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Lane Cove / Sth Turamurra

Been there once..... Quite a good ride with a mixture of firetrail and a section of single track.
Meet at the end of Canoon Road, off Kissing Point Road. There are netball courts and tennis courts so parking is not a problem.
Once entered the area, there are series of firetrails within the area which extends as far as Pennant Hills and Wahroonga.
Some good size water bars on the firetrails for those who loves a bit of air. There is a nice single track (technical in one section) but I can't quite remember where it starts (West side of the area). Towards the bottom of the single track where the technical bit is, someone installed a metal rail right across the track - obviously to prevent riders from flying down too fast. Someone must have had a nastly stack before.
By the time we were back at the car park (via a different firetrail), we have done about 10kms in total. Not a long ride but its quite enjoyable. I will try to take some pitures when I get there next.
Happy riding
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"Meet at the end of Canoon Road, off Kissing Point Road. There are netball courts and tennis courts so parking is not a problem."
It is now!!!! was there to let the kids ride and the BIG car park is closed!!!!!!
only open for Sports days!!!!!
Bernd - this was what we were talking about
Let me know
This park is huge and has plenty of riding of all levels.
I have done plenty of riding around the Turramurra side through to Epping area and also there is a demanding ride out to De Burghs bridge. Have not really been riding over the eastern side of the park.
I usually start at Hornsby along the Highway, ride to the end of Kissing Point road (Turramurra)and down the concrete path, there are signs with trails marked so stop and have a look at where you wish to ride then go for it!
One thing to be wary of is riding on single track (walking trails), the rangers regulaly patrol these areas and will happily hand out fines etc for riding on walking trails. Easy thing to do here is not to ride these areas that way they won't close the whole area off.
The fire trails are not well maintained and suffer from erosion after rain. This however is not a reason to not ride here, I would class this park as the perfect training ground for a novice rider or someone willing to cruize for a moring/arvo ride.
I used to ride Penno Park/Lane Cove every Sat until I found NobMob. There is two single tracks that I know of that is rideable and won't cost you anything if caught on it
You can park on Britannia Street Pennant Hills.
Follow the street that goes into the park, past the netball courts. Keep to your left and you should see the fire trail entrance. Follow this trail for a bit. You will come to a junction where you can turn right, turn right there. Behind the archery range. Follow this trail down to the bottom and explore from there.
If anyone is up for a tour, drop me a pm.
well, soon, I already said I'll ride the "Manly Dam ride on Sunday?"
our local one soon...
before i discovered better trails, all i rode was lane cove area..if u start from baronia park u can actually ride right through to as far as turramurra-well u used but i think its mainly illegal now as alot of it is the great noth walk..
however, there is a trail i know of that is pretty sweet that runs through the back of magdala park (boronia park area) ..u start by going down from high st and linking up with the ridiculously steep thorn st. (i had a friend who used to sprint up this hill on a kona stinky -no joke!) and there u will link up with a trail that follows all the way along parrallel to pittwater road, till it finds its way through a swampy area to magdala park..ride alongside the park keeping an eye out to the left for a big uphill grass area that looks like it goes to houses and nowhere (just before the carpark) then at the very top of the hill just before the house there there is a single track to the left that runs right back and through a few jumps to a downhill , finishing back awasys on the trail u were on before...
like i say, may not be legal, but i have done many times, is quite fun, and is probably the closest trail to the city there is!~
I have just moved to Chatswood and plan to get very lost with my new GPS in Lane Cove this weekend. Will let you all know how the trails are on the Eastern side of De Burghs bridge to Turramurra/Epping and Cheltnham if my body holds up.
Take great care east of the Bridge. When I first started riding about 3 years ago I headed to the rangers office to ask where we could ride. Armed with the knowledge that firetrails were all OK I thought there would be lots of spots that side. Generally yes but not always the case. As far as they are concerned you can only ride it if they can get their 4 wheel drives down it unless it is signposted otherwise. This rules all out the single track east of DeBurghs Bridge. For some reason it also rules out most of the fire trail east of De Burghs Bridge as well, nearly everything I have found that side is marked no bikes, walkers only, certainly from the river end of the trails, I think this is largely due to the popularity of the park with picnicers and walkers.
West of the bridge though appears to be open slather, they actually recommended I went up to Thornleigh and then ride the trails east from there back down into the valley and even gave me a good description of what I would find. Apparently this section of the Great North Walk is also OK to ride, but don't quote me on that if a Ranger wants to slap a fine on you or worse still, take your ride.
Happy trails
Moving to the area in August and not wanting to sell my xc bike for a roadbike...
Hello, I'm new to this site, but thought I could help out here. It's all good in this area. I live in Thornleigh and ride through the upper Lane Cove Valley two to three times a week. Generally alone, but sometimes with a riding buddy. I start at Pennant Hills Park and have a number of routes that I follow depending on how much time I've got, ranging from 18 to 50+ KMs. There's plenty of variety including fast fire trails, single track and lots of hills if you're looking for them... also a variety of scenery including some rainforest. Perhaps I could write up a few suggested routes if anyone's interested, and I'm happy to show people around. I generally ride early on Saturday or Sunday, and I usually do a night ride every week. Don't worry gtwanabee... you don't need to start shaving your legs yet.