded for providing their services. In that regard they're no different to the LBS's I buy from offshore. So to find the difference I tend to look a little further along the local food chain.
I never suggested a proof of purchase is not a receipt. I interpreted what he said as "because you don't have a proof of purchase in Australia that you can't get em repaired here" rather than the rather more nonsensical "T7 don't give receipts".
He didn't hijack the thread, you did, by assuming the worst and overreacting and prompting many more posts. You clearly do love the internet and it's love of a good rant.
I'm wondering if there's a user group that nobmob can't alienate, shop owners (what a crime!), NPWS, roadies, the local clubs, pretty soon we'll have the full set and have to change the name to something more offensive...
Not sure anyone has allienated their LBS, least not in this thread, some of us have good humoured digs at our roadie mates, but that is generally given and taken in good humour, some over react to questions asked by fellow cyclists, and some say things with a little less tact than they might if they were standing face to face with someone, but thats all a part of being in an open forum isn't it?
As for the NPWS, I think the heirachy deserve the criticism they get, maybe not the folks on the gound though. Those racist, sexist, gay, ageist war mongers......well lets line 'em all up against a wall and make another olympics logo.
Ducking for cover now.
Oh yeah, nice bike goatman, don't be too phased by what that latte sipping crack n' fail rider says about the "cut and shut" job. He's never been the same person since he posted that pallet jump photo on this site
Submitted by christine on Wed, 03/09/2008 - 19:22.
I can't believe YOU are being so freakin agro - I just saw this thread and i disagree with you entirely - Adrian just said to watch out - he didn't say he has a bike shop or anything of the sort or go plugging his business, in fact unless you spoke to him you would not know he does at all.
everyone is very happy about your new bike no doubt but for gods sake go find your sense of humour which is currently probably tucked away with your manners...
Submitted by delicious on Wed, 03/09/2008 - 19:34.
Much to the upset of Australian bike shops, the internet bike shops are a fact of life and are here to stay, and in the global economy and increasingly shrinking world that we live in our shops and the importers that supply them need to remain competitive to survive. The exception maybe when one buys a complete bicycle because the price of a complete bike has improved greatly in recent years.
Not everyone has the know how to select and purchase the correct parts for their bike online and then install them correctly upon arrival. I'll guess that Goatman does possess this know how and has the suitable tools to correctly plug in a fork and all other parts and set them up correctly. This my friends is known as a hobby.
I've received a lot of criticism from bike shop guys for spending online from abroad. My response is...tough. The savings are just too great. I've never known of any dodgy products, and never, never had to make a warranty claim from a foreign supplier. And you know what, I don't have a lot of faith in warranty anyway. I have a fork in one of my bikes, that I purchased new here in Sydney, that had a problem. Twice it was sent off to the distributor, at my expense, for repair and twice it returned and was not fixed. I then went to another shop with a good reputation for this sort of thing and simply paid for a diagnostic and repair. And guess what? They fixed it. Curiously the two charges I paid previously to send the fork to the distributor was more than what I ended up paying to get it fixed.
It is always buyer beware when shopping online and this is why one should stick to their favourite sites. I guess some sites may do dodgy things. Ground serial numbers? No receipts or non replacement of faulty goods? I don't purchase from shops like these. T7 is not one of these.
My hobby of maintaining my own bikes and installing knew bits is very important to me and I cannot have that taken away. I like trying new products too. A big spend such as forks would mean that it's the buyers responsibility to do the research beforehand. And as Goatman said it's the 2 step and the u-turn coil totems that had a problem in the 2007 model.
I also like Goatman's new bike. Very nicely presented...well done!
After breaking my deraillier hanger last Saturday and thus needing a spare for this weekends race I called on Adrian at Belrose Cycles. $50 for a new one on the spot, way too expensive for what you get but, on the Chain Reation Cycles (UK) web site they are $46 AUD.
Go the LBS, sometimes
Salad is what food eats
just so you know for the brands(bikes)we sell we can do CAST alloy hanger for $25.00-$30.00 what pikey got was a CNC machined hanger wich we stock for alot of bikes wich are alot stronger than cast and you guessed it more $$$.
I think the Giant hanger must be overpriced cos the genuine Yeti hanger I got from BA was only $35.. (but maybe thats cast, I'm not sure)
Also.. just checking, but isn't the whole purpose of a hanger is to be weaker? That way it gets sacrificed.. saving the frame/derailleur from damage? Unless you have a Scott Just replace the rear triangle, hehe
Anyway I don't mind if its weaker/fake/less precise.. its just a spare for a mid ride/race scenario which can get me home..
For instance my old trailstar had a hanger that bent out of shape if I happened to think about a small pebble in my path...I've been through about 15 hangers for that, $$$$, If I could've gone the CNC option I would've, I'd happily trust one, it only has to be slightly weaker than your frame.
hope your totoms hold up, we have a customer who bought totoms from t7 are they are stuff already cant be repair in aus cause no proof of purchase, are they solo are or 2 step?
I've returned faulty goods to Torp 7 and got a refund no problem.
Even after I had used the goods for a while.
I would be surprised if the same didn't apply to forks.
And re the fork repair- are Rock Shox anal like Marzocchi and won't repair forks bought anywhere except from a shop.
Anyway, I don't want to open the old can of worms.
Tell him to take a photo and write T7 an email.
If he's a good customer, they will pay for the return as well as in my case.
thats right they wont repair anything bought form o/s,
Torp 7 provide a 12 month warranty on all their stuff, forks included. I did my research and the they are Solo Airs as you wouldn't touch the others with a barge pole. It is the 2 step and coils that have all the issues.
I got this to replace my Glory for gnarly stuff, surprising thing is that it pedals up hills almost as good as my 06 Reign!!!
Just realised Adrian B is a retailer, well mate I wouldn't be able to afford to ride if I had to buy parts off shops!!
And don't start the usual line about LBSs going out of business because of OS online stores. My local shop, BA are so busy they can't move half the time.
At $899 for a $1700 fork I can afford some repairs even if they do blow a seal.
PS I have proof of purchase as Torp provide receipts for everything, so thats just BS.
i never said anything about going out of business cause of online stores i love it when people buy the wrong thing for there bikes.\
and i have never seen totom solo air on t7 for $899.00 always $1259.00 you can get 09 totom solo air in our stores for $1200 with full warranty good score if they are th real deal.
What you mean buy the comment 'wrong thing for their bike', but do some research and you will find many SX Trails with Solo Airs on em. A mate of mine has one also. Guys use em on Reign Xs as well.
You are right the Solo airs are usually $1259, except occasionally when they have their 48 hour sales on forks. That is the second time I have seen em for that and this time I didn't miss out!
As Adrian said if they are what you say there are, at that price you got a real bargain.
Luckily they are just that, so it looks like Adrian has given you his official retail seal of approval to buy online!
our cutomer was told he would get a t7 store credit and would not refund him in $$$ and yes t7 do give warranty but its not a fully covered by rockshox.
its all upto the consumer about buying online but as soon as somthing goes wrong most take there bike to a shop and think the shop will drop everything to help. just my 2psi
Would take it to a private guy who is a bike mechanic, will put bikes together, fit parts, if anyone wants his details let me know!!!
PS I won't be taking it to your shop anytime soon!!
Valid points Adrian, but can I just say, without turning this into a to buy online or not thread ( although it seems those that came before me have already done that), if I had never gone bought anything online, and had only ever bought complete bikes in my lbs and simply dropped it off to be serviced regularly without ever turning a spanner, I would not know 100th of what I know today about bikes.
Researching and building are part of the online parts buying experience, and that experience has tought me more about bikes and their parts than anything else ever could. Just my 2psi
Cool the beans hot rods... I don't think Adrian actually suggested that those forks are the wrong thing, just that some people (myself included) sometimes buy the wrong things for their bikes online. I love the way some people jump to the wrong conclusion at the whiff of a slur...
IMHO we should all put a bit of effort in to supporting the LBS, whoever they are, if they deserve it, before immediately going online, there are deals out there and if you get to know a good shop then deals, mates rates and discounts come your way. It's not a one way street and supporting our LBS's pays off in the long run. For instance Adrian stocks a lot of trials gear you can't find anywhere else locally, which warrants a bit of support.
BTW - Nice bike, this years version of that frame was at the world cup round on display and looks pretty cool too, except for the brand...
This guy has been having a dig from the word go, so don't expect to get no reaction. The original post was about my new rig, not some wankfest about buying Totems online, warranty, etc, etc.
I have spent over ten grand at my LBS in the last few years so I'm not saying don't support em. And I agree that if you can get a part at your LBS for close to the online price that's the best option, but some things such as derailers, forks, tyres, etc are just sooo much cheaper online.
i was just letting you know to keep an eye on the forks, thats all as we see alot of dodgy stuff form the net like serial numbers grinded off, i know the totoms are good as i use em my self. that was all hope you rip it up on the new bike.
I'd happily support you in this arguement in exchange for some free gear
Hey anyone out there bought a fork off Torp 7 or Chain Reaction (or any other site) that has had the serial numbers ground off?
Or is this in the same fantasy realm as Torp 7 not giving receipts?
The only digs or whinges I can see on this thread are from everybody but Adrian, who is the only one who seems not to be going OTT, just stating facts or sharing experience.
And btw I would buy as much stuff online as most. I just thought it might be nice to be civil...
I'll go one step further and grind the serial number off of my own forks in exchange for some free gear from Adrian! And he can even forget about a receipt!
Stick to the facts - no-one suggested T7 don't give receipts, only that you can't get RS repaired in Aust cause you didn't buy them in Australia - that may or may not be true but is definitely not what you're alleging above.
And I'm sure there are a fair few arses selling knocked off gear on e-bay and I know of people who've been burned.
You're going way over the top here
, get over it.
Basically I am annoyed that a thread about a new bike has been hijacked by someone with an obvious commercial angle, because they themselves have an online store - that ironically undercuts local bike shop prices!!
And Matt I think the term 'proof of purchase' is also known as a receipt. Are you sponsored by em mate.
" they themselves have an online store - that ironically undercuts local bike shop prices "
And I'm hanging to see the reply to this!
... before LBS's start whingeing about folks buying on line, perhaps they should be whingeing to their wholesalers about why their trade prices are so uncompetitive. Perhaps they should be buying (from wholesalers) offshore themselves - say, Singapore.
Generally for drivetrain, lights, brake hardware, seatposts bars and seats I can save roughly 45% of Oz prices post paid buying offshore retail compared to local retail. 20% more expensive here I could (maybe) cop, but at 90% more expensive than offshore retail there's something wrong. I accept that LBS's need to make a decent markup stay in business and be justly rewarded for providing their services. In that regard they're no different to the LBS's I buy from offshore. So to find the difference I tend to look a little further along the local food chain.
Nice bike, goatman.
definately under 3000 thanks to Torpedo (Totems for 899!) and Chain Reaction. SX trails retail about 5K and thats with Fox Vans, so pretty stoked.
I just bought a Ti spring for it which will drop another 300grams. Hoping to get it aroung 16kg
As one Rocky Balboa was once quoted as shouting across a packed sproting arena during a heavyweight boxing title fight.
they come with serial numbers, shyt, where abouts, i thought i was home and dry.
I never suggested a proof of purchase is not a receipt. I interpreted what he said as "because you don't have a proof of purchase in Australia that you can't get em repaired here" rather than the rather more nonsensical "T7 don't give receipts".
He didn't hijack the thread, you did, by assuming the worst and overreacting and prompting many more posts. You clearly do love the internet and it's love of a good rant.
I'm wondering if there's a user group that nobmob can't alienate, shop owners (what a crime!), NPWS, roadies, the local clubs, pretty soon we'll have the full set and have to change the name to something more offensive...
you racist, sexist, ageist haters of the gays and the disabled.
I haven't even said anything yet!!
Whohoo, this one could be a record.
Not sure anyone has allienated their LBS, least not in this thread, some of us have good humoured digs at our roadie mates, but that is generally given and taken in good humour, some over react to questions asked by fellow cyclists, and some say things with a little less tact than they might if they were standing face to face with someone, but thats all a part of being in an open forum isn't it?
As for the NPWS, I think the heirachy deserve the criticism they get, maybe not the folks on the gound though. Those racist, sexist, gay, ageist war mongers......well lets line 'em all up against a wall and make another olympics logo.
Ducking for cover now.
Oh yeah, nice bike goatman, don't be too phased by what that latte sipping crack n' fail rider says about the "cut and shut" job. He's never been the same person since he posted that pallet jump photo on this site
Where were you when we needed a bit more heckling
That Jedi is a sh!t stirrer!!
I can't believe YOU are being so freakin agro - I just saw this thread and i disagree with you entirely - Adrian just said to watch out - he didn't say he has a bike shop or anything of the sort or go plugging his business, in fact unless you spoke to him you would not know he does at all.
everyone is very happy about your new bike no doubt but for gods sake go find your sense of humour which is currently probably tucked away with your manners...
Much to the upset of Australian bike shops, the internet bike shops are a fact of life and are here to stay, and in the global economy and increasingly shrinking world that we live in our shops and the importers that supply them need to remain competitive to survive. The exception maybe when one buys a complete bicycle because the price of a complete bike has improved greatly in recent years.
Not everyone has the know how to select and purchase the correct parts for their bike online and then install them correctly upon arrival. I'll guess that Goatman does possess this know how and has the suitable tools to correctly plug in a fork and all other parts and set them up correctly. This my friends is known as a hobby.
I've received a lot of criticism from bike shop guys for spending online from abroad. My response is...tough. The savings are just too great. I've never known of any dodgy products, and never, never had to make a warranty claim from a foreign supplier. And you know what, I don't have a lot of faith in warranty anyway. I have a fork in one of my bikes, that I purchased new here in Sydney, that had a problem. Twice it was sent off to the distributor, at my expense, for repair and twice it returned and was not fixed. I then went to another shop with a good reputation for this sort of thing and simply paid for a diagnostic and repair. And guess what? They fixed it. Curiously the two charges I paid previously to send the fork to the distributor was more than what I ended up paying to get it fixed.
It is always buyer beware when shopping online and this is why one should stick to their favourite sites. I guess some sites may do dodgy things. Ground serial numbers? No receipts or non replacement of faulty goods? I don't purchase from shops like these. T7 is not one of these.
My hobby of maintaining my own bikes and installing knew bits is very important to me and I cannot have that taken away. I like trying new products too. A big spend such as forks would mean that it's the buyers responsibility to do the research beforehand. And as Goatman said it's the 2 step and the u-turn coil totems that had a problem in the 2007 model.
I also like Goatman's new bike. Very nicely presented...well done!
After breaking my deraillier hanger last Saturday and thus needing a spare for this weekends race I called on Adrian at Belrose Cycles. $50 for a new one on the spot, way too expensive for what you get but, on the Chain Reation Cycles (UK) web site they are $46 AUD.
Go the LBS, sometimes
Salad is what food eats
dont want people to think they are getting ripped. :]
I got a yeti hanger from BA for much less than $50.
Have you been to http://www.derailleurhanger.com/
I picked one up from there for a pretty good price, just to have as a spare in my backpack.....
just so you know for the brands(bikes)we sell we can do CAST alloy hanger for $25.00-$30.00 what pikey got was a CNC machined hanger wich we stock for alot of bikes wich are alot stronger than cast and you guessed it more $$$.
I think the Giant hanger must be overpriced cos the genuine Yeti hanger I got from BA was only $35.. (but maybe thats cast, I'm not sure)
Also.. just checking, but isn't the whole purpose of a hanger is to be weaker? That way it gets sacrificed.. saving the frame/derailleur from damage? Unless you have a Scott
Just replace the rear triangle, hehe
Anyway I don't mind if its weaker/fake/less precise.. its just a spare for a mid ride/race scenario which can get me home..
For instance my old trailstar had a hanger that bent out of shape if I happened to think about a small pebble in my path...I've been through about 15 hangers for that, $$$$, If I could've gone the CNC option I would've, I'd happily trust one, it only has to be slightly weaker than your frame.
haha. if you guys think $49 is expensive for a hanger go and buy an intense dh bike. about $300 for a hanger!!!
stop your whinging about a mear $50!