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Saturday at Manly Dam

Little-Ditty's picture

By Little-Ditty - Posted on 24 September 2008

Saturday, 27 September, 2008 - 08:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
I'll be there, no matter what the weather.
Ride Database Entry: 
Manly Dam
Meeting Point: 

King Street (near corner with Arana Street), Manly Vale. You know - outside Manly Hydraulics Lab.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.


I will be doing a couple of fast laps around the Dam early on Saturday morning. If anyone else wanted the hit out, please come along. My intended riding speed will be fairly fast, but with most of the typical stops along the way for a drink. And maybe a small bit of playtime on the bumpy bits. Given this, the ride would probably not be suitable for newbies.

If you don't recognise me, I will be the one in the blue Mazda2.

See you there. Smiling

Who's in?
Heckler, christine, Little-Ditty, lorrie, Andy Bloot, GeordieAndy, ScottM, Squidly Didly, Greg P, lozza6, garyinoz, Damo, Mr Lights, Danielvn (14 riders)
Heckler christine Little-Ditty lorrie Andy Bloot GeordieAndy ScottM Squidly Didly Greg P lozza6 garyinoz Damo Mr Lights Danielvn
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Damien's picture

I will be there really early but I might join you guys it just depend on when I finish my laps.

garyinoz's picture

I've beend avoiding the dam and sticking to fire trails since upgrading to cleats. I've got to face it some time so I don't mind providing the entertainment as long as someone doesn't mind picking me up!!!

Little-Ditty's picture

I am happy to stop and peel you off the ground if need be. Just make sure you always ride within your limits. Well, maybe just a little bit more. Eye-wink

Interestingly, my experience is that I am fine being clipped in on techncial down hill sections of the trail. It is the techncial riding up the way that I find an eye opener.

lozza6's picture

Bring some elbow pads and go for it! Smiling

You'll actually enjoy all the rough sections clipped in as you'll have that planted foot-to-pedal feeling which is fantastic!

garyinoz's picture

There's a thought! Anybody got a spare set they can lend me seeing as I won't make it to the shop before hand.
As for the comment from Little-ditty, it's only the loose uphill sections that have so far been my downfall, so to speak!

lozza6's picture

You can borrow my elbow pads for the morning Smiling

Just give me a reminder before as well in case I forget.


garyinoz's picture

Cheers Loz, just don't go breaking your arm on my account. See you sat.

Harry's picture

we're doing a lap earlier and may join you for yours if that's not a drama and timing works out

Little-Ditty's picture

fine Eye-wink

Stuart M's picture

but I won't try and do two fast laps. Should be able to finish one by the time you guys and gal finish the two.

lorrie's picture

will be doing a lap with clint
See you for the second lap if our paths cross over.

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