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Fuzzy eyes.....
Well this was one full on 24hr race!!!!!
I had the joy of the mad dash to the bikes then the race was on. We managed to get a really clean start and i was in a good position for the first lap. everyone jockeyed for positions for the early part of the lap then it settled to a really nice rythmn for the rest of the lap. I must say the down hill run home was worth the climb. I was buzzing at the end of the lap.
The funny part about this race is I only once got a chance to come down from that busy always doing something state.
Our first few laps went without problems and we were in a good position. both Vanina and i got flats a lap apart which put us into catch up position to try and get back the ground we had lost. I ended up doing a triple lap during the night which jumped us up from 4th to 2nd. It smashed me big time including getting a lot of dust in my eyes and scratching them up so I was hurting a bit. A visit to St John to get them flushed and a bit of sleep to try and help settle the eyes down a bit.
While I was sleeping Damien was out fighting dusty conditions and also a cold. He was knocking very good times indeed especially given he was on the SS. Tough work I say and well done!
Vanina also managed to blow an o-ring in her fork (hows does such a lightweight do things like that?) this lead to her completing a total of 3 laps on a front fork that had no real travel. We found the SRAM tent in the morning and they fixed the problem on the spot for us. Great service from SRAM. Vanina described the bike as a Rigid Front, soft tail. And that it handled a bit differently!!!! Well do I say it would of been a handful to rdie a bike without front squish.
The rest of the race went without problems and with us and 3rd place been so close everyone dug very deep and made sure we held on to our 2nd place.
Big thanks to Pete who was our support person throughout the race. He did a fantastic job!!!!
I was hurting a lot with very sore eyes so the trip home was going to be a mission. After deciding to travel back as a NOBMOB group we headed off home. Cheers Guys for all the support throughout the race. Well done to everyone that took part. Special congrads to John on the solo effort!!! you gave it everything you had!!!!
Im thinking about entering the next 24hr already!!!
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