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KOM Sydney Summer Short Track 2008-2009!

KOM Sydney Summer Short Track 2008-2009! King Of The Mountain Cyclery and Manly Warringah MTB Club Short Track Racing @ St Ives Show Ground
Wednesday 26 November 2008, 5-7pm
Wednesday 10 December 2008, 5-7pm
Saturday 20 December 2008, 3 pm - 7pm (+Christmas BBQ)
Wednesday 14 January 2009, 5-7pm
Wednesday 28 January 2009, 5-7pm
Wednesday 11 February 2009, 5-7pm
Wednesday 25 February 2009, 5-7pm
Weekday times (The Christmas BBQ Schedule will be announced separately)
Registration: from 5:30
Kids (Under 13): 5:40 (10 minutes)
C grade: 6:00 (15 minutes + 1 Lap)
B Grade: 6:20 (20 minutes +1 lap)
A Grade: 6:50 (25 minutes + 1 lap)
St Ives Showground Mini-Wheels Track
Kids with MTBA licence: free!
Kids without MTBA licence $10
A, B, C Grade: $10 (+$15 for day licence if required)
Series Points
A, B & C grades
For every week you attend you will receive 10 points
The top 4 place getters in each grade receive 5,3,2 and 1 point respectively
For rounds 3 & 7 the place getter points are doubled.
For every week you attend you receive 10 points
Prizes Provided by KOM
Focus will be on the series prizes and are to be confirmed
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hey kids, get yourselves to the short track races. Was my first short race since about 1991 and although it was a shock to the system and my lungs i enjoyed it thoroughly. A great addition to all the long distance training iv'e been doing. A small but relaxed bunch. Ill be doing the whole series over the summer. Great fun! P.s. Think i came about second last in b grade!
Would like to do a few of these but the times look a little early for me to get there.
What would be the latest someone could turn up for B grade and get a start.
Gazza what time did B grade start?
We started bang on 6:20, latest should be 6:10, but if you let me know you are coming can probably let this go a bit later. I might be changing the time to a bit later and running A & B together
Thanks will see if its posible too at least to make it too a couple of them.
GDay Crew
Am keen to get into this Short Track Race series but would be a short track race virgin,
Do we need to be a Memeber of a Mtn bike Club??? Am looking to join Manly Warringah??
Do we need a racing licence?? If so where can we get these?? Annual??
Any advice would be appreciated
I attended a race with Matt here once and you know what? at the end of the first lap nobody was waiting for me to regroup, the buggers just kept riding further and further away from me. A few mongrels even laped me.
Not very social I'll tell you!!!!
(bloody over achievers)
Salad is what food eats
You turned up to the wrong event... the NoBMoB 'St Ives' social ride started at THills...
Pieboy - You are able to simply turn up and race but you will have to pay $15 for a day license (on top of the entry fee). Getting a license through any club is usually for 1 year (not sure if they have half year licenses) and you can obtain more info by simply visiting the club websites.
Here are a few local ones:
A full list of NSW clubs can be found here: