I've just bought a new 2.25 tyre to put on, but already have inner tubes at home which have tyre max of 2.125 will these innertubes be o.k to use with this tyre or will I need to buy larger ones?
but like a balloon, the more you blow it up the thinner the surface gets and the weaker it becomes. it'll just end up like one of those flyweight tubes ive been having all them punctures with recently!
but like a balloon, the more you blow it up the thinner the surface gets and the weaker it becomes. it'll just end up like one of those flyweight tubes ive been having all them punctures with recently!
thanks for that, they just happen to be ultra light tubes but i'm using them in a tubeless tyre so hopefully that might help a bit .
so now they'll be like a condom! good luck
If it's a tubeless system (I assume you mean rim & tyre) then why bother with a tube? Are you having trouble getting it to seal? Got any Stans?
so have decided to install a standard tube, last thing I want is a flat mid race. bought tire because it was so cheap as much as a standard tire.