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SOCIAL Night Ride [@ Terrey Hills]

Wednesday, 1 October, 2008 - 19:15 The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.
2.3 hours
Come Rain or Shine:
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry:
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest Meeting Point:
Terrey Hills Tavern, eastern carpark, Aumuna Rd, Terrey Hills, NSW 2084
Social night ride - Perimeter & Long Trail
Stretch your legs - spring is here!
Naturally we'll have a cleansing ale at the Tavern afterwards.
[Everyone welcome - suitable for newbies, too!]
See you on Wednesday...
Rgds, Hans
Who's in?
craigs, Stuart M, Nic, Daz, anke13, Hans, MartinB, Morgan, Eyeball, Slowpup, ADRIAN B, Dibbler, 3Putt (13 riders)

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Hi Anke...
are you bringing your new bike to the Terrey Hills ride on Wednesday?
Is it a MTB ...or for the black stuff?
Rgds, Hans
Happiness is a warm shock.
it's a road bike. My mtb bike is less than a year old and will have to do for another year at least.
something has come up and I'll be stuck in the city tonight
enjoy the ride
guys draging my old man out aswell so it should be fun (war) belrose vs northern beaches cycles. lol cheers
have fun all. String
Great turnout...balmy evening...SOCIAL RIDE! Thanks to all for coming...
Tonights mech tally....
3 x broken chains (SRAM)
1 x broken derailleur (XTR)
couple of (minor) stacks
...therefore ...lots of opportunity to stop and chat...!
Or as Christine said as we caught up with the CORC racers at the pub "this most be the slowest lap ever"
SOCIAL PACE ...Judge for yourself...
Map player link:
And congrats to Anke...welcome to the NIGHT RIDERS !
Rgds, Hans
May all your lines be the right ones...
"3 x broken chains" .....
.... what would I say to that?...
only use XTR, right
and a general comment to everyone that signs in for a ride,
If you pull out that close to the start of a ride please sms or call the person that posted the ride and let them know. For a 7.15 ride, most would be away from email well and truely by 6.30. We hung around waiting for 15mins for you.
Pity you didn't make it, as Hans set it was a bit of carnage at a very, very social pace. Hopefully you can make the next one
Hans, thanks for lending me a working light, even if it was a DX "special". The few times it went out on me it was very very dark.
You should use them, very reliable...
things I reckon even they wouldn't last too long in my hands.
Stupid thing was my problem last night was a 95c connector that I knew had been "on the way out" for the last three night rides I've done and I didn't fix it when I had the chance.
Never mind, I will be back, week after next, with three sets of working lights that'll all make your Ay-Ups look like candle power, and then I'll start building some real lights
How do you break so many chains and deraileurs on Perimeter and Long tracks!?
Is there some secret freeride track there ?
I think the easy trail at TH invites irrational exuberance...and mixed with a fair bit of peer pressure it turns some SOCIAL riders into defacto 'roid boys;-).
This well documented effect causes our super-fit riders to push extra hard (e.g. on heart break hill) and achieve mech failures...spills...stacks...on this otherwise easy trail.
Seen it with my own eyes...
Or is it just the rush to get back to the pub quickly? (...queue Stuart)
BTW is that bent Santa Cruz derailleur going
May all your lines be the right ones...
Yes so true Hans. I have a well documented history of stacks at Terrey Hills.
And the Santa Cruz should be back in action for this weekend. Now with a new improved round rear wheel!
that the Rohloff Speedhub performed superbly as ever - nil broken derailleurs, nil broken chains. Thanks for asking!
Thanks all for the help in getting me mobile again and the repairs on the fly lessons.
Adrian form Belrose Bikes has a new derailleur on already so I'm all set to go out and break something else. Who says the economy is slowing, not for my repair needs!
... I'm glad the Gear is working for you!!!
Thanks for letting us know. Is your chain a Rohloff, too?