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NPWS Task Force

Hay Rob ,have you heard any news on the task force looking into NPWS ?
Have they had it yet ? did they actually do anything to help our sport ?
I hope all those letters actually got read and discussed by the boffins
and not just filled away in the bin.
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Funny you mention that. Submissions are in but AFAIK no official documents are available.
That said, the submissions are available for public perusal at the Tourism NSW office in The Rocks. I was going to wonder down there one lunch time and see how many submissions might be favourable for MTB.
Anyone want to join in this expedition, which will clearly be less than interesting!
Apparently you have to make an appointment.
And I'm at Circular Quay anyway so right round the corner from the Rocks
Hi Rob
Good to meet up with you at the 79k feed station !
I'm at Wynyard, let me know when you are planning to go down. If I'm around, I'd be keen to go for a look.
I'm at Martin Place and would be interested to see the submissions ... and if my submission is among them.
Have a look here...
Allegedly there were only 31 submissions that raise the issue "Reduce the restrictions on mountain bike riding/cycling" as opposed to 93 saying, "Nature conservation is the primary objective of national parks" - that's quiet disappointing IMHO
I would encourage anyone who responded to check their name is on the submission database in the Appendix, 'cos surely more of us than that wrote in?
This doco will take a while to digest though, maybe there is something good in here for us.
Disappointment at the number of submissions from us doesn't even begin to describe what I feel.
So many people willing to complain about access opportunities, and most of them willing to sit on their hands and do nothing when a chance to at least have a say arises.
I must admit, this leaves me very nervous about people voicing their opinion when the draft Glenrock POM comes out in a few months. A lot of positive stuff for us, that may be last through lack of submissions.
thirty five submissions you lot are bloody pathetic !!
How many people are actually a NOB mob?
How many thousands of you out there are just cruizen all the MTB websites?
how many tens of thousands actually ride bikes in the bush all over Australia every weekend?
All that hot air and complaining about NPWS and your access restrictions and thats all the submissions you MOB come up with
All of you that could not be bothered to type a letter and send it in the mail with a stamp or click on the link provided to the task force deserve to get caught and fined on your little trail ride next time you trespass in a National Park .
You will spend hours bloging to each-other on this forum about inane bullshit filling up pages about your lap times , how bloody good you are , how pimping your new bike is and oh what fun we had on that last ride , how nice your legs are and ooh look at the little scratch I got on my leg heres a picture of all of us in the bush.
Yet cant be bothered to spend ten minutes to represent your sport.
You no what
to condemn necessarily.
From what I saw of the replies on farkin and Nobmob saying they had submitted seemed a lot more than 35. I see no reason for these people to lie.
And I'm sure there would have been others from MWMTB etc who put in submissions.
35 sounds a little dodgy to me and I think all who submitted should check their name is accounted for.
I think those that did submit have done well.
We get mentioned several times throughout the document and are thankfully not mentioned in the list of high impact activities.
The recommendation that cycling *should* be generally be permitted where it is environmentally sustainable and complies with local legislation is far better than the current cycling *should not* generally be permitted.
Well done to every one who had the passion, vision and bottle to submit
Submission 19
i share your frustration
thats me on number 017 submission
read my submission
its basic and simple and voicing my concern
its not a 35 page essay about how to fix the world
its telling them that i ride and i pay tax and i want to make a difference
if there are 1000 contributors to this site
and 15 of us sent in submissions
thats bloody weak
i dont know how or why you continue
your name constantly comes up as an advocate for mtb in sydney
why cant you other people get of your hands and start voicing your opinion
we are losing this fight
we will have no where left to ride
ill make a bet
how long till the Dam gets shut
that is one walker getting injured away from being shut
then your all stuffed
for gods sake
get up and stand up for the sport that you love
dont just be a lycra tool and think its your right to ride in the bush
fight for it
rant over
Of the first 35 submissions, 13 were MTB or cycling related
13 out of the first 35 would suggest greater numbers than 35 total considering almost 300 submissions were accepted.
Most other submissions were expressing concerns at commercial operators being allowed in National Parks.
I don't know who came up with the number 35, but I was actually surprised at how many MTB related letters there were.
I went as far as sub 36 K.Schmah
It seems they have noted the views expressed by MTB riders though so it is not all doom and gloom.
And another mention further in:
Apparently all submissions using a template were grouped together as one submission.