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Looking back on the weekend it's hard to believe that for most (only one injury) Saturday seemed pretty much like the perfect day. I don't know how the other guys travelled, but Arpit, Fargs and I made an easy journey to Red Hill road, arriving maybe 20 minutes ahead of time. Without a doubt this was due to Arpit's directions as both turns from the freeway (it's left then left again at the next 'T') would have been wrong were it left to my sense of direction.
The rest of the gang turned up pretty much on time with the exception of Fargs' pommie mate, although timing would be the least of his worries (see 'messy' later). It was nice to see such a great turn out - and also such a relaxed bunch. Everyone seemed happy to relax until all were set for the off...
First up was that 200 vertical climb to the top of the downhill course, then a bit of milling around and trepidation before Arpit lead the way. The first run was taken slowly, stopping for many pics and inspection of the course (this being the run which saw state downhill championships the previous week). Being a course for the pros, as one would expect there were plenty of chances for air, but us being... erm... well, not-pros, we politely refused at every chance, preferring instead to roll down steps and drops. All safely at the bottom we took the easy route back up top (in various cars and a van) for a second attempt which (for some at least) was a lot quicker, and for some a lot messier.
There was a feeling after this we might splinter into XC/DH groups, but (aside from Arpit who left for a while!) that didn't happen (quiet) and a couple of laps of the excellent XC trails followed. It's, "almost", as there were a few moments in there where we almost lost one or to guys. Whenever this happened though, good judgement luck brought us back together after circling in the maze like trails for a while.
It ended up with a few beers and plenty of banter in the ever present sunshine (and comfortably for some thanks to the sofa Bernd brought along). All in all, an excellent day in a top, top area with both a fired up, but relaxed Mob - many will be back for sure!
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and makes me wish I'd got off my sorry ass and joined ya'all!
I just wanted to thank everyone for the great ride and time I had on Saturday. Really looking forward to riding with you all again – and getting back to Ourimbah.
Bernd mentioned the Sparrow Hill near Canberra was also a great place to ride – anyone up for a day trip sometime in the future? From the sound of it, Sparrow is lots of singletrack like Ourimbah, but amongst the pine cones. Works for me.
Hi all, the discussion about Sparrow Hill has been moved here.
Bring it on!