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Morgan's picture

By Morgan - Posted on 04 December 2008

Sunday, 7 December, 2008 - 11:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it's raining, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Ourimbah State Forest
Meeting Point: 

North End of Red Hill Rd, Ourimbah State Forest. There's a large-ish parking area here, just off the main sealed road. There is also a smaller parking area a little further (400m or so from the road) where the trail splits - this second area is the usual meeting point. If you end up driving up a steep hill you've gone too far.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.


I didn't make it on Wednesday night and seeing as Harry is doing his chops about it I want to see the track. And after last weekend in the Blueys I'm PUMPED for singletrack!

I haven't done it before so will be exploratory pace (well, the first lap anyway.....)

If there's any racing going on there that I don't know about please let me know, otherwise I'll be there unless it's too wet.

Meet in the larger car park listed above (I don't know it but I'm sure it's easy).

Who's in?
sensai_miagi, Morgan, Riz, bluray
sensai_miagi Morgan Riz bluray
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sensai_miagi's picture

hey morgan, weather forecast is for a 'shower or two' sunday...are you sure you don't want to go sat arvo with me?

Morgan's picture

Forecast for Saturday is for late shower also - it's pot luck at the moment. I can't do Saturday otherwise I'd go, so Sunday it is. However, I'm changing it to 11am as someone wants to do the Jump training then come up...

Riz's picture

Thanks for changing the time mate, Ourimbah is a great flowing track, we did a night a few weekends ago, hope I can remember the way it should't be too difficult.

I'm in Carlingford so perhaps we can car pool (in my case van pool)

sensai_miagi's picture

alright... i give in....i'd rather ride with some others and risk rain than go solo today. see you there. Hey Riz...can you fit three in your van?

bluray's picture

was going to go today but too hungover see you tomorrow.

alchemist's picture

The NSWMTB DH Masters is on Sunday, so car park will be fairly full

Riz's picture

three bikes no worries... three guys up front, cozy! It's not a long trip, so it would be fine.

Riz's picture

Thanks Rob,

do you think it's still worth going? Would sections of the XC track be closed or is the event in another area?


bluray's picture

should be o.k. i often ride there when downhill events are on, just need to use caution when you go past the bottom of the downhill track.

Morgan's picture

I'll be heading up in the ute so youze 2 can arrange to meet wherever.

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