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Fling Completed

The Highland Fling is over for another year.
Was lucky enough to stay in nice warm bed in bundanoon only 4-5km from the start, would of been super cold in a tent.
Got to the start line at 7am eagerly awaiting the start. Met up with some buddies and got ourselves in the start queue, probably about midway back, Race got away at 7.30am with 650 full flingers heading off down the road. My left leg was hurting alot during the gong ride and also a midweek night ride so had no idea how it would be a few days later, so my plan was to take it easy for the first 2-3hrs and see how i felt after that. So cruised along, rolled down hills, pedalled easily on the flats and generally rested my leg where i could. I got to the 50km mark in under 3hrs and with a good avergae speed i was still feelling quite strong. So i tried to go a bit faster when i could but without killing myself. Got to the last transition point (28km to go) and decided to have a rest and grab some proper food (cramps had started a few kms ago). Headed off and the cramps started to get quite bad, was drinking lots of endura which usually works for me but didnt today, in the last 20km i was stopping every 8-10mins. It was very annoying as i felt strong still, lots of energy left and legs felt good (when not cramping), i think i will try some magnesium tablets as others have said they have worked for them and no longer have problems.
Anyway ended up with 7hrs 5mins ( i think, close to that anyway).
My ride time (moving time) was 6hrs 35mins for the 110km with an average speed of 16.6km/h and just under 2000m climbing. I am fairly happy with the time, if i can solve the cramp problems i can knock off a bit of time. the constant stopping was not fun.
Overall was a great day, the course is one of my favourites, lots of nice single track, lots of nice flowing stuff, some big granny gear hills.
A must do event fo any moutain biker.
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