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Bernd's picture

By Bernd - Posted on 10 December 2008

Saturday, 13 December, 2008 - 11:00

The meeting times are 'ready to ride'. If you need time to prepare equipment then please arrive a few minutes earlier.

2 hours
Come Rain or Shine: 
If it has rained on this trail today, I won't be there.
Ride Database Entry: 
Terrey Hills / Duffys Forest
Meeting Point: 

Park opposite/beside Terrey Hills shops, corner Booralie Rd/Yulong Ave. Or in the small carpark next to the RFS station & community centre.

Show on Google maps: Meeting point. Login or register to get directions.

Manly Dam is closed!
we may ride TH , Duck and centre Track or, or....

Who's in?
Bernd, christine, GeordieAndy
Bernd christine GeordieAndy
What Happened?

Were you there and have a story to tell?

Ride Gallery
christine's picture

this is becoming a regular thing us riding together again now!!!
i will only be doing one lap though ...well, i intend (cough cough) to ride down, meet you, do a lap and ride home..

MEE Smiling

Bernd's picture

.. I look forward to it!! I may talk u into a 2nd lap...

GeordieAndy's picture

I'm not interrupting anything am I?!!!! Smiling

Bernd's picture

... I have to think about that one, Andy!!
but I did say up to 8, so you are no 3! all ok....

lance's picture

go away...



christine's picture

to be lovely weather tomorrow - rather warm in fact
Bernd...if you change anything can you text me... just in case you have forgotten i don't have a computer at home!
Lance! haven't seen you for ages hey!

MEEE Smiling

Bernd's picture

... weather will be good, take some water!!!
it will go ahead 11am as posted.

GeordieAndy's picture

None of this no riding in the wet nonsense Smiling

Bernd's picture

where we come from we have to ride in the rain, or we would only ride 3 day's a year!!!!

Bruce's picture

Remember the good old days of the drought, no rain for years was tops Eye-wink

Stuart M's picture

Its always bloody wet

Let there be light

Bernd's picture

and Andy and Lance, I have to say that Rain maybe a killer for our ride tomorrow.
We have to check in the morning, as I do not want to ride and create trail damage.
we see in the morning, I will sms everyone.

LadyToast's picture

Got this in an email today:

We are not officially closing the bike trail after rain this time however this email is a quick reminder for riders to keep of the Manly Dam bike trail for a least a few days after rain. The amount of rain we've received today and during the week is significant enough to result in the track becoming water logged in places.

The track dries out quickly and the amount of trail damage is dramatically reduced if riders stick to this wet weather 'rule'.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Manly Dam Rangers

Bernd's picture

Lady Toast, I got the e-mail,too!
we will see how TH is at 11am @ 34C.!!???!?!*)&$

lance's picture

Hey all,

I won't make it tomorrow - too much rain for me... i have uni work to do anyway Sad

But i'll be out soon!


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