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What's IN or OUT in 2009?

LIKIT's picture

By LIKIT - Posted on 13 January 2009

Hey MTBrs - I'm new to the MTB wrld, live near Oxy falls, Manly Dam, Red Hill etc.... Hear Oxy Falls is out for MTBing?, also RedHill? Can anyone really clarify what trails are IN or OUT around the Northern Beaches. Is there a trail booklet or such that warns where you can or cant ride?

Don't want to get caught for being naive or ill informed. Want to ensure MTBrs are well respected etc..

Hope this blog works o.K - virgin bogger !


Rob's picture

Hey there's no such book, we try and limit trail discussion here on the site to legal trails only, so unless we say it's illegal you should be OK. Of course you should double check with the land owner first, etc, etc, etc.

There are some simple rules you could follow:

1. If it's a firetrail, in national park, or reserve, or any non-private (and private land owners are much better at signposting 'Keep Out' than council/NPWS) you should be OK.

2. If it's single track in national park stay away. Unless there's a bike sign (only place I know like that around here is bottom of the Oaks).

3. Unless you see a 'Crown Land' or 'Council Reserve' or something like that, assume you are in a National Park, even though NPWS are too slack to put signposts everywhere.



P.S. If you don't like the mess and confusion write to your MP and tell them so!

LIKIT's picture

THANKS ROB - GOOD ADVISE. Pretty straight forward and its best to start on the right foot. Actually I spoke to NPWS today as I was up at the Perimeter track - Terry hills as I wasn't 100% sure which track I could use etc..., they are sending me these new brochures which they advised shows the trails and tracks where Bikes are not allowed or where it's O.K to ride. Also shows where horses, motorbikes etc...are allowed or not. I'll let you know if these are more detailed or such. Might try to copy/photo them and post them up on NobMob somewhere if its helpful?

Rob's picture

Yeah - we might link to them or something. Can't copy their material.

Only they don't mark all the firetrails as bike friendly, which they are. I have written to NPWS about this and have a letter saying they will fix it in the next release. This was a long time back. If they've updated their maps would be interesting to take a look.

If you know where they can be downloaded from that would be good info.

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