You are hereWhich is the most important admin task for NoBMoB?
Which is the most important admin task for NoBMoB?
Create for the scummers.
0% (0 votes)
Redesign the theme as the site looks dated.
8% (5 votes)
I can't work anything here, make it all easier!
0% (0 votes)
Some userbility issues (I've commented with what I mean).
8% (5 votes)
Create so I have a snappier interface on my mobile device.
5% (3 votes)
Make the forums look more traditional (avatars, get rid of threadding, etc).
8% (5 votes)
Include a single Google Adsense in the 'You might like' rotation as I've seen all the rest a zillion times!
3% (2 votes)
It's all good by me - just go to the pub or take a ride.
66% (39 votes)
Total votes: 59
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for when people are responding to something some one else has said. Something similar to MTBR, sorry for the comparison, this is my favourite site. Otherwise mate I'd say its all tops
Ok, maybe a spell checker to keep the campers happy
Let there be light
That counts as a 'make the forums more traditional' vote Stuart.
I think the most useful thing would be the possibility to edit/delete our own posts at all times
then no, that's not what I meant. I like the current format, I am only talking about one more button at the bottom of a post that lets you quote a particular thing said by some one. I don't see the needs for avitars etc.
Tom, the problem with that is if you can edit it after some one else has made another comment, then their comment can become totally irrelevant, depending on the change you have made. I like the way it is now, your comments are locked in once there has been another reply. It also stops people from flaming some one to get a reaction, and then once that reaction has been gained, changing the original comment to make the response look totally unwarranted.
Let there be light
Besides the "^top^" link at the right side of the page, how about a "^bottom^" (er, Stuart, easy now!!) link so we can navigate around more easily?
Also, when a forum topic page goes over one page, you can only navigate to page 2 or 3 from the bottom. Can we get the page numbers at the top too?
Avatars are cool. It just personalises the site to make it feel more inclusive to the users. Plus, we could let Stuart net search our avatars for us. He has the time.
How about a "Video" tab where people can link onto that page the videos they have taken when riding, or created themselves?
Hi Rob
I agree a quote button would be nice sometimes, with the ability to quote more than one person.
Style wise I wouldn't say no to a change but not because there is anything wrong with the current style, more because it's nice to have a change once in a while and keep things fresh. I vote for blue or green. Another plus to changing the style is that everyone at my work won't know I'm on the site all day, for a while anyway
It would be cool if PM email alerts could contain the text of the PM, although I guess security reasons might prevent this?
I don't mind avatars, as long as they don't slow the sight/site down and are suitably sized. Just don't allow anyone to embed a load of crap in their signatures. I like the speed of naviagtion right now, putting too much will make the pages harder to scroll.
Most web browsers have spell check these days, no need to have that (I assume that was a joke Stuart though you ommited the smiley).
I don't have a problem using Opera Mobile to view the site as it is, I assume iPhones don't have any problems either as they scale well.
That all said, the site is pretty good as it is, with some very cool features. I would love to see the weather tab included as a link or embedded in the rides pages.
I mean do any of you take anything I say too seriously anyway?
Let there be light
Rob, another request. Can you make the website put a smiley at the end of every line Stuart says?
Why don't I just ban Stuart? I'm sure that would be a better outcome for all!
Ban him.
If you ban me then the user content will be drastically cut and when you google something mountain biking Nobmob wll never appear as the site will no longer get enough hits to register on the Google radar.
:) :)
Now f$%k off and get back to work the lot of you
Don't take that too seriously guys
Let there be light
who are you going to turn to for your cheap parts?
Yes you know who you are, and while I'm at it.
Blondie will still want company for the 100km DW and I don't see too many of you putting your hand up to spend 10hrs in the saddle with her for company. The things I do around here that just go unappreciated
Let there be light
Give Stuart his own sealed section.....Hmmmmmm....Bike Porn
He can use his initials for the name "S&M" (you all know what I mean!)
The Liver is Evil and must be punished
I have a problem; it’s only a small one.
I hate when I reply to a comment then hit preview, I sometimes (often) forget to go back down to the bottom of the page to hit submit.
It really pisses me off after I spend many minutes drafting something ridiculously ridiculously wise and funny, mind you this seams to happen late at night for some odd reason
Could you put the submit button on top so I can see it and be reminded OR could you have a pop up say “are you sure you want to discard this post with out submitting”… know something for the dummies.
With Love
The Liver is Evil and must be punished
Quote: Pikey
I have a problem; it’s only a small one.
Mate, not everybody needs to know that surely.
I don't think an open mountain bike forum is the place to fess up to that sort of thing.
But while we're on the subject
I think we need a nude section like the old Cleo mags 'mate of the month'
Maybe 'nob of the month'
For those riders who like to get their gear off in their spare time
Just a thought
Aside from that I like that this site is different from Farkin and MTBR
And the colour of the site is the colour of the Mighty Premiership Winning Eagles who also reside on the Northern beaches
"10 hours in the saddle with Blondie"!! The mind boggles
That's probably more of a workout than 100km !!
... 10h? r u planing to spent 2h in the bush with Blondie?
Having seen other comments I now have some.
1) Can you make it a little user friendly for those not too computer literate, I still can't get a frigg'n smiley face to appear and I'm stuffed if I know what an avitar is.
2) I hope I spelt avitar correctly, but I don't know how to go and see other comments to check the spelling without losing this comment. So maybe allow draft comments to be saved and completed and posted at a later time.
3) Can you arrange for an email to be sent when you get a PM.
4) Blackberry - login on via Blackberry takes you to the top of a thread and scrolling down long threads by rollerball is a pain. Can you have a link at the top of a thread that takes you to the bottom of a thread.
5) Spell checker.
6) For some reason (and this only happened recently) when I type comments, as you type the text doesn't wrap, it continues to scroll to the right (funny it didn't happen just now), can we have wrap at page width.
7) Can you arrange for PM's to be sent to multiple people at once.
quote Paul "6) For some reason (and this only happened recently) when I type comments, as you type the text doesn't wrap, it continues to scroll to the right (funny it didn't happen just now), can we have wrap at page width."
Yes, I forgot that one... happens to me as well.
Paul, use Firefox web browser, it comes with spell checkers built in and you can add others as you need- and it's free. I don't have to scroll to the top of the page.
9) Use plain English in the "Help" section.
Other than that - fabulous site
1) For the code list of smileys go to the link "More information about formatting options" at the bottom when you compose a message.
3) It does send an email when you get a new PM - it's a setting, default I believe?
5) Firefox spell checker like Dylan said!
But some ppl don't have the admin privileges to install new programs i.e. FF if accessing the site from a work pc/laptop, so that solution may not be viable...
The rest of, there's no friggen excuse!
How about our own redish theme browser, based on FF open source code, it will only work for and a couple of bike p0rn sites. It will come pre-installed with a russian spell checker. Rob compile time!
Then you need to use Portable Firefox , runs off a thumb drive or even a CD I believe.
Assuming your Orwellian bosses allow you to connect USB devices to your machines.
I second all of your comments 100% ( and GO MANLY!)
Oh! the only change I would like is, when there is a new comment added to an active conversation if the link went to the most recent comment rather than the top...
oh Rob why did you ask everyone!! YOu poor thing!
oh shit! i don't agree with Andy other than the Manly thing - I just re-read his post.... noooooooooooo
That's a strange suggestion about the nude section but we do already have a photographer (Pikey of course) that likes to take pics of semi nude guys and Gazza who loves to pose. I can also see Beany would like to advertise his wares and possibly he would like to team a shot up with, well almost anyone. I guess we have to cater to all tastes in this day and age.
Christine, don't tell me you wouldn't sneak a peak at the sealed section.
if you had anyone with a nice 6 pack in the right place I may be a inquisitive...
I have a six pack in the fridge right now - does that mean I win
I thought my suggestion might attract more female riders
But after Christine and Pauls comments
And considering what's in the uncensored section at the moment
Perhaps not
As we are the leading MTB bike group (non club) in Sydney it’s time we had NoBMoB banners and gazebo/sun shade hut thingy’s.
Fully emblazoned with our logo and colours.
A simple free-will donation into a nominated account of say $20 each active member would deck us out in all of the above.
We have many contacts within our group that I'm sure could help (cost + 10%)
We turn up to event after event with no recognition of "US" it’s time this changed.
(Details to follow)
Someone was supposed to be in charge of getting a banner quote. Think they have been too busy painting their nails or something though. Humf!
BTW, we do have a small slush fund from T7 kick backs. It paid for the new server, think it could also pay for this.
What about adding a year to rides posted so people don't get confused when someone posts rides that happened years ago.
FWIW I saw a banner at the oval near Warriewood Square (John Blackwood Oval I think) advertising banners costing $120. The size I would estimate 250cm by 60cm. I have no idea if this is a good price or not.
We could also put in place a voluntary gold coin donation for all NobMob rides to funds these miscellaneous purchases with the remainder each year put towards the Christmas BBQ.
Wasn't there talk of the regulars putting in for a helmet cam as well
Would be good on some rides to get good helmet footage
Riders could borrow it on trips away as well
We could use Stu's, but it would be better if we had one that worked (joking Stu)
You know, even if this thread doesn't result in some intelligent suggestions, at least it's good for a laugh!
Something tells me Rob opened a can of worms with this one.
P.S. The idea of being able to quote is a very good one, and would help immeasurably. I also think avatars would be nice but not really necessary. Otherwise the site works well right now.
2 minor, low priority usability suggestion: (great site otherwise!)
1) When clicking through the photo galleries, it would be handy to have a next >> or << previous button next to the image.
Makes it easier to click through.
2) Maybe include an email subscription field "subscribe to newsletters/updates"
Good for admin mailouts for e.g. trail advocacy news, Manly dam closure due to wet weather etc.
Cheers, Hans
Happiness is warm shock.
For next/prev - click the thumbs at the bottom.
Groups are kindof mailing lists, but we very rarely mail them. In fact you should know the trail advocacy group is the only one that ever gets anything sent to it. Mailing lists... old hat - use the forum
Erm... maybe I install this later then:
Given half the people don't actually reply to the comment they are replying to (most people just comment on the main post, which if you have threaded comments on is sometimes confusing) one wonders how well it would go? Worth a try though I guess.
Using tags - simple or not so much?
What also tends to happen is that ppl end up quoting pretty much everything i.e. forgetting to edit/trim the part/post they need and then the thread explodes even further...
Very true junkie. But how do you use quotes and not have that happen?
And 'encouraging' ppl to use the < blockquote > < /blockquote > tags instead, should hopefully limit the amount of text quoted...
and that'll do me.
Remember you are talking to someone that has no computer knowledge at all.
Maybe Rob a "sticky" page that has short cuts for people like
If you want to type in italics copy and paste this, if you want to quote copy and paste this either end of quote, if you want to write in bold do this etc etc
Let there be light
It would be nice to have the option of getting a daily update of your subscriptions rather than one for every comment.
When you reply to any thread/post etc. you are presented with the standard form that includes a "Subject" field and a "Comment" box.
Underneath that are some basic points for replying (although they could be presented slightly better mod ) and underneath that, there is hyper linked text "More information about formatting options" that takes you here:
Again, maybe if the content was presented differently for users that aren't familiar with HTML (I'm guessing here) then more ppl would use other features that go unnoticed?
To quote something from a post within a particular thread, you use the <blockquote> tag. So if you were to quote what you said in your 3rd line (of this comment, you would type/cut and paste the text (Ctrl c, then Ctrl v) in the comment box after placing the blockquote tag:
<blockquote>Maybe Rob a "sticky" page that has short cuts for people like</blockquote>
Your result would be this:
Just always remember to close your tag (no innuendos please) by placing the </blockquote> after the text you want to quote otherwise your entire reply will be quoted.
I've read and re-read this thread but I'm only comprehending half of what is said. (I tried a smiley did it work).
Alysum and Dylan - I'm on a work PC which is locked down so I can't load Firefox, but I would still like a spellchecker.
Shaun - "And 'encouraging' ppl to use the < blockquote > < /blockquote > tags instead, should hopefully limit the amount of text quoted..." Fog index = 100, sorry mate I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Edited - Shaun just saw your post it makes a little bit more sense, but what is the problem of copy and pasting and just using " and "
Stuart likewise with "Maybe Rob a "sticky" page that has short cuts for people like.."
Rob - possible enhancement. When I'm looking at the large pictures I click on the thumbnail and the large version appears at half screen. To view the whole picture I need to scroll down. To get to the next picture I then need to scroll down further and find the thumbnails where I select the next picture. The large picture then appears at half screen and I repeat the process. Is there a way to set it up so that the picture appears in full screen with a previous/next button on the same screen.
No problem with that, just highlighting the fact that there is currently an option to quote someone's post and thus negating the need for a quote module... and the potential pitfalls of having a quote button readily available...
Yes... change your monitor to 1024x768 or greater and run your browser full screen.
Look... correct use of < blockquote > above
..but I have a good new monitor, wide screen, but it's only 410mm x 250mm.
Yours must be the size of a frigg'n plasma.
Is there a way to stop the notification emails being sent every time a message is updated?
I just got Shaun's post update notification 6 times, he's not THAT important
in your profile and make use of the "my unseen" tab at the top of the home page everytime you visit.
Let there be light